Archive for February 2020
“House Slave” and the “N-word” used on floor of the RI House of Representatives
By Jim Vincent, contributing writer – NAACP & RINewsToday (Photo: Whitney Plantation, Big House, Elsa Hahne, Smithsonian Institution) Background: A public interchange on the floor of the House of Representatives Feb. 13th involved Rep. Anastasia Williams taking to the microphone at her desk to fight back against a fellow legislator – later said to have…
Read MoreCats & Dogs Workin’ on the Railroad
by Jeff Gross, contributing writer In the field of Model Railroading pets can have a major impact on one’s layout. Dogs are often content to watch the trains roll by like fish in a tank. Cats are another story. Cats most times want to be right in the middle of the action. Often knocking over rolling…
Read MoreShould Journalism address Solutions?
RINewsToday had the opportunity to participate in a focus group conducted in Rhode Island, part of a New England project to determine how people want to receive their news, what is good and bad about what is available, etc. Various media outlets were invited to attend. Present were ABC6, the Boston Globe, ConvergenceRI, EcoRI, the…
Read MoreRI Weekend Weather Wrap: Sat & Sun, 2/15-16/2020
By Jack Donnelly, weather Saturday 2/15/20: Cold air and high pressure dropping in from Canada will settle in and chill us to the bone early Saturday with low temps threatening the single digits. Despite the development of a weakly warming southwesterly breeze, afternoon highs will still fall short of the freezing mark. Lots of sun,…
Read MoreVirginia Gives Some Valentine’s Love to their Motorists
(from the RI Center for Freedom and Prosperity) Families and businesses in the state of Virginia were given a dose of Valentine’s Day love this week, when political leaders announced that the state would not join the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) compact this year, saving Old Dominion motorists from paying up to 17 cents…
Read MoreThe Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in Rhode Island…Feb. 14, 2020
THE GOOD Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day – the day for love. Couples, parents, children, teachers, co-workers, students, pets! All those who hold our heart deserve a little candy today, some flowers, a special card with a note, dinner out, an email greeting, a phone call, a text message…a kiss. So, stop, put your phone down.…
Read MoreRI Foundation says “stay the course” on education reform
Short on substance, but big on financial support, the RI Foundation released their report, “Chart a Course, Stay the Course” – Rhode Island’s Path to a World Class Education System. The Rhode Island Foundation today announced that it is committing $1 million – above and beyond the Foundation’s annual grantmaking in education – to support…
Read MoreProvidence Art Club Winter Members’ Exhibition
The Providence Art Club will host its popular annual Winter Members’ Exhibition from February 16 – March 6, with over $5,000 in prizes being awarded by Awards Judge Marta Martinez, Founder and Executive Director of Rhode Island Latino Arts (RILA). The show will take place across all three of the Club’s galleries and will feature…
Read MoreRI Weather Today, Friday 2/14/20
By Jack Donnelly Cold front passes through and there’s no mistaking it, Midnight high in the upper 30’s will be cooling all through the day to a late evening low in the low 20’s, with the exception of a pause in the upper 20’s midday. High cloud cover trailing the front will disappear below the…
Read MoreGriefSpeak: Valentine’s Day for a Broken-Hearted Mom – Mari Nardolillo Dias
By Mari Nardolillo Dias, EdD, contributing writer on grief, grieving “The hardest thing I’ve ever had to hear was that my child died. The hardest thing I’ll ever have to do is to live every day since that moment.’ ( There is no time limit on grief. Today marks the 37th Valentine’s Day that Anna…
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