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Your Coronavirus Update – Today, July 20, 2020
Photo: Wash your mask…
GOP officials are restricting the number of attendees at the upcoming convention amid the COVID-19 pandemic – first three days of the convention in Jacksonville will be limited to regular delegates only. Some events will be moved outdoors.
NFL players express concern that there is no clear plan to begin playing in a healthy way, given COVID19 concerns.
Florida is pausing in reporting data today to recalculate and confirm its accuracy.
National services to honor John Lewis pose a challenge, with a ban of gatherings of more than 50 people still in place in Washington, DC
Thailand is investigating why their spread and case numbers have been so low – in addition to fast adoption of mask wearing, and social distancing, the culture is not one of closeness or a lot of body contact; greetings are bows, etc.
The expected losses from the decline in international students alone could hit $3B.
Quest Diagnostics has been approved for a pool test – capable of testing four people at a time. Read more at:
The Americans with Disabilities Act does not allow anyone, disabled or otherwise, to ignore mask requirements without other precautions being taken. The ADA does not offer blanket protections; accommodations are specific to individuals.
At least three dozen high school students have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus after some attending summer sports camps at Lake Zurich High School showed symptoms of the disease.
Massachusetts has uncovered a massive criminal enterprise involving identity theft and more than 47,500 fraudulent unemployment insurance claims adding up to more than $501 million
Las Vegas: Several casinos are limiting smoking as a way to keep patrons from removing the protective face masks they are otherwise required to wear.
CountryTime Lemonade will give $100 checks to children who had to close their lemonade stands due to the coronavirus
On Saturday it was reported that 17% of all new cases in the US were in Florida.
Amazon is opening medical clinics for its workers at large facilities, which includes doctors, nurses, chiropractors, physical therapists and behavioral health experts. Some major companies are doing the same – heralding back to a time when large employers had a health office and a nurse on the premises.
The NCAA handed down its latest guidelines for playing through a pandemic while also sounding an alarm: The prospect of having a fall semester with football and other sports is looking grim.
Publix Markets, Home Depot and Lowes require masks now.
Amtrak’s Downeaster adding more round-trip offerings between Maine, Boston
Parents who can afford it are hiring private tutors – Amid school reopening uncertainty, affluent parents hire private tutors
The $600 extra unemployment benefit ends this week – Not extending $600 unemployment benefit ‘would be a catastrophe,’ say former Fed Chairs Bernanke and Yellen
The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority – MBTA – will resume collecting fares on buses, the Commuter Rail and trolleys at street-level stops on the Green and Mattapan lines starting on Monday.
85 infants test positive for COVID-19 in Texas
Barbados is offering 12 month visas for those who have stable income and work from home – to come to the island and work/live there.
The Mayflower II is set to return to Plymouth, after 4 years away for renovations in Mystic, CT. It missed its May 21st 400th anniversary return due to COVID-19.
UConn students living on campus must be tested 2 weeks before 1st day of classes. They will be tested on campus, quarantine for 14 days before classes start. Commuters must get a negative test result before the semester starts.
Dexamethasone, a cheap steroid used to treat inflammation, has been found to reduce deaths by one-third among patients on ventilators and one-fifth among those on oxygen.
Doctors have also learned to put all COVID patients on drugs to prevent blood clots.
The Queen came out of quarantine for the secret royal wedding of Princess Beatrice, whose originally planned wedding was canceled due to the virus. In the afternoon the Queen “knighted” Capt. Sir Tom Moore for his efforts in walking 100 laps around his property to raise money for coronavirus causes. At 100 he raised over £1000 for charity. The event took place in a unique outdoor ceremony at Windsor Castle.
Eighteen states are in the “red zone” for COVID-19 cases and should revert back to more stringent lockdown measures, according to a White House document that wasn’t publicly released – they are: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah.
Massachusetts unemployment rate rose to 17.4%
NYC is moving to Phase 4 in reopening but will keep cultural attractions and museums closed for now.
Researchers have found that the virus is not transmitted by mosquitoes.
Miami putting 8pm curfews into place – Broward County going with 11pm
Arizona is beginning a 5,000 per day testing program, particularly because of multigenerational families living in dense situations.
Rentals on the Cape are selling out quickly as people look for ways to get out of their homes for the summer.
Governor: “We have an opportunity to position Rhode Island for success in growth industries like IT, design, and renewable energy, and to train Rhode Islanders for those jobs. Our new economy will build on the work of the past six years and put workers first – providing training and wraparound supports that give every Rhode Islander the opportunity to succeed.”
TODAY, 9 AM-12 PM in Latin Progress, 626 Broad Street, Central Falls, 365-4010. FEMA family boxes containing 10 meals and more than 20 items such as cereal, milk, rice, beans, canned, fruit cups and snacks will be distributed. Includes bag of vegetables. For residents of Central Falls and immigrant families in RI, regardless of their state of citizenship or immigration status.
City of Cranston is seeking bids for plexiglass screens for use in the fall voting polls
On Saturday, Central Falls reported 130-140 people coming for tests, which is ten times the usual number and the number of positives quadrupling.
Steamship Authority operating ferries and buses on Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard reinforce message that masks are required at all times for children over 2 and adults.
RI Hospital says they are back to normal with regular cases, surgeries, etc., and people feel confident about going there.
School opening statement from Gov. Raimondo: “As we look toward reopening schools, we will continue to put public health first and to rely on facts and science in making the best decisions for the mental, physical, and intellectual needs of our students.” In the coming weeks, RIDE will be reviewing reopening plans for every school district in collaboration with the Rhode Island Department of Health and local education leaders. Each plan is expected to address how schools will reopen under four scenarios – full in-person, partial in-person, limited in-person, and full distance learning.”
All URI team sports are suspended.
Bryant University is offering early retirement to eligible staff and hiring only “essential” workers due to budget problems.
Middletown voted to purchase 1,542 Chromebooks for the school department.
The Starbucks at Chapel View was closed for 2 days of cleaning this week.
Audubon’s Nature Center and Aquarium has reopened, and they are offering activities for kids again, practicing recommended procedures for reducing exposure of coronavirus.
Governor not scheduled to provide an update until this Wednesday. Data is expected to be updated today.