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Coronavirus Update – Today, April 28, 2020
(Photo: RI Veterans Home gets support, PPE supplies from advocates)
Air Force Thunderbirds will begin flyovers at noon today, over New York City, New Jersey, Connecticut, Trenton, Philadelphia, as a tribute to front line workers, called “Operation America Strong”. Three groups of 5 jets will fly in formation.
Mayo Clinic will furlough over 30,000 employees – almost half of their entire staff.
Russia’s coronavirus cases rise to 87,147, surpass China’s
New York will extend the May 15th “pause” date in many parts of the state.
Hollywood declares Coronavirus has left 2020 production ‘Unrecoverable’
Tokyo Olympics unrealistic without vaccine, Japan medical expert says
New research is showing, prior to Covid-19, that 1 in 3 death certificates were wrong
Illinois judge blocks extension of governor’s stay-at-home order
As weather warms up, up to 100 miles of NYC streets to be closed so people can enjoy the outdoors
Trump tells advisers U.S. should pull troops out of Afghanistan as COVID-19 outbreak looms
Swiss rush to get haircuts, visit dentists as coronavirus curbs ease
Tyson Foods board chairman warns ‘food supply chain is breaking’
President’s News Conference
Introduced public private partnership members, including Larry Merlo, CVS CEO to talk about testing. 5 million tests already done. Will do more than 8 million next month; tests will be matched by machine; CVS will set up point of contact tests at CVS stores and drive-ins. US has capacity to do 2 million tests a week.
Speaker of the House in RI says “there will be “a consensus decision from hereon in”, referring to the Governor’s decision on opening the state, and spending of federal money.
Mayor Marty Walsh said yesterday, Boston will not open on May 4th
Somerville, MA has launched on-demand testing and put in place a $300 fine for not wearing masks.
The 2020 Northeast Amateur, set for June 24-27 at Wannamoisett Country Club, has been canceled.
Rhode Island Data – 4-27-2020
7 new deaths – 233 total deaths
269 new positive cases – 7,708 total positives
48,177 total negative cases
2,482 total tested, prior day
55,885 total tested
266 in hospital, 81 in ICU, 56 on ventilators, 452 hospital discharges
1 in 50s, 1 in 60s, 1 in 70s, 1 in 80s – 3 others in 90s. All 7 lived in congregate care settings.

RI Veterans Home – none of these fatalities are from there. 12 residents are positive, 2 staff members are positive. None of the residents are displaying symptoms. RINewsToday has learned a complaint has been filed with the RI AG’s office.
RI Governor’s Press Conference
Cases are remaining steady – uptick in hospitalizations and ICU – very stable picture – plateauing.
Reopening our economy: 6 key indicators to open. Committed to standing economy up. Goal is to lift stay at home order in 2 weeks. May 9th. No guarantees. RI in better shape than other states because we never closed construction or manufacturing. Good position with testing capacity and contact tracing. Field hospitals built and in good shape. Planning, flexibility and adaptability will be our mantra. Slow, pinpointed, gradual opening. Debuted The Plan: – interactive site – Governor making decisions; people reacting to them. – 12 months.
Phase 1 – Testing the water – see how much we can do – lift order. Resume some social and business activity – severe restrictions. 10 people. Office based businesses emphasize working from home – anyone who can should. Some can go back to work, w/guidelines. Some childcare, very limited. Continue to grow. May 9th won’t look that different from today. Very limited exceptions to go back to work outside of home. Instore pickup. Run a few errands. Browsing retail stores. No restaurants. Towards end of Phase 1, pilot in house and outdoor dining. Limited – maybe – limits for hairdressers and barbers. Some physician opening. Some dental openings. Limited opening of parks and beaches, new restrictions in place. Can see family, but no more than 10, and same 10. Use common sense.
Phase 2 – Some restaurants with restrictions. Go from 10 to 15.
Phase 3 – Picking up steam – we know what we’re doing and increase. As many as 50 people. Still going to feel different. Conventions, sports, music, – last phase – we will get there when we get there.
Phase 4 – bigger congregating. More relaxed, with seniors among us.

Gradual, fluid phases. If another spike we will pull back. Through all phases – wear masks, washing hands, distancing – try not to go out more than you need to. If you are in a line or crowd, you are doing something wrong.
Timing – 14-day downward trend in cases or hospitalizations. Test every symptomatic person within 48-72 hours. Consistent, random sampling. Contacts traced within a day. Sufficient PPE, 30% ICU capacity. Essential supply services for those inside. Workplace guidance, with enforcement mechanisms. Tracking data. Every week process will be adjusted based on data.
Live Facebook Town Hall Tuesday, 7pm with Latino community.
Questions asked by press:
There is enforcement around public health for those who don’t want to cooperate with contact tracing, etc.
Timing between phases – 14 days? Looking for trends, with caveat that as things change, we have to change. Mobility data – will track if people are following those rules. Hospital data.
Travel in and out of RI – when does 14-day quarantine end? All governors are struggling to address this. Try to coordinate with other states. Certain to still be in place for phase one. Border control is complicated. Need more time.
Home health care workers feel left out while working in high risk areas; need PPD, etc. State is aware and committed to helping them get what they need.
Brown University op ed to NYT warning about dire consequences for colleges not opening this fall. What is status of RI schools? Going to require a reopening plan from each college and university for review.
State Spelling Bee – 25 participants – can we do it safely? No. Look for another way – virtually.
Church? Very likely to ask them what they want to do for a plan. Can’t see a scenario to go to church in phase one. Goal in month of May to find a way to do some sort of church services safely.
Art immitating life — Banksy’s ‘Girl With a Pierced Eardrum’ gets coronavirus update
Banksy’s “Girl with a Pierced Eardrum”, in Bristol, England, has been updated for the coronavirus era with the addition of a blue surgical face mask.