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Coronavirus Update – Today – March 17, 2020
See bottom of page for CDC Chart – important!
15 Days To Slow The Spread
China relaxes travel restrictions in Wuhan Province.
Some Airline employees being asked to take 8 week unpaid leave as 80% of planes will be parked.
Peace Corps shutting down and working to protect their staff.
Canada closed its borders
Germany sealed its border, with exception for US citizens, for now
France goes on lockdown, President Macron says nation is ‘at war’ with coronavirus
CDC recommends all gatherings of 25 or more be stopped for 2 months.
NYC mayor orders officials to seek facilities for medical use
Showcase Movie Theaters in North America are now closed
CDC recommends no sporting events in the US for 8 weeks.
US Internet services are said to be well-equipped to handle the influx of people working from home, etc.
Virgin Atlantic cut flights by 60%
Ski Resorts closing everywhere.
Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson have left the Australian hospital after 5 days
Berkshire Medical Center, MA – 5 patients being treated; 70 nurses on quarantine
Los Angeles closes bars, nightclubs, restaurants (except takeout/delivery), entertainment venues and gyms
7 million people in San Francisco told to go home and shelter for THREE weeks, closing businesses, etc.
SoulCycle, Equinox to close locations worldwide
MGM Resorts to close all Las Vegas properties
64,000 American school children are out of school – and may be out until the end of the school year
Maryland to close bars, restaurants, movie theaters, gyms
Romney to propose giving every U.S. adult $1,000
New York, LA and Washington public buildings shut down
Amazon hiring 100,000 people to help with coronavirus demand
Disney announced Friday that “Frozen 2” will begin streaming on Disney Plus Sunday, three months earlier than expected.
The Pope is recovered enough to visit two cities in Italy and praying for people.
Dow fell by approximately 3000
Governor’s Daily Press Conferences
Restaurants and Bars to Offer Delivery and Take-Out Only, Gatherings Limited to 25 People
One additional case of COVID-19 in Rhode Island
Governor Gina M. Raimondo and Director of Health Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH today announced that, effective tomorrow and continuing through March 30th, there will be no on-premise food consumption for restaurants, bars, coffee shops, or other food establishments in Rhode Island. Establishments with a food license can continue to conduct pick-up, drive-thru and delivery only. The Governor and Dr. Alexander-Scott also directed all Rhode Islanders not to host or attend gatherings of 25 people or more.
“This is a critical time in the state’s response, and I know this decision is difficult for small business owners across the state,” said Governor Raimondo. “We know that this action will slow the spread of the virus and help save lives. I appreciate the sacrifices everyone is continuing to make, and I want to assure you that we are doing everything we can to protect public health while also protecting businesses and workers throughout Rhode Island.”
The Governor and Dr. Alexander-Scott were joined today by Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza, who echoed these recommendations for the City of Providence.
“I ask that everyone stay home, follow the recommendations the City and the State have issued and do their part to protect our community,” said Mayor Jorge Elorza. “Unfortunately, that means no bars on St. Patrick’s Day and no group outings to some amazing restaurants. I want to thank the members of our businesses community who have adapted during trying times and express how sensitive we are to the impact these circumstances have on our city. Our number one priority right now is limiting the spread of this virus.”
Businesses looking for resources or information should visit Commerce RI’s COVID-19 webpage. The Department of Labor and Training (DLT) has worked to increase the flexibility of the Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) and unemployment Insurance (UI) programs, including waiving the seven-day minimum amount of time and previously required medical certification. Affected businesses with questions on Unemployment Insurance, Paid Sick and Safe Leave, or other work-related programs should contact DLT by emailing [email protected] or calling (401) 462-2020.
The announcement of these measures is coming as Rhode Island today announced one additional case of COVID-19 involving a woman in her 40s. This woman has been hospitalized but is in stable condition.
RIDOH is currently investigating the source of her illness.
As a reminder, beginning today, free “grab and go” meals will be available for Rhode Island kids. These meal sites will be open throughout the next week as schools across the state are closed. All sites are open and free for anyone age 18 or younger. There are no ID or residency requirements, but the child must be present. Schools cannot give a meal to an adult on behalf of a child. Visit the Food Sites for Schoolchildren page for an updated list of meal sites. New sites are still being added, so please check back or contact your school district or charter school for more options.
RI State House closed
HealthSourceRI & HHS – all business done online, over the phone – drop paper in boxes outside of locations (HealthSource also has webchat services)
EBT Cards – trying to refill without recertifying
DLT – no in-person services – all job counseling services on phone
Professional License renewals – must be done online only (also providing 30 day grace period if you can’t do that)
RIDMV – do not go and stand in line – only go if absolutely necessary – most business can be done online. Effective now – all satellite offices closed. Suspended driving tests. Cranston DMV suspending most services – other services needed by appointment. Commercial licenses, dealer services, and adjudication still open – working on reservation system. Extending driver’s license/registration by 30 days.
Open Meetings – Exec. Order to conduct business by phone or video conference. All boards/commissions – meetings in 30 days, postpone it. If you have to have one, use phone/videoconference where public can participate.
If you are sick, stay home. Do not leave your home unless it is essential.
Avoid gatherings of 25 or more – grocery store, etc.
All RI restaurants & bars closed, except for curbside and delivery service
Providence Place Mall closed
Warwick Mall closed – except for anchor stores, but guard safe distances
Testing will be prioritized – hospitalized, congregate settings, EMS and healthcare workers first (which will not be the majority of who gets covid19 first – majority should be able to recover at home) Others will be tested through commercial lab.
Idaho has 5 cases; W. Virginia has 1 case. RI is closer to a hot spot than not.
Casey Farm Egg Hunt canceled for April 11th
MA MBTA changes – bus and train – and ferry closed
Boston halted construction projects in the city
RI Blood Center – striking decrease in blood donations. Go online and make an appt. – they will be disinfecting and spacing out people
Southern Rhode Island Newspapers office will be closed to the public until further notice.
West Warwick St. Patrick’s Day Parade canceled
Berkshire Medical Center, MA – 5 patients being treated; 70 nurses on quarantine
Paramedics in MA – starting to treat people in their homes, to avoid hospital visits, contamination, etc.
RI Diocese churches – all public Masses and other liturgical services be suspended in the Diocese of Providence effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020 and continuing until further notice.
Massachusetts has 33 more cases – now at 197
If you are a homebound Senior in Johnston near The Bridge at Cherry Hill and need a meal delivered- contact Jen Burns during business hours at (401) 233-2880.
AA Meetings by phone:
Medical News
Roche says it will work with FDA to test rheumatoid arthritis drug for use on coronavirus patients
First clinical treatment trial starts today in Seattle