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Burn with Kearns: Longevity for Lions. Maintaining your edge in any sport as you age – Kevin Kearns
by Kevin Kearns, contributing writer on exercise and fitness
Introduction. Live long and prosper! Don’t you want to?
Aging is inevitable, much like death and taxes. But rather than viewing it as a decline, think of it as becoming more seasoned—like a fine wine. While Mother Nature has her plans, we can use exercise science to slow the aging process. This isn’t about steroids or HGH, but about training smarter. I know this because I’ve lived it. At 58 , having worked out for 35 years and trained others since 1987, I can share insights on how to maintain your athletic edge as you age.
Key Variables to Manipulate in Your Workouts
1. Everything in Moderation
As you age, treating your body like a temple is crucial. What you put in is what you get out. This principle was emphasized by one of my top clients, David A., who trained with me until he was 77. His mantra was, “It’s all about moderation, Kevin.” Your moderation at 30 will differ from 40 and so on.
2. Less is More
High-intensity training (HIT) for shorter durations is a great way to stay fit amidst life’s daily grind. Long hours at the gym are unnecessary; instead, train smarter.
3. Change is Good
Mixing up your routine is essential. Trying something new prevents plateaus and injuries. I started yoga in 2008 to address plantar fasciitis caused by excessive stair running. It turned out to be one of the best decisions for my longevity.
4. It’s Not Necessary to Kill It Every Day
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to crush every workout. Consistency is key. If you can’t train for an hour, 30 minutes is still beneficial. Every workout is a deposit into your Fitness IRA

5. Try Something Different and New
Exploring new activities can enhance your fitness. For example, American footballers took ballet in the 70s for better balance and flexibility. What new activity will you try today?
6. Yin and Yang: Balance Hard with Soft
Incorporate both intense and gentle workouts. I balance heavy weights with resistance band workouts, which help unload muscles. This approach aligns with the Tai Chi practices observed in China
7. Listen to Your Joints
Pay attention to your body. If running on hard surfaces hurts, try trail running or hiking. Swap box jumps for trampoline jumps or beach workouts.
8. Your Diet
As we age, dietary adjustments are crucial. My exercise physiology professor emphasized either decreasing calories and maintaining activity or increasing activity and maintaining calories to combat muscle mass loss. Mix up your diet to keep your metabolism active.
The good news is that you can build muscle mass at any age and defy Mother Nature’s plans. Here are some workout alternatives to consider:
Be Relentless – Coach Kearns !
Workout Alternatives:
- Box Jumps: Hard box vs. Fitness trampoline
- Stair Running: vs. Trail running
- Heavy Dumbbell Work: vs. Resistance bands
- Plyometrics vs Yoga
- Boxing vs Silat or Tai Chi
- Running Vs Swimming
Read ALL articles by Kevin Kearns – here: BURN WITH KEARNS

Both of Coach Kearns’ books may be purchased on For more information about Coach Kevin Kearns, including scheduling speaking engagements and classes (both online and in person), please contact him at 508-404-8503 or [email protected].Author of “There’s Light In The Tunnel” How to Survive and Thrive with Depression – “Always Picked Last“ A guide to navigating bullies on Amazon and Audible
Coach Kevin Kearns has been coaching in the world of fitness, nutrition, and tactical self defense for over 3 decades. As the former conditioning coach to 15 UFC Pro Fighters, and ranked in the Top 5 in the UFC , he is no stranger to the the importance of proper nutrition and proper mindset programming. He has long advocated to all his clients – athletes or the general population – about the importance of programming mind, body and spirit. Coach Kevin Kearns BS FMS CPT – Former conditioning coach to 15 UFC Pros Ranked in Top 5 by the UFC Personal Fitness Coach, Author, Columnist, Motivational Speaker, Corporate Wellness Consultant, Youth Wellness Program Provider, Certification Specialist, Personal Self Defense, and Law Enforcement Defensive Tactics Specialist.