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Your Coronavirus Update – Today – July 24, 2020
URGENT: Check your hand sanitizer – big brands and off brands. You want to look for NO METHANOL – and 60% ETHANOL. Go to the for more info.
The GOP convention portion happening in Jacksonville has been canceled due to the hotspot in Florida – the convention‘s official business meetings were always scheduled to remain in Charlotte, N.C.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has endorsed going back to school in-person for most children and locations.
Ann Taylor & Lane Bryant have filed for bankruptcy
Average daily use of Twitter has grown by 34% since the pandemic.
A 30% decline in math scores and a 50% decline in reading scores are being experienced in some children over the past year without in-person schooling.
The President is proposing $105B to schools to help in start-up costs.
42% of people, according to NBC, support shutting sports down until a solution to the virus is found.
It is estimated that 5.6 million Americans can’t go back to work without school starting.
75% of Americans favor mask wearing.
In-person summer classes in Detroit’s public schools may continue, but all students must first be tested for COVID-19 within five days, a federal judge ruled
65 people including active athletes have contracted COVID-19 as infections spread after a party at a Prague music club
United Airlines new policy – wear mask or be banned from flying
Airports are beginning to open COVID testing centers as travel ticks upward
Payroll tax cut proposal is being put aside on promises of new stimulus money and extended unemployment are being looked at.
Landlords in Massachusetts have filed a legal challenge to the state’s moratorium on evictions during the coronavirus pandemic.
Mayor Bill de Blasio said four new clinics operated by the urgent care company MedRite will bring NYC’s daily testing capacity to 50,000.
59% of Americans won’t renew their gym membership, according to a survey reported on by NBC.
Bahrain and Qatar appear to have among world’s highest per capita rates of confirmed coronavirus infections, a result of extensive testing and rapid, undetected spread through camps housing healthy and young foreign laborers.
Bates College, Maine, is considering putting up students in local hotels as it tries to figure out where to safely house them
Blue Cross will increase rates paid to child psychiatrists in Massachusetts
Massachusetts back to school busing will see children with masks on and one per seat, reducing bus capacity by 50%
The Royal Foundation of the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge gave $2M in support of the UK’s frontline community and mental health causes involved with the coronavirus.
On Cape Cod, health officials are pleading with people not to gather in big groups and hold parties. 10 people in a party of 30 tested positive – most in restaurant business.
RI Data:

Deaths: 4 – 3 day hospitalization average: 67
Next Governor’s update – Wed, July 29
RI hit its 1,001 death on Thursday. State House flags lowered to half-staff through Sunday, asking Rhode Islanders to do the same.
Pizza Roma, Chalkstone Ave, Providence was found to be in violation by RI inspectors –
Connecticut reports its second day with no deaths on Wednesday
RI Commerce Corp. is continuing to market Rhode Island as a tourism destination this season during the coronavirus pandemic, but the focus has changed somewhat to drawing in people within driving distance of Rhode Island’s attractions, such as the Newport Mansions.
The Bagel Shop on Block Island has closed for cleaning
Mystic Seaport Summer Camp will go virtual
Providence has extended its free downtown parking.
Restaurant days in Providence will continue.
RISmallBiz – Will hold “Let’s Chat” Monday at 11am – weekly virtual conversation for small business needs. Send email to get a ZOOM link sent. [email protected]
Cranston Schools – teachers are being told to go into their classrooms and remove everything, except for the desk and a small filing cabinet – they have been told they will be left with one “mobile desk”. Lunches may be cold, individually wrapped items, served in their classrooms – more on this tomorrow in RINewsToday
Here is the Governor’s first weekly back-to-school virtual forum which will be held every Wednesdy at 3pm. This one is with pediatricians: