



Dec 10 2019

Lifespan reported loss comes as no surprise

By Richard Asinof, Health Equity Zones keep gaining strength and traction in Rhode Island and attention across the nation, ...

Dec 7 2019

CDC Vaping Updates. Average age of death? 53. Vape Products Named.

CDC has analyzed national data on use of THC-containing product brands by EVALI patients. (EVALI refers to national outbreak of ...

Dec 6 2019

GriefSpeak: Holiday Stress Tips for Grievers helps us all

By Mari Dias According to the Holmes—Rahe Stress inventory (1967), which lists 43 life events with a corresponding stress point ...

Dec 5 2019

Uncompensated Cost of Caregivers is a Over $470 Billion

By Herb Weiss, contributing writer on aging Approximately 41 million unpaid family caregivers provided an estimated 34 billion hours of ...

Dec 3 2019

Talking with R.I. Attorney General Peter Neronha

By Richard Asinof, R.I. Attorney General Peter Neronha was in a talkative mood when he sat down for an ...

Nov 27 2019

Report shows wide divide between physical and mental/substance use healthcare access in RI

Milliman Research Report Shows The differential in affordable, accessible care for those with mental health and substance use conditions compared ...

Nov 26 2019

Federal Judge Names Tony Antosh Interim Consent Decree Monitor between DOJ and Rhode Island

Photo: Tony Antosh By Gina Macris, editor, Developmental Disability News A federal court judge has appointed A. Anthony Antosh interim ...

Nov 26 2019

Simple Tips on Surviving the Holidays – by Herb Weiss

By Herb Weiss, contributing writer on aging The holiday season can be a double-edge sword. For some, it brings feelings ...

Nov 24 2019

Taking Action to Address Antibiotic Resistance

RIDOH Taking Action to Address Antibiotic Resistance RI Dept. of Health As a part of ongoing efforts to reduce the ...

Nov 23 2019

TOP STORY OF THE WEEK – Mutual Aid? It’s not so great – by Michael Morse

By Michael Morse This story was liked and shared all around the region. A lively discussion about such a serious ...