


Your RI Weekend Weather Wrap – Sat/Sun, March 13/14, 2021

by Jack Donnellly, meteorologist

FY 2022 Budget Overview

Saturday 3/13/21:

Somewhat of a change in pattern, with some cooler air returning from an early March getaway. We’ll see morning lows in the low 30’s followed by afternoon highs only in the mid 40’s ushered in on brisk westerly breezes. Plenty of Sun and dry air, so wind chills balanced by Sun angle, chills winning this day.

Sunday 3/14/21:

 A trough of low pressure develops and sweeps through later in the day, winds kicking into high gear under some streaming cloud cover generated by the accompanying upper level dynamics, and we could even see a stray flake or three coming out of the north and northwest. Expect northwesterly winds upwards of 25 mph with gusts around 40 mph and higher in some spots in the later afternoon hours. Highs reach again into the mid 40’s and evening lows drop into the low 20’s with single-digit wind chills.