


Good Night, Woonsocket…

That might be the next selection in the Good Night Woonsocket program. Enlisting local teachers, and maybe some upcoming celebrities, every Sunday night at 7pm a new video of a bedtime story goes live on the website Good Night Woonsocket (

All the stories – five so far – remain on the website so families can listen any time they want.  The books seem picked to quiet the little ones down before bedtime.

Two Woonsocket educators, Jessica Donato and Heather Neil began the program, which is similar to others around the country.  Readers so far are:

Dr. McGee, Supt. of Woonsocket schools

Mrs. Ortiz, principal of Coleman Elementary – in bed with jammies and a stuffed animal – also a video in Spanish

Ms. Holt, curriculum development dept. Woonsocket schools

Beth Campanelli, speech and language pathologist, Pothier-Citizens elementary school campus

Lauren Clem, writer, Valley Breeze Newspaper

Master Sgt. Rhonda Coleman

Perhaps the most engaging is Mrs. Ortiz, who reads her book in her bed, complete with jammies and a stuffed animal…and then reads it again in Spanish. Here it is.  Sleepy, yet?