Latest News by Nancy Thomas

A woman standing in front of a golf course.

Nancy Thomas

Founder & Publisher


Nancy Thomas, a lifelong Rhode Islander, has been a marketing and public relations consultant, and a recognized writer. Her passion for all kinds of news - all things in the Rhode Island geography - and her desire to support journalists and writers - is the inspiration behind

RINewsToday is a daily digital news site focusing on news of interest to people primarily in the greater Rhode Island geography. We are a 501 C 3 nonprofit and in 2024 we enter our 8th year of publication. Approximately 15 writers contribute their expertise to RINewsToday. We also enjoy creative relationships with Ocean State Stories, the Rhode Island Current, and others, for cross-use of content.

Nancy Thomas is the founder and publisher of RINewsToday. With over 30 years in public relations and marketing, including owning her own firm, Tapestry Communications, Thomas’ experience is heavy in the health arena, and public service campaigns. In addition to owning her own firm, Thomas ran the state’s voter education effort behind passage of a bond referendum creating the first, statewide Enhanced 9-1-1 system in the US, and supported the American Heart Association, followed by Landmark Medical Center as VP of Communications. She is an established freelance writer who has received numerous writing awards, including the Metcalf Media Award, RI Community and Justice for journalistic accomplishment, diversity and inclusion – and the Edward L. Bernays Award, Public Relations Society of America, military honors campaign – and won the New York City tourism #NYCPoetweet Award.


