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Coronavirus Update for RI – March 23, 2020
Bolivia delays elections and enters total quarantine
India’s streets are quite as country quarantines
Israel – The country now has 1,071 official cases, including one death and 18 patients in serious condition
Barbados gets 700,000 in ventilators and 1/2 million from Rhianna
Hundreds of Americans stranded in Peru as country goes on lockdown – govt considering using military planes
23 die in Colombia prison violence as inmates riot out of virus fear
German Chancellor Angela Merkel in quarantine after her doctor tests positive
Germany – no meetings of more than 2 people
McDonalds and will close in UK and Ireland today.
Placido Domingo has tested positive and is in quarantine with his family
The Passion Play in Oberammergau – performed once every 10 years – is rescheduled to 2022
50,000 infections in Italy. First day the #s have been lower was Sunday.
Italy – no outside activity – no walks, etc. – Russia & Cuba are sending in equipment
UK – threatens broader action
Olympics IOC, regardless of pleas says canceling Olympics won’t solve anything – refuses to cancel at this time – Canada and Australia have pulled out
Sen. Rand Paul tests positive
NYC – 9,654 cases and 63 deaths
Ohio – issues shelter in place order
Louisiana issues stay at home order
LA closes parks and beaches
Tito’s Vodka to make hand sanitizer
High Performance Computing Consortium. 16 supercomputers housed at labs across US – Los Alamos National Laboratory, the National Science Foundation, NASA, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute will be turned to work on the virus.
Sens. Mitt Romney, Mike Lee are in quarantine
Harvey Weinstein has tested positive at Wende Prison in NY
Joe Biden is going to broadcast from his home, 11am today
National Press Conference – 7 days in to 15 days
Peru, Honduras – Americans stranded there – they are working on getting them out – and from other locations. Commercial charters, etc. Over 3,000 have been brought home. Smart Traveler Program: 888-407-4747 or for stranded abroad.
Sen. Rand Paul & Sen. Jose Belard – hopes they recover well
Legislative passage still being worked on
National Guard assisting with Washington, California, and NY – also other states – funded 100% by FEMA – Governors will be in command – also working with Tribes and territories. Assurances that this is NOT Martial Law.
Stockpile supplies going where need is greatest.
State of New York, Washington approved for major disaster designation – California being worked on
1,000 beds – NY; 2,000 beds – CA; 1,000 beds – Washington
USNS Mercy staying in CA. 5 times more bed need than NYC. Not for treating Covid19 – but for surplus.
USNS Comfort going to NY Harbor, filled with supplies.
Army Corps of Engineers – alternate beds – NY
Manufacturing of more supplies happening around the country. Defense Production Act has 2 functions – mobilization of public health industrial base, and allocation of supply chain. Voluntary basis: greatest mobilization since WWII w/local businesses. Repurposing of a factory, i.e.,
Honeywell – will expand RI manufacturing to produce N95 masks – going to various states – will provide 500 new jobs for RI area
Dept. of Energy – consortium to fight virus – high tech
Veterans – working with specific VAs to protect them; GI Bill – cover distance learning during emergency; establish & improve access to Veterans Choice for care from virus; restricted visitor access across country to protect them; canceled most elective procedures.
TeleHealth expansion all across the country
Testing more and more available – 254,000 Americans tested. 30,000+ tested positive. All being tested now have symptoms. Does NOT include labs – approx.. 1 in 10 Americans had the virus – 9 out of 10 did not. Working for testing to be caught up by mid-week. Commercial labs to prioritize in-patient testing. New test by end of March – 45 minutes results.
Working on vaccine development & anti-viral treatments – Tuesday morning trials start.
“We’re at War – fighting “The Invisible Enemy”
New guidance for first responders coming tomorrow. CDC will unveil.
Considering electronic voting on temporary basis for legislature due to senators and representatives testing positive or in quarantine.
Federal assistance – want to assist companies to get back to work, employees to return to work. President does not want stock buy-backs. Wants money to go to workers and company.
Effort to free elderly, non-violent prisoners – Fed. Govt will be looking at that
Next National Press Conference – 5:30pm Monday
Providence Fire announcing to all cars and stations proper PPE to be worn on all EMS runs not just COVID runs until further notice
Rhode Island Disaster Medical Assistance Team has collected seven pallets of supplies
BEST BUY to offer curbside pickup – rescheduling all in-home installation/repair service – will begin home delivery
Hand Sanitizer giveaway – 2,000 bottles – today at Peace Dale Elementary School, 109 Kersey Rd., Wakefield – donations from Sons of Italy Distillary & JAVA Skin Care
Stop & Shop gives raises, more sick leave to workers
Market Basket has reduced hours to allow for restocking (7-6) and staggered senior shopping hours (5:30-7, T, W, Th)
Massachusetts – 3 more deaths – 121 new cases
Governor’s Press Conference
Cases – 17 new cases – total: 83.
K-12 Learning – school starts tomorrow. Teens: set your alarm for normal times. Each city/town it will work differently – some mainly online. Teachers may assign written work, more likely a combination of online, interacting over Facetime or video, lot of phone calling, some experiential learning – and written assignments. Next 10 days is a trial. Stay in close contact with leaders and teachers. If no WIFI, let them know.
NO groups of people together should be gathered – not in parks, streets, open houses, parties, dinners, hospitals, nursing homes, etc. – if it continues, there would be a statewide lockdown.
What we do in next 2 weeks will determine our future. Police are monitoring.
RI Realtors Assoc – for shutting down all Open Houses until further notices
Further business restrictions, 5pm Monday: All recreation & entertainment facilities to close in-person operations – spas, barber shops, nail salons, beauty salons, tattoo shops, etc.
SBA – 521-HELP – $2 Million budget
Workplaces: if open, must have work environment for employees to be 6 feet apart. Shut down coffee rooms, cafeterias, etc. Good hygiene during day. Greet employees at door to be sure they are not sick. Clean, disinfect work surfaces. State will be doing spot checking.
Any business personnel who can work from home – to work from home – lawyers, HR people, etc. Self-employed. Continue to hear that bosses are making people come in. Not ok.
US Army Corps of Engineers deployed in RI tomorrow – helping to ready buildings to provide surge capacities for hospitals. And for quarantine
Supplies – PPE, ventilators, masks, gowns, swabs, etc. – RI is scouring the world to purchase more supplies.
DCYF – Social workers working with families – FamilyServiceRI – putting packets together of cleaning supplies, etc. – call 211 if you can donate
Quarantine locations – dorms, hotels, vacant bldgs., former hospitals, convention center, any bldg. that might be suitable…that’s what Army Corps will be looking into. Asking people to stay home. May FORCE people to go into quarantine. OR ask them to stay in their house under greater supervision.
Working on day care for essential employees’ children – Boys & Girls Club and YMCA tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be a statement on domestic travel back to RI. And those who live out of state, but work here. Daily commuters are another issue.
Important message from City of Central Falls Chief Health Strategist- Dr. Fine. Please listen and PLEASE STAY HOME!
— James A. Diossa (@JamesDiossa) March 22, 2020
Mensaje importante del jefe de estrategia de salud de la ciudad de Central Falls, Dr. Fine. Por favor escuche y POR FAVOR QUEDESE EN CASA
Thank you Steer Forward
What a moment in Pawtucket today…
— Johnny Villella (@JohnnyVillella) March 22, 2020
Al Vecoli turning 92 years old couldn’t have a birthday party INSIDE his house, so family and friends paraded in their cars OUTSIDE his house to sing him happy birthday. 🎉 #Covid19