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US Census 2020 Coming to RI Mailboxes this week
Households will begin to receive notices by mail this month
Beginning this week, every household in Rhode Island will receive a notice by mail to complete the 2020 Census. Rhode Island receives $3.8 billion in federal funding each year based on census results. These funds support healthcare, schools, roads, housing, the environment, and many services and programs in communities across the state.
“We have one chance to make sure that everyone in Rhode Island is counted in 2020, and we must get it right,” said Director of Health and Rhode Island Complete Count Committee Co-Chair Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH. “The information collected during the census assigns billions of dollars in federal funding for critical public services that make up one-third of our state budget. Rhode Island is counting on every household to fill out the census and help us support healthy communities across our state.”
“We are going to great lengths to ensure that everyone is counted in the 2020 census,” said Central Falls Mayor and Rhode Island Complete Count Committee Co-Chair James Diossa. “A complete count helps ensure fair representation in Congress, enforcement of civil rights, and planning for Rhode Island’s future. Filling out the census is easy, confidential, and helps our community in so many ways. This is our chance—let’s make it count.”
Filling out the census takes only a few minutes and can be done online (, by phone, or by mail. One person in each household must complete the census questionnaire form and provide information about everyone who lives there. If a household has not yet received their notice, it will be coming in the next few weeks. Census participation is safe, secure, and private. Federal law prohibits the US Census Bureau from sharing personal information with anyone for any reason.
Governor Gina M. Raimondo established the Rhode Island Complete Count Committee through Executive Order to help ensure that the 2020 US Census does not undercount important populations in Rhode Island. Rhode Island outreach efforts include community outreach grants supported by the Rhode Island Census 2020 Fund (a program administered by the Rhode Island Foundation), and a multilingual, multimedia media campaign that includes broad communication intended for the general public and targeted communication focused on hard-to-count populations.
Every 10 years, the US Census Bureau counts every person living in the United States. The last US Census was conducted in 2010. A “test census” was previously conducted in Providence County in 2018. That was not the actual 2020 Census.
Anybody who participated in the test census in Providence County in 2018 must respond again when they receive their notice for the 2020 Census.
To learn more about the 2020 Rhode Island census, visit