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Ron & Jen’s Great Escape – 11-23-22 – Ron St. Pierre and Jen Brien
Tomorrow we will be gettin’ our “Thanksgiving on”… whatever that looks like for you and yours, I hope it’s a terrific day! We here in NE have a bonus event within the event as our Patriots take the field at 8:20pm vs the VIKINGS. I can’t remember that happening recently so it’s going to be a great 24-hours of food and fun!
Usually, I wake up and watch the parade… cause it’s the thing to do! I sit around and eat cookies for breakfast. I walk the dog, have my coffee, clean a little (like… very little) and know there’s nothing really to do except eat, chill, play and relax. What an amazing gift! A day where we can pick our fun, eat till we pop and watch football, and visit with family and friends.
Most of us are really spoiled. At least, I am supremely spoiled. I have more than I need, and God always supports, protects, and provides for me. Some days though, with as much as I have, I want more. While I AM grateful, so grateful, for my little apartment, Charlie Brown Christmas tree, and daily routine, I aspire for my own home, work that makes my heart overflow, and a purpose that’s bountiful for me and others, as much as it serves God.
God and I are wrestling these days and I like that. Sort of. It means I’m growing. I do worry about wanting more at times. As though I’m saying to God, “this ALL isn’t good enough!” But that’s not it. I simply have dreams in my heart, and I pray for them to come to pass. That’s all. I’ve been thinking about my prayer to God tomorrow. On such a special day of thanks. I think it will probably be something like this, “God, you know me and still love me. You watch over me and protect me and help me grow. I belong to you. You are my savior and rescuer, my father and friend. Thank you for freeing me from the bondage of alcoholism so that I can know you and live. Without you, I am lost. Forever thankful and grateful, though I’m a brat, and want more”.
Remember, all you have is today. Even if you want more too.
Happy Thanksgiving. I hope your day is filled with laughter and memories you’ll never forget,
Your friend – Jen
The pandemic certainly cut down on the craziness of Black Friday for the past couple of years. To some, that’s a blessing, (pardon me, Uncle Lewis), while to others it’s a bummer. Seems LOTS of folks are looking forward to heading to stores right after Thanksgiving, In RI, blue laws don’t allow stores to open on Thanksgiving or Christmas, so an early start on Friday is the best the state can offer, but that won’t stop the early birds hitting store parking lots in the wee hours. A new poll finds 95% of Americans plan to take part in Black Friday or Cyber Monday this year. Of those, 43% of Americans admit they actually miss the chaos that accompanies shopping in-store on Black Friday. 63% of those polled consider shopping on Black Friday a family tradition.
Black Friday can be filled with buyer’s remorse. Here are some tips to avoid such a malady.
Do your research. Make sure it’s REALLY a deal.
Avoid impulse buying. See above!
Check the return policy.
Start looking for sales NOW. Pre Black Friday sales are already underway.
No doubt you’ve belted out a chorus or two of WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS in your lifetime, but how much attention have you actually paid to the lyrics of the song? When you get to the part requesting someone brings you some “Figgy Pudding”, have you ever wondered exactly what you’re asking for? You may want to re-think that particular plea. Figgy Pudding is a steamed cakelike dessert made up of suet (raw beef or mutton fat), eggs, brown sugar, breadcrumbs, spices, dried fruits and brandy. To make matters worse (if that’s possible) now SPAM is debuting a limited edition Figgy Pudding. Theirs features cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice and cloves along with popular winter flavors of fig and orange. You can get it (if you dare) at, Amazon and Walmart.

Ron St. Pierre is a veteran broadcaster whose career has spanned over four decades. Ron has programmed, performed on and managed WHJJ, WPRO, WWRX, 790 The Score in Providence, as well as WBZT and WKGR in West Palm Beach and WABC in New York City. Ron also anchored sports on WPRI Ch 12 in Providence. He is a member of both the Rhode Island Radio and Television and the City of Pawtucket Halls of Fame. He was born and raised in Pawtucket.
Jen Brien has over 20 years of radio broadcast experience having hosted shows on WPRO and WHJJ with Ron as well as her own shows on WRKO and WBZ in Boston, WXTK on Cape Cod and WHAM in Rochester, New York. Jen was born and raised in Woonsocket and served six years in the Army MP Canine Unit.
Hazel, Ron’s dog, makes regular appearances.
“Ron and Jen’s Great Escape” podcast, a more lighthearted look at the events happening around us, can be found on YouTube and wherever you get your podcasts, with new episodes premiering each Wednesday and listen to Ron and Jen’s Great Escape call in radio show Friday afternoons 2 til 4 on 101.1 FM, 1540 WADK and streaming everywhere on WADK.COM.
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