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Coronavirus Update, April 25, 2020
Photo: Preparing for Ramadan services takes extra detail in 2020. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community.
Ruth Chris Steakhouse chain is returning the stimulus money.
England will furlough 7,000 bus operators in an effort to preserve their transportation system.
Medical officials in Brazil warned that their hospital systems are on the verge of collapse, or already too overwhelmed to take any more patients.
There are more than 2,700 reported positive cases tied to meatpacking facilities at 60 plants in 23 states, and at least 17 reported worker deaths at eight plants in eight states.
New cellphone data suggests about 40% of Mainers are staying put in their homes on any given day.
China reports no new deaths for tenth straight day
The Vermont House of Representatives held its first full, online floor session this week.
New Hampshire’s Stratham Fair called off July 16-19; the annual Lancaster Fair, held during Labor Day weekend, also was canceled.
Connecticut town drops drone surveillance program to assure social distancing over legal, privacy concerns.
Facebook rescues the insecure ZOOM – such a smart move.
Sweden resisted a lockdown, and its capital Stockholm is expected to reach ‘herd immunity’ in weeks.
The WHO published a Gilead report on a study that was not approved for publication, indicating poor results, which in fact did not have enough participants and was halted early. This report caused Gilead stock to fall quickly, and trading was stopped. The WHO then pulled its story.
Beyoncé and Jack Dorsey donate $6 million for African Americans’ mental health.
President’s News Conference
Pixel home collection test kits update
VP Pence had conference call with Governor’s to expand testing
Signed the next bill to relieve small businesses in the Oval office earlier which will help hospitals, also. Congress now turns its attention to 4th stimulus – infrastructure focus, possibly tax reform.
RI Veterans Home – 1 resident, 4 staff members have coronavirus. Quarantining of 16 residents in the same vicinity of the patient. The resident was transported and admitted to the VA Medical Center in Providence. Dedicated staff will work with the 16 residents and use a dedicated entrance. Testing of the entire facility will happen.
The RI National Guard is now enlisted to help nursing homes and assisted living centers with cleaning, testing, etc. as 50 nursing homes in RI have more than 1 case.
7th ACI officer, ex-inmate test positive
The state of RI has surveyed child care providers and over 40% have indicated in two months they could close if things stay as they are now; some have only one month of resources left. Most indicated payment of their facility’s mortgage is their biggest expense.
Hopkins Manor, in North Providence, with 20-25 coronavirus cases, has filed for receivership. Anthony Barile is owner. The facility has over 200 beds.
Butler demonstration – comment by head of hospital – assure everyone that they are using their PPE in accordance with the CDC conservation guidelines – Butler is a hospital, not a congregate setting, etc. Assuring family members that their loved ones are being cared for properly.
Twin River Casino online game site has gone dark
The MLK Community Center in Newport has provided food to over 2,400 people since March 13th.
The RI Catholic, the newspaper of the RI Diocese of Providence has ceased print publication and is now online at
Providence is considering closing off some roads to allow people to more freely walk in their neighborhoods, with social distancing.
Discover Newport will lay off 18 of their 22 employees. This is the tourism group for Newport. Information will still be available at the Gateway Center and online.
The Rhode Island Interscholastic League regretfully announces that the 2020 Spring Sports Season has been cancelled.
The Newport Restaurant Group is bringing back Avvio in Garden City Center in Cranston; Bar ‘Cino in Newport; and Iron Works in Warwick for takeout only.
3 ICE-detained prisoners at Wyatt Detention Center in Central Falls were ordered released due to their medical conditions at “this time of pandemic threat” – they were “to have no physical contact with the alleged victims of their former/pending domestic violence charges during their release” and were to wear an ankle bracelet, be quarantined at an address provided to court for 14 days, and then produce evidence of tickets back to Peru. (
$5.79 million in matching grants to 21 RI local municipalities to develop or renovate recreational facilities in their communities.
RI Testing: Have symptoms associated with coronavirus? Here is a link to clinics and settings where you can be tested – do not just show up – all facilities require a phone call, first. No symptoms? On demand testing without symptoms is not available – nor accurate. Antibody testing will be available in the near future.
Rhode Island Data – 4-24-2020
13 new deaths – 202 total deaths
437 new positive cases – 6,699 total positives
40,558 total negative cases
2,832 total tested, prior day
47,257 total tested
267 in hospital, 77 in ICU, 48 on ventilators, 377 hospital discharges
13 new deaths: 1 in 50s,1 in 60s, 5 in 70s, 3 in 80s, 2 in 90s
154 deaths from nursing homes
Important to remember that while yesterday had the highest number of people test positive, we are also testing more and more people, so the result is to be expected at this time. Nearly 6,700 people in RI now test positive. Approximately 40,600 test negative.
RI Gov Press Conference
Testing: RI testing more per capita than most other places in the world.4% of our population. Vulnerable populations – nursing homes – we now have a mobile testing team. Also looking at homebound testing in-home. Also, for hardest hit and high-risk areas. Cranston, Olneyville, Woonsocket, East Bay, etc. ‘
Antibody tests: Finger prick tests. First step is to validate them. Then random sampling of population. RI is assembling a task force to analyze and draw conclusions – co chaired by two doctors from Brown & Lifespan.
Low wage workers working in nursing homes. Hearing about serious staff shortages. Hoped Congress would have done something, but RI will take action now and give these workers a raise – Congregate Care Workforce Stabilization Fund – temporary pay increases for residential Medicaid facility staff – $20 or less to be eligible. Starting next week, employers can apply to HHS for this temporary raise. $20 or less, 20 hrs. week – receive $200 week for about one month – pro-rated for less hours per week.
RI National Guard will be putting teams of professionals to help with nursing homes and group homes – help is on the way
Housing Assistance: Residential mortgage relief for 90 days – grace period; 60-day moratorium on foreclosures and evictions – late fees. website will list banks, credit unions, etc. Courts are closed through May 17th. $1.5 M coming available for low income renters across RI.
More federal money coming to RI in Payroll Protection Program. Go to CommerceRI website. If you are a small biz, and do not have a banker: email [email protected]
Hospital Surge issue – elective surgeries and services list will be provided to the Health Dept. Then hospitals will get a date to begin opening up to serve those in need for non-covid19 medical issues.
Domestic violence – sad reality is domestic violence has increased with more calls to 911 regarding abuse in the home. If you need help, you can go to RIDOH website to read a resource in English and Spanish. Shelters are available with capacity.
Certain zip codes and areas are getting more cases and more testing can be focused on them. Providence & Pawtucket, especially. There will be a map on the RIDOH site soon. At 1090 Cranston Street – CCAP – is up and running for testing. Call 943-1981 for appointment, they will ask you about your symptoms.
Questions from Media:
Gov. will be doing more on Twitter and holding a Latino focused event on Twitter next Thursday night.
Central Falls high numbers: certain communities have more members of the critical infrastructure workforce – need to also set up a walk-through testing site.
Bankruptcy national suggestion – Gov. says no, though it will be tough. We will not default on pensions.
BHLink workers – 2 test positive – but other workers say they can’t get tested for days – RIDOH will look into it.
Hospitals remaining steady and ready to do more? Gov. says it’s a good thing they are holding steady. Doesn’t want to jump and not be ready.
Hair Salons – considering it and ways to do it safely – don’t forget to claim unemployment insurance
Regionalization of Schools – we are in the trenches fighting the coronavirus, but we need to address creative solutions like this soon.
Truckers who want to have tolls removed right now: Gov says “it makes no sense, serves no purpose – no, no – as I look at the state’s revenue forecast this is not the time to look at reducing income”.
Hotspots – 20 or more – 2 food processing companies, other congregate settings, nursing homes.
Governor’s Press Release:
- Serology testing: Earlier this week, the state received a shipment of 20,000 antibody tests that are now going through the validation process. In the coming weeks, the state will work with experts at Brown University and the Rhode Island Blood Center to test a random population sample and collect information about the prevalence of the virus in Rhode Island. In the meantime, RIDOH is creating a Rhode Island COVID-19 Testing and Validation Task Force to help analyze and draw conclusions from this data when it is available. The Task Force will be co-chaired by Dr. Angela Caliendo and Dr. Jonathan Kurtis, two Lifespan physicians.
- Workforce stabilization: Today, the Governor announced a new Congregate Care Workforce Stabilization Fund for private providers. For the next month, this fund will provide temporary pay increases for low-wage frontline workers at eligible Medicaid-funded residential facilities. Employers can apply to the Office of Health and Human Services starting next week.
- Banking pledge: More than 20 financial institutions in RI have pledged the following relief to their residential borrowers:
- A 90-day grace period for all residential mortgage payments for individuals impacted by COVID-19, with the opportunity to request additional relief
- An agreement to not report late payments to credit reporting agencies for residential borrowers who take advantage of this relief
- A 60-day moratorium on initiating residential foreclosures and evictions; and
- An agreement to waive mortgage-related late fees. More information can be found here.
- Rental assistance: Starting next Thursday, the state will be making available $1.5M in rental assistance for low income Rhode Islanders across the state. Details and information on how to apply will be announced in the coming days.
- Violence Prevention: Next Thursday at 11 a.m., Governor Raimondo will be joined by Senator Reed, Senator Whitehouse, Congressman Langevin, Congressman Cicilline, Attorney General Neronha, members of the Cabinet and representatives from the advocate community for a Violence Prevention Facebook Town Hall. Rhode Islanders can submit their questions on Facebook or anonymously by emailing [email protected].
A smile this spring – wear your face mask this weekend…it’s the best thing to do…
“All day long they follow the swan boats and eat peanuts. And when night falls they swim to their little island and go to sleep.”