Mari Dias




Jan 24 2020

GriefSpeak: Larry was tired. Tired of living.

The story of an unsuccessful suicide attempt By Dr. Mari Dias Larry was tired. Tired of living. He was 55 ...

Jan 17 2020

GriefSpeak – Bereavement Support Groups and where to find them

By Mari Dias “There is no grief like the grief that does not speak” (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) Talking about one’s ...

Jan 10 2020

GriefSpeak – The Mortician’s Daughter: Reprise

By: Mari Dias When I die there will be no questions to ask. Why? Because I’m in the business of ...

Jan 3 2020

GriefSpeak – Auld Lang Syne

By: Mari Dias Hindsight is 20/20. And so is this new year. It is not merely a new year but ...

Dec 27 2019

GriefSpeak: American Red Cross Second Responders Needed

By Dr. Mari Dias Rosa, an elderly woman, always accompanied by her walker and oxygen tank left a pot on ...

Dec 20 2019

GriefSpeak – “Larry’s Lament” by Dr. Mari Dias

The story of an unsuccessful suicide attempt By Dr. Mari Dias Larry was tired. Tired of living. He was 55 ...

Dec 13 2019

GriefSpeak: Dirty Laundry

By Dr. Mari Dias I often ask my clients to journal for homework. The following is 45 year- old Thomasina’s ...

Dec 6 2019

GriefSpeak: Holiday Stress Tips for Grievers helps us all

By Mari Dias According to the Holmes—Rahe Stress inventory (1967), which lists 43 life events with a corresponding stress point ...

Nov 30 2019

Our Top Story of the Week: The Mortician’s Daughter – GriefSpeak with Dr. Mari Dias

(An overwhelming response to Dr. Mari Dias' story - as one reader said, people are texting me stating they are ...

Nov 28 2019

Top Story of 2020: by Dr. Mari Dias – GriefSpeak: The Mortician’s Daughter

By Mari Dias The Mortician's Daughter (Names and locations have been changed) It's complicated when you're a girl; even more ...