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Outdoors in RI: Housing shame, that breath of fresh air, new to the hunt, 2A update – Jeff Gross
by Jeff Gross, contributing writer
As I write this I am cleaning out 2900+ emails that are long overdue. As life gets more and more complicated one needs to drop everything and get outside and clear the head.
When I text or call, 99.9995% it is because I need a piece of information. When a person states, “I’ll get back to you” – I expect the same day. When 2 days go by and then a week or you never get back, that’s when I get annoyed. There is only one person that gets a pass and that is because she is working 7 days a week with about 4 hours sleep a night. She makes me look like a slacker. While I was down and out with Norovirus last weekend, she was fundamental in finding me a Christmas tree before they sold out. Hopefully she does not burn out as civilization will crumble if she does.
This is also why I push her and everyone else to get outdoors. We all need a breath of fresh air. Fresh air is a great way to dispel germs as well. The fresh air improves your mindset and one can deal with all the stupidity going on in the USA, as it appears stupid people are breeding like rabbits.
I went to view a ranch house Thursday. It was a rental for $1900/month. Before I walked in the smell of cat urine came out of the front door. The place was a dump. Every wall and section of floor was damaged and dirty. The carpet going upstairs was cat shredded. Were they out of their minds offering a hole like this? Are people that desperate for anything to rent or buy they will grab this? I fear that might be the case, if you listen to the housing woes from every direction in Rhode Island.
At this point it was time to get some fresh air, and Abby agreed. After a modeling stop at a favorite place, off to the woods for fresh air we went and we never looked back!

Hunter photos: Steve Shurtliff
2023 is seeing many newcomers to the hunting community. To those of you mentoring these fine folks – awesome job! When the newbies come home with a bird in the bag that helps even more as the desire gets stronger. To these two folks pictured, above, congratulations to early successes. This writer took 5 years before he bagged a bird without a dog.
Clean it up!
I wonder if the new hunters noticed the green dog waste bags lining the west side of Sweet Saw Mill Road in Big River. There is a movement among the righteous to clean up after your dog while in the woods. The Bears, Deer, Coyotes and Moose think this is hilarious and asinine. If these “perfect” people want to clean up after their dogs while in the woods, then have at it. However, A) don’t ever expect the rest of us to do it. B) Take the waste bags home and throw them in your trash. What is exceptionally idiotic is that these people are throwing the dog waste bags into the west side of the Sweet Sawmill Road. These green bags are landing in the marsh area, the small west bound stream, and the larger Congdon River. If these people had any brains, they would realize that the green plastic bags are litter. They would realize that the dog waste leaches out of the bags and heavily contaminates the waters of the Marsh, stream and river with bacteria such as fecal coliform bacteria which is highly toxic.
In a previous article I mentioned the green dog waste bags. The situation is far worse than I previously thought. The west side of the road is littered with these bags for a quarter mile. When I say littered – dozens, maybe well over 100 green bags, are in contact with the waterways. What is even worse these are some pristine waters as this author saw fingerling trout in them 4 months ago before the bags showed up. I wonder if these slobs are the same ones blocking the gates in their brand-new SUV’s? Blocking the gates increases response times for emergency personnel as they must drag the blocking vehicle away from the blocked gate. These delays could cost a victim their life due to the response delay. I hope the RI DEM puts a stop to the littering and gate violations immediately.

Be careful of who you tell about your firearms.
While discussing a health matter, I expressed my concern to a VA official regarding Veterans being reported to the NICS system. He told me that doesn’t happen. In fact, yes, they do get reported for something as simple as not being able to manage a checkbook and pay their bills. He then asked me “How many guns do you own?” I fired back, “None of your damn business!” We all need to remember the enemy is among us. Corrupt people are looking to disarm us at every corner. This is why the US House of Representatives submitted legislation recently to put a permanent end to the Veteran NICS reporting.
2A Update
It is increasingly clear that the Democrat platform wants to disarm everyone. In 1934 FDR’s own Attorney General stated they are fully aware that criminals will not abide by gun laws. Being prepared as we are our own first responders is inspiring more to own guns and get trained, especially with some blue states defunding the police. Ron DeSantis was asked about potential looting during the 2023 Hurricane season. His response, “This is Florida, we support the 2A – you loot we shoot” drew many cheers across the USA.
I stand by my statement that the mag ban and AR-15 bans will be over nationwide by Christmas. That opinion received a boost at 8:26 PM Thursday night as The National Association of Gun Rights filed a request for an Injunction for the Illinois AR-15 and mag bans. Justice Amy Comey Barrett demanded that Governor Pritzker file a response immediately on why the injunction should not be granted. If the injunction is granted, the injunction will have a positive affect on the other ban cases around the US.
For all users of RI State Management areas: Saturday December 2nd all users MUST have 500 square inches of Fluorescent Orange in a hat AND vest combination. Don’t forget your dog.
Stay safe! Jeff
Read more articles by Jeff Gross, here:

Jeffrey “Jeff” Gross spent 21 years as an Analytical Chemist at the USCG R&D Center in Groton, Connecticut, Woods Hole Laboratories, and Helix Technologies. Changing careers is a “great learning experience for everyone”, Jeff says, and I’m an avid outdoorsman and conservationist, a student of the sciences, and the world. The US holds too many wonders not to take a chance and explore them”.Jeff is the Model Train and Railroad entrepreneur. Proud Golden Retriever owner. Ultra strong Second Amendment Advocate and Constitutionalist. “Determined seeker of the truth”. Jeff is a RIFGPA Legislative and Legal Officer, Freshwater Chairman, NRA Liaison.His subjects include Outdoors, Second Amendment, Model Railroading, and Whimsical.
Jeff, you are absolutely right about being careful about who you talk to about owning firearms. Both in professional and personal settings. Thank you also for noting the fluorescent orange requirement for all users of management areas. Hunters are taught this, however other users who don’t attend hunter education courses or follow RIDEM online to see their notices very often don’t wear any orange either out of lack of knowledge or other reasons. I also agree about the green bag issue. I always carry in and carry out. While it is never fun for a dog owner to walk back to the car carrying a stinky little baggy, that comes with being a dog owner. Either be responsible or leave the dog at home.