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- EPA Excellence Award in Rhode Island goes to Cranston’s Water Pollution Control Facility February 7, 2025
- The Super Bowl Feast – Chef Walter Potenza February 7, 2025
- Rhode Island Weather for Feb. 7, 2025 – Jack Donnelly February 7, 2025
- Outdoors in RI: 75 local wildfires in 2024 – train to fight. Take So. RI survey. Offshore Wind. 2A update February 7, 2025
- We Cook: Mill’s River Chipotle BBQ-brined Bell & Evans Statler Chicken Breast February 6, 2025
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Coronavirus Update – Today – March 19, 2020
Nepal prepares for quarantine
Cannes Film Festival postponed to October
Coronavirus and the young – new research coming out that the young may be hit harder than previously thought
Russia self-reports less than 50 cases
National relief bill being passed in DC – two checks should be coming to those in need; more details coming
Panera RI Franchisee let go by parent company – Bahjat Shariff
Guard and inmate at Rikers Island jail in New York City test positive
Clearwater, FL beaches will close – but not until Monday
The National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade and related events were cancelled
Some hospitals becoming dedicated coronavirus hospitals
Distilleries used to make beer are starting to make hand sanitizer
USDA closes one wing after staff member tests positive
Chicago – 2 luxury hotels, The Peninsula and Park Hyatt, closed.
Chicago closes 61 libraries – keeps 20 open
Medical marijuana dispensaries closing, adjusting hours, moving to curbside pickup in midwest
Zoos and similar venues are closing
Elon Musk, Tesla, diverting manufacturing towards medical device shortages
Nike giving millions to support workers in Oregon, Boston, other sites
Gun stores place limits on ammo, extend hours as demand spikes
Masks in hospitals are being “sterilized” and reused, while supplies remain low
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, of Florida, first member of Congress to test positive for coronavirus
Rep. Ben McAdams, of Utah, second member of Congress to test positive
NBA tests 8 teams – 7 members positive
Harley Davidson halts production
USA temporarily closes border with Canada
Bloomberg gives $40M to coronavirus
Illinois nursing home – 22 test positive
General Motors, Ford and Fiat Chrysler will shut down to deep clean their plants. Many car manufacturers look to shift production lines to products Americans need.
Hollywood celebrities begin delivering free groceries to nation’s elderly
IKEA to close all stores
Banks – many banks moving to drive up service only
New York City – USS Comfort dispatched immediately to New York Harbor with 1,000 medical rooms aboard; all employers cannot have more than 50% of their workers reporting to work;
Sick staff spread coronavirus in Seattle nursing home
New York Mayor City Bill de Blasio ripped the Brooklyn Nets for having gotten tested even though four members, tested positive. “We wish them a speedy recovery. But, with all due respect, an entire NBA team should NOT get tested for COVID-19 while there are critically ill patients waiting to be tested – Tests should not be for the wealthy, but for the sick.”
New York Stock Exchange is switching to all electronic trading
Princess Beatrice is “reviewing” wedding plans and canceled their May 29 reception
President’s Press Conference:
FEMA Active – Stafford Act executed – Level One – Governor’s video conference happening today
USS Comfort & USS Mercy – one to NYC, one to West Coast
Human trials began yesterday in Seattle
Testing capacity is expanding – looking at self-swab capability – people without symptoms should not be tested
FDA announcement either later today or early tomorrow -?
Meeting with nurses’ groups
HUD suspending all foreclosures/evictions to end of April
Supply Chain – meeting with businesses to assure steady flow – enacting Defense Production Act
VA – plans to expand hospital capacity nationawide
Social Security Offices closed
ACI Medium Security is locked down after 3 inmates show flu symptoms
RI General Assembly hearings and meetings cancelled through March 27
Veterans Administration events and offices closed
BCBS Blue Stores closed
Stores open for ages 60+ and high-risk shopping hours only – see bottom of page
Blackstone Valley Visitor Center closed, including bus waiting area
Massachusetts Restaurant Taxes now due in June
Massachusetts will close childcare centers March 23rd – emergency centers for healthcare workers and vulnerable children will open on a priority basis
Verizon waiving late fees residential & business; free int’l calling.
Cox waiving late fees, promise not to disconnect, increasing hot spots
Bradford Soap – donating 70K bars of soap to nonprofit orgs
Brown University graduation will most likely be rescheduled – but not canceled
Cranston Mayor calling for special city council meeting today to declare state of emergency relative to self-quarantining of Cranston West students
Gyms are mostly closed and the Gov. advises them to do so
Bowling lanes have closed
The CDC Team of 5 in Rhode Island have been deployed elsewhere
Amazon will have 1000 new jobs – 100 in RI; 100 in Fall River
Boston emergency physician at Beth Israel & five friends went to Miami for a 30th birthday party, all returned sick – four have tested positive for coronavirus
Tufts & Middlebury Colleges being considered for use as overflow for staff/patients
Governor’s Press Conference – Video, below – NEXT event: TODAY, 1pm
10 New Cases – now 33 – 7 females, 3 males; 20s through 70s -Traveled to several countries; 4 hospitalized, 1 will be discharged today – others are recovering at home.
Schools – will remain closed for next 2 weeks (April 3rd) closed – distance learning weeks (many other states have just suspended without education component) – RI will be the first to try this – teacher assignments, etc. will require work from home. Teachers have been preparing for this. “Dishonest of me to say we know when this will be over” – very unlikely this will be over after 2 weeks.
Telehealth – broadening use of Telehealth – all health insurers to pay for all medically appropriate visits of any kind, with any specialist at same rate as inpatient visit. This is ONLY a phone call. Can also use video, but not necessary.
PUC emergency order – all regulated utilities – electric, gas, water, sewer cannot be terminated for any reason – stop sending past due accts to collection agencies
UI/TDI – Skyrocketing. We will pay them all.
Medical licensing will be reciprocal with other states for 90 days. Extending expiration date for 90 days, too.
Dental offices for emergencies only
Gyms – urging gyms to close now.
Hair Salons & Barber Shops – don’t overcrowd – won’t shut down now
Truck tolls – should they be suspended? Gov. says no, we need revenue
Homeless population – state says they are “working on”
Food Trucks – state is supporting them staying open at this time
Newport landlord for 4 restaurants offers 25% rent discount and promise to help more if situation gets worse – including gift cards, etc.
RI paramedics who are credentialed to manage a ventilator outside of the hospital, in an ambulance, can be credentialed to do it inside the hospital,
Use of ibuprofen is ok – though taking Tylenol is more recommended
Senior Shopping – reserved times at these stores for those 60+ or at high risk: