Archive for February 2025
Own less, live more – Mary Hunt
by Mary Hunt, contributing writer, What would you do if you had to use — let alone actually enjoy — everything you own? Truth be told, most of us will never live long enough to accomplish such an overwhelming requirement. Instead, we pack it, stack it and pile it away — even pay rent…
Read MoreAsk Chef Walter: Is frozen food good? – Chef Walter Potenza
by Chef Walter Potenza, contributing writer How to make the most out of frozen foods while saving money, time and effort. Friends: Pauline Z. from Ocean Ridge, Florida, recently asked me about the use of frozen food—whether it’s safe, how it affects quality, and if it compromises taste. Freezing is one of the best preservation methods,…
Read MoreGimme Shelter: Ed at the Providence Animal Control Center
Hey, I’m Ed – and some call me Ed Bighead! I came to PAC as a surrender when my humans couldn’t take me with them when they moved. I was sad and confused but the kind people at PAC thought I was a cutest with my big head and my big cheeks and my crinkle…
Read MoreHomeless in RI: How cold is too cold? UPDATED: 3 new shelters respond – no statewide shelter list
UPDATES in RED, BELOW No, it wasn’t that cold last night. Or, was it? The iffy predictions of meteorologists said maybe 32 for a low – yet it was about 28. And it snowed. Turning to sleet. Turning to hard rain. In Rhode Island there is no standard for when overnight shelters open and when…
Read MoreTo Do in RI: The Brown Derbies, Brown U’s a cappella group – at Linden Place
Enjoy a concert by The Brown Derbies, Brown University’s oldest uninterrupted tenor-through-bass a cappella group, on Saturday, February 22, 2025 at 3:00 PM in the historic Carriage House Ballroom, known for its ambiance. The Derbies are known for their energetic performances, expert musicianship, and unique sound. They sing tunes ranging from ’80s hits to modern…
Read MoreRhode Island Weather for Feb. 15, 2025 – Jack Donnelly
by Jack Donnelly, meteorologist Snow ahead of a low pressure system over the Great Lakes and eastern US will begin around 5 pm with 1 to 3 inches by midnight. Chilly, with a low around 20 and highs only in the low 30’s with a light southerly breeze. It’s a “C” day! ___ Follow John’s…
Read MoreIn the News… recap for week ending Feb. 15, 2025
Stories that hit the news in Rhode Island, the region, nationally and internationally – and passings of note. RHODE ISLAND & VICINITY Naval Station Newport is preparing for increased traffic volume at the installation beginning last Monday – a result of the Executive Order directing federal employees to return to their organizational work places. Massachusetts…
Read MoreBurn with Kearns: Burn fat. Lower blood pressure. Improve your health. – Kevin Kearns
by Kevin Kearns, contributing writer, fitness and exercise If you’re over 50 and looking to lose weight, lower triglycerides, blood sugar, and blood pressure, and shrink your waistline, the key might not be in long hours on the treadmill or lifting heavy weights—but in training like a fighter. And no, this doesn’t mean stepping into…
Read MoreHomeless in RI: Shelter opens, shelter closes. Memorial Hospital to take 120+ from Motel 6.
Open Doors planning to move shelter from Motel 6 to Memorial Hospital A building on the campus of Memorial Hospital will become a homeless shelter – once again – to be run by Open Doors. Residents will be moved from the Warwick Motel 6 shelter, as a first priority, with openings then going to people…
Read MoreOutdoors in RI: 2A local action, summertime jobs, hunting and fishing licenses, hiking plans
Photo: RIDEM – Seasonal workers can choose from summer jobs at a sandy beach, off the beaten path in a forest, aboard a research vessel in the Bay, and alongside environmental leaders working to protect, restore, and promote Rhode Island’s natural resources. RIDEM seeking Lifeguards Park Rangers, other Seasonal Positions The Rhode Island Department of…
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