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Your Coronavirus Update – Today, May 28, 2020
100,000 Graphic, Newsweek
US deaths from coronavirus surpassed 100,000 coronavirus death milestone
Robots run coffee shop for socially-distancing South Koreans
Virginians will be mandated to wear a mask indoors if they are around other people. Takes effect on Friday.
Nursing homes account for around 80% of all deaths attributed to the new coronavirus in Canada. The situation is dire in Ontario, the most populous province, and in neighboring Quebec. Some 1,400 military personnel are pitching in to help. “Everything is on the table,” Trudeau said in his daily press conference when asked what the federal government would do to help fix the current system.
President of El Salvador Announces That He is Taking Hydroxychloroquine, Says ‘Most World Leaders’ Doing the Same
J.K. Rowling releases her new book, chapter by chapter, with an interactive opportunity –
Only about half of Americans say they would get a COVID-19 vaccine
Federal remdesivir trial enters second phase
Boeing to lay off almost 7,000 workers this week
Students return to school in South Korea
New Zealand discharges its last coronavirus patient from hospital
Rhode Island & Vicinity
A cluster of #coronavirus cases has emerged at this Sam’s Club in Worcester. It’s in the same plaza as last month’s massive Walmart outbreak.
More than 80 different long-term-care facilities in Massachusetts have each recorded at least 20 COVID-19 deaths among residents – Rhode Island reports over 10 nursing homes with over 20 deaths – an update of those numbers is expected today. 62% of MA deaths were residents of these long-term-care facilities. Over 79% of RI deaths were among nursing home/group home residents
The ACLU is suing the RI Dept. of Labor and Training about the frozen accounts for those who have been collecting while fraud investigations ere happening.
CCRI and other RI state colleges looking at options – from virtual to combination – housing issues, face to face experience, etc.
K-12 education still has no plan but education will be a mix of virtual and in-person.
Connecticut is reporting duplicates in the data.
McCoy Stadium planning Dining on the Diamond – 20 tables on infield – also with curbside service this weekend and fully operational next weekend. $3-$10
RI House of Representatives group calls for hearings on RI’s dealings with nursing homes and coronavirus.
A co-op of RI restaurants say opening is dangerous for their employees and customers and they think they should wait.
RIPTA will not run express routes to beaches this summer.
RI legislature considering a bill to make telemedicine insurance coverage a requirement
The First Gentleman of RI is leaving McKinsey & Assoc to be the Chief People Officer for PathAI in Boston, working on technology and healthcare
Rhode Island ranks 3rd highest for deaths per 100K capita, from nursing homes, in the US
PPAC will stay closed until January
Locked ballot dropboxes will be placed in every RI city/town for voting (144,000+ were sent out but there was a printing problem)
RI Governor’s Address
RI Data

Deaths: 21 – 1 in 50s, 1 in 60s, 3 in 70s, 9 in 80s, 7 in 90s.
16 of 21 were residents of nursing homes
143 cases are good – it’s a plateau, we are stabilizing. The fact that we’re not seeing hospitalizations go up, etc. is great – we’re ready to move on to phase 2. We are in good shape. We’re learning to live with the virus – rules we’re following are saving lives.
American Red Cross has a virtual family assistance center for those who have lost a loved one. Provides legal help, too. or call 833-492-0094.
Big reopening next week, Phase 2.
Gyms, fitness center guidance is posted on CommerceRI
Indoor dining guidance will be posted later today.
RIDMV – 90 day extension in license plate expirations, inspections for June, to Sept.
Little League appeal – tomorrow will talk about youth sports – CDC says no competitive team sports
Nursing Homes – “we’ve done everything we know what to do” – holds up RI Veterans Home vs. Holyoke Nursing Home. Cites all the efforts they’ve made. Reality is “it’s really hard; working at nursing homes is hard”. Looking for concrete ideas, not second guessing. RI is doing better than our neighbors. 80% concentrated in nursing homes. We’re coming to the end of the 2nd round of testing in nursing homes. Dr. Scott – staff is 2nd family for residents.
House Republicans Caucus: The group held a press conference on the steps of the RI State House saying they have enough members to call for a meeting of House Oversight. Feels the governor is out on her own with no checks and balances. Governor’s response – let them decide for themselves. They should not crowd in to the state house now. Not getting in middle of legislative squabbles. Caucus wants to do it electronically. Caucus is focusing on the problem with RI nursing homes.