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Ron & Jen’s Great Escape, 3-23-2022 – Ron St. Pierre & Jen Brien
by Ron St. Pierre & Jen Brien, commentary
This morning I got up and did the usual things I do when I start a new day. I feed the cat (immediately… otherwise there’s hell to pay!) I take my vitamins, drink a huge glass of water, put the dog out to pee, and start fumbling with the coffee pot. I make my bed, watch a sermon, brush my teeth, and get ready for kickboxing. I took the dog for a walk this morning and halfway through it I stopped. I looked up and said, ”God, I just don’t feel like it today”. While I was hoping for the “James Earl Jones” voice or “burning bush” moment, neither happened. Instead, a small voice inside said “the birds may be tired but they’re still building their nests. The sun may have been tired but it shines on you today and the flowers are cold and tired but their working to push thru the soil so you can see their beauty”. I realize this sounds kinda lame but that’s what I heard in my heart. I kept walking with the dog, and I started thinking about all of you. How tired so many of you must be as well. The world is a fast and busy place. There’s a lot coming at us every day and sometimes we get tired… and that’s ok. I just want to encourage you because I get tired, too. Yet we all have a role to play in this BIG BLUE MARBLE . You do matter to someone in ways you possibly couldn’t even imagine. I just wanted you to remember that today as you read this. Keep on keeping on. You are here at this appointed time for a reason .
Have a great day,
What’s with the ProJo’s obsession with license plate stories? In the past 2 weeks, THREE license plate stories have been on the front page, TWO “above the fold”, one of those on a SUNDAY! It’s a telling sign of how badly the “paper of record” in the Ocean State has slid.
To date, only 16 entertainers have earned competitive Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony Awards… EGOT(S). One is actress Rita Moreno. This week the 90 year old EGOT won the Stanley Kramer Award at the Producers Guild Award and decided to go unfiltered when accepting saying “We are in the throes of yet another award season. Some in our tribe have been known to use the spotlight to advocate for issues addressed in their nominated works. For some in the audience, in some audiences, it has been known to create a mild discomfort. For others? Heart palpitations. After all, who are these actors, these Hollywood types – who do they think they are? Citizens of democracy?” Before exclaiming, “Well F*** ‘em”. To that I say, first off, an excellent choice of classification using the words “tribe”. Secondly, I say, this is the exact “let ‘em eat cake” narrative that’s behind these award shows tanking with the general PAYING public. And lastly, right back at ya’, Rita!
The Senate unanimously OK’d a bill that would end the twice yearly changes involving Standard Time and Daylight Savings Time… but is this really a well thought out move? In some areas the sun won’t rise until 8am or later during winter. The potential change doesn’t set precedent. During the U.S energy crisis , in January 1974, Richard Nixon signed into law a bill putting the U.S on Daylight Saving time for two years. At first, 79% loved the idea but after experiencing all that darkness the approval dropped to 42% by February and Congress voted to bring back Standard Time by October. And, by the way, exactly WHO IS SCREAMING to abandon falling back and springing forward? Nobody we know.
Listen to Ron & Jen on WADK Fridays, 2-4pm –
You can read all of Ron & Jen’s Great Escape commentaries, here:

Ron St. Pierre is a veteran broadcaster whose career has spanned over four decades. Ron has programmed, performed on and managed WHJJ, WPRO, WWRX, 790 The Score in Providence, as well as WBZT and WKGR in West Palm Beach and WABC in New York City. Ron also anchored sports on WPRI Ch 12 in Providence. He is a member of both the Rhode Island Radio and Television and the City of Pawtucket Halls of Fame. He was born and raised in Pawtucket.
Jen Brien has over 20 years of radio broadcast experience having hosted shows on WPRO and WHJJ with Ron as well as her own shows on WRKO and WBZ in Boston, WXTK on Cape Cod and WHAM in Rochester, New York. Jen was born and raised in Woonsocket and served six years in the Army MP Canine Unit.
Hazel, Ron’s dog, makes regular appearances.
“Ron and Jen’s Great Escape” podcast, a more lighthearted look at the events happening around us, can be found on YouTube and wherever you get your podcasts, with new episodes premiering each Wednesday and listen to Ron and Jen’s Great Escape call in radio show Friday afternoons 2 til 4 on 101.1 FM, 1540 WADK and streaming everywhere on WADK.COM.