July – with Patricia Glynn Olson – The Futurist

July? Just remember to laugh.

July – with Patricia Glynn Olson – The Futurist

Hello, everyone, and welcome to summer! It is sure to be an interesting few months for certain.

As we go into July we are getting ready to roll through MERCURY IN RETROGRADE for the balance of the month. As I have shared with you last month, this can be a very complicated time for some, while others may slide through it and wonder what all the fuss is about.

Mercury in Retrograde does not have to be a confusing time if you understand it and learn to laugh with it. I always giggle when something comes out not the way I have meant it, and just say, “Oops, that was Mercury in Retrograde, redo please.” Just admit the miscommunication, laugh at yourself, and communicate the right information. Simple. If it hits you in other areas of your astrological chart…home, love, work, then keep your wits about you and learn quickly! Happy home, Happy work environment, Happy love.

There have been a lot of people “passing over” this past month while traveling abroad, so please heed this, stay local if possible. No need to tempt fate (MIR) right now.

Losing someone is a life altering experience to put it lightly. The passing of a loved one is a freeing experience for the spirit of that person; not for those left behind. They have the work to do in dealing with not only the manner in which someone passes, but also the stepping forward into the future without their loved one.

I explain this to my clients – that someone’s passing is harder on us than on the one leaving. Their spirit frees itself from the suitcase we call our bodies. It is able to fly free of the emotional baggage we all share, pain, and restriction of having to travel by vehicle, land, sea or air. As a spirit, they are able to return to us, guide and help us with our issues in life (lessons). Not always an easy task, we as humans are a very stubborn bunch. Opening our soul’s ears is not always a task we want to undertake. Listening to advice from the other side, be it in a dream, a vision, or a messenger, can be emotionally shocking. Once you realize that your loved one is there to help your life become easier, most open up to the information sent, no matter what the means of arrival.

Mercury in Retrograde can bring more openings for this to happen. It gives us a time to “Review” things from our lives, as well as our past. It is an excellent time for “do overs”. The only thing you don’t want to do over is getting back with an ex during this time. Never do this.

The sign of Cancer, which we are in right now, has so much fun and excitement ahead. I do have to clarify this – it does appear it will be more for the female Cancerians than the male. The males seem to be a bit slower on the uptake of learning their lessons, as opposed to the females. The males will be more focused on their living situations more than anything else this month, which they struggle with. The females will be more concerned with successful love. By successful, I mean complete, satisfying, or as I call it, “emotionally fulfilling”. I wish you both, male and female Cancerians, blessings with this next month. Don’t forget to have some fun along the way of learning your lessons. Not all lessons are meant to be hard ones. Fun can be a lesson, surprisingly there are folks out there who don’t know how to have fun, or have stopped due to the drama in their lives.

Remember the old adage, “laughter heals everything”, perhaps not everything, but it sure does help. Just last night I was doubled over in laughter several times, and I must admit that I slept very contently.

All astrological signs have so much joy, happiness, love and advancement coming our ways over the next few months that you will be surprised at the changes it brings into your life, expected or not. Our world is in for a few VERY LARGE changes as well (not going into politics here). Wouldn’t it be exciting if our world changed for the better, from all sides of the globe?

The little state of Rhode Island is on a bit of a roller coaster right now with change.  People in positions of power will be coming and going, which will be a huge surprise as it happens. Change is scary to most people, but Rhode Island is ready. The climate of the people will be ready. With these changes comes hope, light and opportunities for the new and upcoming leaders of the Ocean State. Growth in Rhode Island is going to arrive from different directions than most think, so buckle your seat belts, Little Rhody, you are in for one heck of a great ride!

I send you all blessings that we maintain our HUMOR during the next month as it is the very best way to get though Mercury in Retrograde. It clears the last day of July. Wait a few days after then take a big deep breath and exhale knowing we can handle anything! The next Retrograde will occur October 31st through November 20.  As you make your holiday, vacation, and Halloween plans, please keep it in mind – always have a Plan B!

If you have questions or would like a private reading, please send me a message at areadingbypat@yahoo.com  I will be happy to answer your questions, you can post them here if you like.

If you would like your questions included in next month’s edition please state so.

Blessings to all of you for a fantastic month of July and remember to laugh!

areadingbypat@yahoo.com for private appointments.

Patricia Glynn-Olson – “The Futurist”