



Feb 16 2020

RI Weather Today, Sun, 2/16/20

by Jack Donnelly, meteorologist A multi-level trough of low pressure slides through from the Great lakes with a change in ...

Feb 15 2020

RI Weekend Weather Wrap: Sat & Sun, 2/15-16/2020

By Jack Donnelly, weather Saturday 2/15/20: Cold air and high pressure dropping in from Canada will settle in and chill ...

Feb 14 2020

RI Weather Today, Friday 2/14/20

By Jack Donnelly Cold front passes through and there’s no mistaking it, Midnight high in the upper 30’s will be ...

Feb 13 2020

RI Weather Today, Thursday 2/13/20:

By Jack Donnelly, meteorologist Frontal system lined up with the coastline will trigger light rain for most of the area ...

Feb 12 2020

RI Weather Today, Wednesday 2/12/20

By Jack Donnelly High pressure moves in to the south and helps drive away some of the cloud cover desperately ...

Feb 11 2020

RI Weather Today, Tuesday 2/11/20:

By Jack Donnelly, meteorologist Low pressure developing over the mid-Atlantic along the slow-moving cold front intensifies slightly. Light rain development ...

Feb 10 2020

RI Weather Today, Monday 2/10/20

By Jack Donnelly, meteorologist Cold front poised to move through will be the focal point of light rain over the ...

Feb 9 2020

RI Weather Today, Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020

By Jack Donnelly, meteorologist Sunday 2/9/20: A mostly clear morning followed by increasing cloud cover as the day progresses, light ...

Feb 8 2020

RI Weekend Weather Wrap: Sat & Sun, Feb. 8 & 9, 2020

By Jack Donnelly, meteorologist Saturday, 2/8/20: Cold front heads east of the area taking most of the wind and clouds ...

Feb 7 2020

RI Weather Today, Friday 2/7/20:

By Jack Donnelly, meteorologist Cold front and most of the rain moves offshore during the morning followed by high southwest ...