

burn with kearns exercise and fitness

Burn with Kearns: Do you have gas in the tank at 50+? – Kevin Kearns

Fitness Tips for the 50+ Crowd

How many of us have seen a fight or some other competition where in the last 1 minute to 30 seconds the competitor ” gases out” ? How many us in the 50 + range just don’t have enough in the tank some days? As well as we age, we realize time is a commodity . So we have to maximize our “crave”out time with our demanding schedules and our commitments.Looking to stay lean, strong, and active without losing muscle as you age? Focus on functional movements that improve stability, balance, and strength– key components for longevity and vitality. Let’s put gas back in your tank! As well we have measured the caloric output between 478 to 600 calories in just 17 minutes with our MMA athletes. I guess now I have your attention.

Preserve Muscle, Burn Fat

As we age, maintaining muscle becomes increasingly important, not only for overall strength but also for boosting metabolism. Muscle is active tissue that burns calories even at rest, helping to maintain a healthy weight. Whether you’re looking to lose weight or enhance performance, the key is preserving as much muscle as possible.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is an excellent choice for older adults. This form of exercise balances cardio and strength, enhances heart health, and supports joint stability. The goal? Quality over quantity! Focus on safe, controlled movements that deliver maximum results without overexerting.

20 – 35 – 15 Workout for Longevity

This workout format is perfect for the 50+ community, offering short bursts of activity to increase stamina, balance, and strength. Perform each movement for 20 reps, rest for 15 seconds, and repeat the circuit 1-3 times. Adjust the pace to match your fitness level!

self defense for you

Exercises for Active Aging

  1. Resistance Wrestling Shots
    Enhance mobility and strength by mimicking wrestling movements. Perform a forward step and push against resistance, activating your legs and core.
  2. Wall Crush or Cage Crush
    Press against a sturdy surface to engage your chest, arms, and shoulders while improving grip strength.
  3. Standing One-Legged Punches with Bands
    Boost balance and coordination. Use resistance bands to simulate punches while standing on one leg.
  4. Ground ‘n’ Pound Trampoline
    Incorporate cardio and upper-body strength by striking a trampoline with a medicine ball. A fun way to stay active!
  5. Knee Drop Bosu Punch
    Improve balance and core strength by punching downward while stabilizing on a Bosu ball.
  6. Hip Escape with Surge
    Work on hip flexibility and lower-back health with this functional movement, using a resistance tool like the Surge.
  7. Partner Plank Rows
    Build strength and camaraderie with a partner. Use resistance bands for added difficulty while pulling in a plank position.
  8. Hammer Punches
    Simulate punching motions with a pair of weights to strengthen shoulders and upper arms.
  9. Thai Knees with Stability Ball
    Engage your core and improve lower-body strength by driving your knees into a stability ball.

Here’s a sample  workout for all

Why It Works for the 50+ Market

These movements are not just for athletes; they’re designed to enhance everyday function, reduce fall risks, and improve overall health. By incorporating stability-focused exercises and controlled cardio, this workout meets the unique needs of the 50+ community.

A black and white image of a group training.

Healthy Living Hashtags

#FitOver50 #StrengthAndStability #LongevityFitness #HealthyWeightLoss #FunctionalFitness #BurnWithKearns #CoreStrength #AgingStrong #VitalityAt50Plus

Stay consistent and adjust as needed. Your body will thank you as you continue to stay active, resilient, and empowered at any age!

Coach Kevin Kearns –

PS Join our revolution with our upcoming total functional fitness wellness ad safety app!

A man is boxing in front of an orange background.


Read ALL articles by Kevin Kearns – here: BURN WITH KEARNS

self defense class with kevin kearns

Both of Coach Kearns‘ books may be purchased on For more information about Coach Kevin Kearns, including scheduling speaking engagements and classes (both online and in person), please contact him at 508-404-8503 or [email protected].Author of “There’s Light In The Tunnel” How to Survive and Thrive with Depression  – “Always Picked Last” A guide to navigating bullies on Amazon and Audible

Coach Kevin Kearns has been coaching in the world of fitness, nutrition, and tactical self defense for over 3 decades. As the former conditioning coach to 15 UFC Pro Fighters, and ranked in the Top 5 in the UFC , he is no stranger to the the importance of proper nutrition and proper mindset programming. He has long advocated to all his clients – athletes or the general population – about the importance of programming mind, body and spirit. Coach Kevin Kearns BS FMS CPT – Former conditioning coach to 15 UFC Pros Ranked in Top 5 by the UFC Personal Fitness Coach, Author, Columnist, Motivational Speaker, Corporate Wellness Consultant, Youth Wellness Program Provider, Certification Specialist, Personal Self Defense, and Law Enforcement Defensive Tactics Specialist.

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