


Your Recipe – Today – Chilled Cucumber Avocado Soup

by Anthony Salemme, chef

A quick super-easy great meal on a HOT Summer night

1 1/2 firm-ripe Hass avocado

1 3/4 English cucumbers (1 1/2 pounds), cut into 1/2-inch pieces

1 cup plain Greek yogurt

3 tablespoons chopped fresh scallions

¼ cup fresh lime juice

1 teaspoon salt, or to taste

1/2 teaspoon chopped fresh jalapeño chile with seeds

1 ½ cup small ice cubes

Garnish:  with a drizzle of good olive oil the other ½ of diced avocado, ¼ of the leftover cumber diced and chopped scallions.

Blend in a blender for about a minute until smooth.


Anthony loves to cook and share recipes. You can follow him on Instagram at – @mealpvd and online at