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Portugalidade! Renaming India Street to Portugal Parkway part of RI Day of Portugal events
Rhode Island Day of Portugal is in announcing a series of events and recognitions that will be happening in Rhode Island during the month of June.
An invitation for the street renaming is the cornerstone of the events:
On June 10th at 12:00PM everyone is invited to attend this one-of-a-kind street naming celebration. (India Point Park Overpass, on the steps overlooking the park and river).

The road along India Point Park and the river will now be known as Portugal Parkway. This is a special tribute to all Portuguese, especially to all those who have deep roots in the Fox Point neighborhood. Hoping for broad hope community’s support, please attend and support RI Day of Portugal by showing your Portuguese Pride – “Portugalidade”.
“Following this ceremony everyone is invited to proceed downtown Providence to the Bank on Newport City Center, where the RI Day of Portugal Festival will be underway. Happy Day of Portugal to everyone!” – Orlando M. Mateus – Day of Portugal

Providence City Councilor, John Goncalves, who is also a candidate for the Congressional District 1 seat, said of his resolution which sought the renaming and was passed by the Providence City Council:
“This honorary designation of India Street to Portugal Parkway is a tribute to the many men and women of Portuguese descent who helped build the Fox Point neighborhood. I’m proud to help celebrate the history and contributions that Portuguese people made in Providence and Rhode Island.”
The resolution notes the historical significance of Fox Point as a source of entrance for Portuguese immigrants in the United States – becoming the “heart of Portuguese immigration” as far back as 1865. The resolution also notes the ridicule many Portuguese faced, but their resilience is staying in the area and developing businesses, religious, and family community. The renaming is seen as “a dignified commemoration of the Portuguese heritage which pioneered and helped build the Fox Point neighborhood and brought strength and economic prosperity to the State of Rhode Island”..
From Mayor Brett Smiley:
“Portuguese Americans have a proud and storied history in Providence, which is why I am excited to participate in the Day of Portugal flag raising and the ceremonial designation of Portugal Parkway. Our Portuguese residents have enhanced every part of our community and this moment will celebrate these contributions for generations to come.”

PALCUS (Portuguese American Leadership Council of the United States) issued their Statement of Support on renaming India Street in Fox Point:
“As the only national Portuguese-American organization, PALCUS has defined as part of its mission, the commitment to serving the community through the promotion of a greater awareness of ethnic accomplishments.
It is in this vein that PALCUS fully supports the efforts to rename India Street, located in the Fox Point neighborhood of Providence, Rhode Island, to Portugal Parkway.
Rhode Island is the most Portuguese state by percentage of population and Fox Point is a crucial piece of the history of Portuguese immigration to New England. Portuguese immigration to Fox Point dates back to the late 19th century and the Portuguese community has a long-standing history of contributing to the economic growth and vitality of Fox Point.
Renaming India Street to Portugal Parkway, is a more than fitting homage to the Portuguese community that still thrives in Fox Point. It also honors and acknowledges the ancestors of this same community that fearlessly paved the way, making Fox Point what it is today.
Sincerely – Katherine Soares, Chair, Board of Directors
PALCUS released a list of how many Rhode Islanders in the RI legislature were of Portuguese descent:
Anna Sousa – East Providence City Council Ward 2
Anthony Ferreira – East Providence School Board
Antonio A. Teixeira – Bristol Town Council
Barbara Ann Fenton-Fung – RI House District 15
Charlene Lima – RI House District 14
Deborah A. Fellela – RI House District 43
Gordon E. Rogers – RI Senate: District 21
Jessica de la Cruz – RI Senate: District 23
Joseph J. Solomon – RI House District 22
Peter F. Neronha – RI Attorney General
Robert E. Craven – RI House District 32
Robert DaSilva – Mayor of East Providence
Raymond A. Hull – RI House: District 6
Susan R. Donovan – RI House District 69
Thomas E. Noret – RI House District 25
Flag Raisings
In addition to this keystone event, 10 Rhode Island cities/towns will be raising the Portuguese flag in separate ceremonies and the flag will stay up for the month:

War Memorial
In May, a memorial was dedicated to Portugese and Luso-American men and women who have served our country – it is at the Veterans Cemetery in Exeter:

For more events happening throughout the state, go to:

NOTE: RINewsToday is a PALCUS member