Jeff Gross




Sep 3 2020

Take out what you take in

by Jeff Gross, contributing writer One would think by now that after 50 years of anti-litter ads we would be ...

Aug 25 2020

“Trumptilla” by sea – and by land

by Jeff Gross, contributing writer Just like in Normandy in June 1944, an armada approached the Rhode Island shores in ...

Aug 11 2020

I choose the VA Health System…every time

Many years ago, two good friends of mine, Jesse Jeselonis and Ron Camaioni, recommended becoming part of the VA Health ...

May 23 2020

Gone fishin’ – in Rhode Island

by Jeffrey Gross, contributing writer As Memorial day is almost upon us, the trout fishing is starting to improve. The ...
A close up image of an american flag.

May 18 2020

On Freedom… Jeff Gross

by Jeffrey Gross, contributing writer Updated: April 1, 2022 - It seems appropriate to revisit this column where I opined ...

May 2 2020

Social Distance Trout Fishing

When COVID-19 entered the USA, the virus disrupted a lot. Severely impacted, and currently unnecessary, is Social Distance Trout Fishing. Social Distance ...

Apr 2 2020

What we do & how we do it. Looking at every little thing to get our lives back

By Jeff Gross, contributing writer The Government acknowledged that COVID-19 lives on plastic/metal for up to 48 hours.  All winter ...

Mar 22 2020

A SitRep on Grocery Shopping in the days of Coronavirus

by Jeff Gross, contributing writer When I was in the Military we would provide the Commanding officer with a "SITREP". ...

Mar 15 2020

USA – #CoronavirusStrong

by Jeff Gross, contributing writer With the impending crisis this writer decided to do the unthinkable.  I needed a few essentials ...

Mar 9 2020

The World Needs Rebels

By Jeff Gross, contributing writer 2 years ago someone I highly admire made the comment to me, "The world needs ...