Rhode Island nursing home bill veto response – Herb Weiss

nursing home

By Herb Weiss, contributing writer on aging issues With the adjourning of the General Assembly on the early morning of June 14, out of thousands of bills thrown into the legislative hopper in this year’s legislative session, 249 bills passed both chambers.  At press time, Gov. Dan McKee has vetoed five bills, including one to create a Rhode Island…

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Benefits for seniors from Rhode Island’s next budget – Herb Weiss

RI State House

By Herb Weiss, contributing writer on aging issues Photo: Artistic Images, Pamela Bhatia With a 35-2 vote in the Senate early on Friday the Senate gave its approval for a $13.963 billion budget for the 2025 fiscal year, comprising 13 articles that direct additional funding toward education and children, raises Medicaid reimbursement rates, health care…

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New report re-examines workplace policies and caregiving – Herb Weiss

by Herb Weiss, contributing writer on aging issues As a newly released AARP and S&P Global report notes, working while being a caregiver is complicated.  While the researchers say that since the previously issued report in 2020, US employers have stepped up to the plate to offer access to caregiving benefits.  However, much more must be done. …

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Social Security changes expand access to SSI – Herb Weiss

Social Security changes helps people receiving/applying for SSI – Herb Weiss By Herb Weiss, contributing writer on aging issues Last week, the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced good news for Supplemental Security recipients.  The federal agency published a final rule on April 19, 2024, to – “Expand the Definition of a Public Assistance Household.” The regulation announces…

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