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Your Coronavirus Update – Dec. 23, 2021
(See bottom of page for info on rapid test sites – note, these are changing on an ongoing basis)
The 401Health APP has easy links to testing sites, vaccination sites, etc.
Johnson & Wales mandates booster to return to school after the holidays, joining Salve Regina. Roger Williams University will go to remote as well.
Brown University has decided to remain open for in-person classes at this time.
Gov. Baker activated 500 members of the Guard to help support non-clinical needs of hospitals and transport systems. A majority of members will start training this week to help out 55 acute care hospitals and 12 ambulance service providers in the state.
Travelers going through Logan – people waited as long as four hours to get a test in the airport’s Terminals E and C. There’s no shortage of tests, said a spokeswoman for the company providing testing at Logan, but travelers should make an appointment in advance.
Boston’s Mayor Wu says backlash to vaccine mandate is racist based.
All RI schools are being asked to take home laptops, just in case schools don’t reopen after the holiday.
Thursday, December 30, 2021, at the Providence Career and Technical Academy. Over 1,000 appointments are open and available on a first-come-first-served basis.
ConnectRN, an app for nurses to find support and also pick up shifts, etc. was created in Waltham, MA and is available to be downloaded.
Nursing Homes in Rhode Island with more than 5 new cases in the past 7 days, as of yesterday:
Berkshire Place, Providence – 5 to 9
Oak Hill, Pawtucket – 10 to 14
Pawtucket Falls, Pawtucket – 5 to 9
West View, West Warwick – 5 to 9
Darlington Memory Lane, Pawtucket – 5 to 9
There are now 22 sites for rapid tests run by the state – with results in 2-3 hours – plus drug stores.
In Bristol Co., MA, free at-home tests are being given out to residents.
Monoclonal Antibody Treatment – there has been discussion about the availability and protocols about who gets treatment. A good rule of thumb is to check with your medical provider now so you know what the plan will be for you should you test positive.
One patient response which is typical of what we are hearing from private physicians:
Q: What can I expect if I call you after I test positive and I’m having symptoms?
A: We administer MAB in our office but there are several issues. First of all, we have limited supply (provided by the federal government), and we often have to prioritize our highest risk patients. If you have had your booster shot, you will most likely test pos and be either asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic (good for you for being in the 20% who actually got a booster shot!!). So far, we have not had anyone who received the booster have anything more than very mild symptoms. But if you test positive, you let us know, and we review your symptoms- if it is getting worse, you have up to day 10 to receive MAB. The most important thing is that you are boostered. I would also make sure that you wear a mask in indoor situations with crowds, and also do a rapid test prior to meeting with family/extended family or possibly immunocompromised people.
Infusions Centers in RI: – there are also home infusion opportunities through AtMed Ambulance – (
Starting Monday, Visitors to Lifespan must show proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test taken within 48 hours of visit.
Can’t make it to Holy Mass for Christmas? The Diocese invites you to watch a live stream
of the Celebration of Christmas from the Cathedral of Saint Peter and Paul, Providence
Follow this link to our diocesan YouTube channel to watch!
Christmas Eve
11 p.m. – “A Concert of Christmas Meditations” with the Gregorian Concert Choir and Festival Orchestra under the direction of Reverend Monsignor Anthony Mancini, Mr. Philip Farone, Organist
12 a.m. – The Solemn Celebration of Midnight Mass with Most Reverend Robert C. Evans, Auxiliary Bishop of Providence
Christmas Day
10 a.m. – Christmas Day Mass with Most Reverend Thomas J. Tobin, Bishop of Providence

Student Loan “Pause” will be extended until May of 2022. It was to expire in January.
The Pfizer pill, Paxlovid, has received initial approval for treatment of COVID – it will be in short supply until production ramps up.
US authorizes the first COVID-19 pill, a Pfizer drug, taken at home to reduce hospitalizations, deaths.
Rite Aid to close 63 stores, similar to action taken by CVS
CVS (6) Walgreens (4) Amazon (10) are limits for at-home tests.
ACA enrollment soars around the US.
China has “locked down” 13 million people because of COVID, with one person being authorized in each household to go out for necessities.
Florida is facing “an urgent shortage” of monoclonal antibody treatments, according to the mayor of Miami-Dade County.
Transport congestion causing lengthy delays for medical supplies to be shipped.
Macy’s has created “Santa’s office” where children sit are sit on their parents’ laps on the other side of the desk from Santa.
South Africa’s case numbers are starting to decline.
Resources arriving at U.S. ports this holiday season likely won’t be delivered until February,
AstraZeneca, Oxford aim to produce Omicron-targeted vaccine
WHO experts recommend third dose of Novavax COVID vaccine for people with health issues
Cuba has vaccinated most against Covid-19, more than most large, rich countries
Moderna says booster shot raises antibody levels to thwart Omicron
California says healthcare workers must get booster shots
UK says 14 deaths and 129 hospitalised by Omicron
It’s time to “rethink” the notion that COVID is above all a respiratory illness, as new research suggests it’s actually an “immune-and-respiratory” condition, Israeli scientists say.The team behind the new peer-reviewed research says the idea may help explain the unusual nature of COVID-19, and might even pave the way for over-the-counter antioxidants to help treat the disease
Fauci instructs Americans to tell their unvaccinated family members to not show up for Christmas.
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 22, 2021
"Say, 'I’m very sorry, but not this time. Maybe another time when this is all over'."
RI State Rapid Test sites:

Could you possibly list some or all of the 22 rapid testing sites run by the state? That information would be very helpful. Thanks.
We will.
check now – note most require appointment setting – good luck!