Bipartisan support needed to re-establish House Aging Committee – Herb Weiss

By Herb Weiss, contributing writer on aging issues It was almost like attending a 34th high school reunion.  After over three decades, an on-line meeting on April 25th, would bring five former senior staffers of the House Select Committee on Aging (HSCoA) and House Rules Committee back together to provide firsthand accounts to Maia Leeds, legislative assistant for Josh…

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Advocates, providers on new Nursing Home mandates – Herb Weiss

Advocates, Providers Talk Turkey About CMS’s New Nursing Home Mandate – Herb Weiss by Herb Weiss, contributing writer on aging issues In the shadow of Rhode Island’s ongoing staffing shortage, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its 329-page final rule on Nursing Home Minimum Staffing Standards (CMS 3442-F) on April 22 in…

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Shortage of direct care professionals a local and national concern – Herb Weiss

By Herb Weiss, contributing writer on aging issues Last week, at  the Senate Dirksen Building, Room SD-562,  Chairman Bob Casey, of the U.S. Special Committee on Aging, (D-PA), showcased S. 4120, legislation that he introduced with U.S. Senators Tim Kaine (D-VA), and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI). The Long-Term Care Workforce Support Act, introduced during the 118thCongress, would…

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Senior Agenda Coalition of RI unveils legislative agenda to packed house of seniors – Herb Weiss

By Herb Weiss, contributing writer on aging issues Last Wednesday, the main ballroom at the Crowne Plaza in Warwick was filled, to capacity. Hundreds came to the Senior Agenda Coalition of RI’s (SACRI)  2024 Legislative Leaders Forum to learn about the advocacy group’s issue priorities. House and Senate leadership, along with members of both caucuses…

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The “Forgotten Middle” study of income inequity of Black and Hispanic seniors – Herb Weiss

By Herb Weiss, contributing writer on aging issues Millions of Black and Hispanic middle-income older adults will lack the financial resources to pay for senior housing and health care expenses as they age, warns a new report released by NORC at the University of Chicago, commissioned by the Long-Beach, California-based SCAN Foundation, an independent public…

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