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- ART! Art of Poetry Showcase at the National Black Doll Museum of History and Culture March 11, 2025
- Rhode Island Weather for March 11, 2025 – Jack Donnelly March 11, 2025
- Homeless in RI: Memorial Hospital plans on hold, Fall River clean-up, Street Sights newsletter March 11, 2025
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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly – in RI – March 13, 2020
North Providence Regionalization
Regionalization of fire dispatch between North Providence and Pawtucket will save Pawtucket over a quarter of a million dollars and result, we think, in an enhanced professionalism of service, looking at the capabilities and technical sophistication of North Providence’s dispatch services. Once the bugs are worked out, if any, and the system is smoothly running, North Providence can look for the next city to approach – Central Falls seems like a natural.
Providence Business News, Valley Breeze, ProJo
For taking down their paywall on stories about the coronavirus – we hope all other media outlets in RI will follow.
Healthcare Workers
From doctors, to nurses, lab techs, EMS, aids, administrative staff, and all the ancillary people who will be called into play as never before – we appreciate you – we depend upon you – we admire and support you. You’re not paid enough, you’re tired, and do unsung work. Today, tomorrow, in the future – we need you. Know that, and carry it with you when you get that time to go to your own homes, and loved ones.
Cleveland Clinic example – are we listening?
The Cleveland Clinic has developed and is doing their own coronavirus testing. Looking to the federal government to solve the testing availability problem is probably wasting time – let’s ramp up – we have Brown University here – CVS – mega hospital chains – we can do this – go!
City of Providence
Heeding what he is seeing around the country, Mayor Elorza took dramatic steps to put attendance restrictions on restaurants, and pull licenses on public events, concerts, etc. We don’t often give a thumbs up to the city, but yesterday was a high point. P.S. We encourage the Governor to give regularly set press events – every day – with Dr. Scott participating every other day.
Newport St. Patrick’s Day Parade
The Newport dust-up and resistance to cancellation wasn’t a high point for Newport. Let’s have a party – at all risks? The issue isn’t the “parade”, it’s the closeness of people. Let’s not. We encourage Newport to take the lead from Providence – half the occupancy numbers of your bars/restaurants – take another lead from Wright’s Farm – change your seating – spread people out.
Entrepreneurship’s Downside
So many of us celebrate the wonderful world of gig work, consulting, self-employment, entrepreneurial ventures, etc., but this situation will make many of us rethink our chosen path. No unemployment. No TDI. Some of us purchased disability insurance, but these situations won’t qualify. The federal government must find a way to help us out, for we serve at the discretion of our clients – contracts or no contracts if a company can’t pay us, there is no backup, except our own savings.
At the height of an all-hands-on-deck preparedness in Rhode Island, RI Hospital chooses to take yesterday to announce the laying off of 55 corporate employees and over 215 others who will take early retirement. We don’t know if a state of emergency can reverse this – but this is not the time for this action. It reeks of “our bottom line is more important – than your life”.
Some – many – will die. Many more will recover. Our lives will be forever changed. Our grandchildren will hear our stories. But surely, they, too, will face a pandemic or mystery virus, in their lives, or in the lives of their children. Ramping up after this global disaster is a must. Our young people who will take over as our leaders will need to remember this – because one day they will be “over 60” and in fear of a virus, themselves. Preparedness, #1.
Politics over all else – Crisis, or no Crisis
With the steady way of a grandpa, Joe Biden took to the podium to give us his plan on this international crisis. It wasn’t but a few sentences before he went down the rabbit hole of politics and slamming the administration. Oh, how we remember Ebola. And the lack of planning, and the deaths, and all of that. About an hour later, he was followed by Bernie Sanders, who had a goal to make everybody whole again – testing for anyone who wants it – treatment for all, now – money for everybody – a chicken in every pot – but not a plan. Calling the administration “incompetent” helps who no one. Does it help the American people? Did we feel more secure, and better? If we wonder why the young are turning away from voting, look in the mirror, politicos, those afternoon addresses were disgusting. And while we’re at it – we don’t need a debate on Sunday night. So stop it. Should we mention that all 3 candidates in question – President Trump, Candidate Biden, Candidate Sanders – are high risk for coronavirus – we wish them continued good health.