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Coronavirus Update – Today – April 13, 2020
Smoking marijuana, even occasionally, can increase your risk for more severe complications from Covid-19
Jack Dorsey, the chief executive of Twitter and founder of Square, is donating $1 billion (a third of his net worth) to coronavirus relief.
Vietnamese-owned nail salons donate thousands of masks, gloves to hospitals
Antibody testing study begins in California
New York passed an executive order for employers to provide masks to employees for free.
Virginia-based Smithfield Foods announced Sunday it is closing its pork processing plant in Sioux Falls until further notice after hundreds of employees tested positive for the coronavirus — a step the head of the company warned could hurt the nation’s meat supply.
Meatpacking Giant Closes South Dakota Plant ‘Indefinitely’ After Almost 300 workers test positive
Churches brought in hundreds of thousands over the internet, in parking lots, and on rooftops, to their Easter services – complete with Zoom choirs – even though the church buildings were empty – the long-term result of this will be interesting.
As numbers fall because of social distancing, a representative of the WHO says coronavirus will stay with us, part of our lives, until a vaccine is found.
Auto insurers are issuing refunds – expected to reach $10.5billion
Chicago halted all unnecessary demolition and big construction due to dust clouds that form
WHO investigating reports of recovered patients testing positive again
Message from President Trump last night:
Governors, get your states testing programs & apparatus perfected. Be ready, big things are happening. No excuses! The Federal Government is there to help. We are testing more than any country in the World. Also, gear up with Face Masks!
Data: 7 new deaths – 63 total. 316 new positive cases – total of 2,665. 201 in-hospital, 50 in intensive care.
Trout fishing began with a whimper, rather than the usual bang of opening day festivities – many fishermen and women reported littering of plastic gloves as the state put out no trash bins and took away the port-a-johns.
Big box stores are continuing to experience littering of medical gloves in parking lots and surrounding landscape – but the question of what to do with gloves that you use, and are now contaminated – making them hazardous waste – usually destined for those red biohazard garbage bags and special fees for disposal – not for the regular garbage and landfill.
Of the 7 who died, 2 people were in their 60s; 2 people in their 70s, two in their 80s, and 1 in their 90s. 6 of the 7 were from nursing homes.
RI Veterans Home is experiencing a shortage of staff, with fill in nurses from nursing services.
Governor’s press conference was replaced with a taped Easter greeting with the 1st gentleman; next press conference today at 1pm, and she is expected to have more restrictions for big box stores.
Today, all drive-through testing sites will be closed due to weather (URI, CCRI, RIC, RIH, Kent, Newport Hosp, Westerly Hosp, CVS at Twin River, and CNE at Memorial).