

A woman in an apron smiling in a kitchen.

Meet Alison Mountford, RINewsToday new Food Writer

by Nancy Thomas

Chef Alison Mountford joins RINewsToday as our new Food Writer & will be providing weekly recipes and other food and cooking information, from time to time. She is the founder of Ends+Stems – a meal planning membership and recipe website to reduce food waste. “Chef Alison” also hosts a series of online courses for easier weeknight meals and feeding picky eaters with less stress. Alison began in 2005 as a personal chef and caterer in San Francisco but she recently returned home to Rhode Island.

She is passionate about helping families eat well together, with less frustration. Alison is often hired as a speaker to share her knowledge about household food waste, feeding busy families, and sustainability in the kitchen. She’s appeared many times on The Rhode Show and other podcasts and webinars.

Alison is also the Market Coordinator at Hope & Main – Rhode Island’s only culinary incubator – where she loves helping new food businesses expand their social media, brand, and increase sales at the farmer’s markets.

Editor’s Note: We are sure Alison would enjoy comments left about her recipes, especially if you try them yourself and pictures of you and your family, you in the kitchen, etc. would be fun. We thank Hope & Main for leading us to Chef Alison.

We also thank Anthony Salemme, our food and recipe writer who has been with us almost since the very first day 4 years ago – his recipes remain on the site.

Anytime you are looking for something new to make, quick to make, or just a recipe to share, you can go to: Meet Alison Mountford, RINewsToday new Food Writer Meet Alison Mountford, RINewsToday new Food Writer

Thank you! Bon Appetit and Happy Cooking!


  1. Nancy Moloney on August 11, 2022 at 1:08 pm

    Alison’s the best! I look forward to her column.