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Your Coronavirus Update – Today, Sat, Dec. 19, 2020
Gov. Raimondo’s photos at a wine bar in Providence, taken after giving advice to citizens to stay home unless it is absolutely essential to go out are making their way around the news – from local news to national print and television news, even internationally, in the UK, etc. (Washington Examiner, Daily Mail, Daily Recorder, ABC News, Fox News…)
Brand new website at RIDOH:
Raimondo will address the public on Friday at 1 p.m. this week. Next week, the news conference will be held on Tuesday at 1 p.m. to accommodate the Christmas holiday in the second half of the week. The governor will not address the public during the week between Christmas and New Year’s, and will return to the stage Jan. 7 at 1 p.m. At that time, the usual Thursday schedule will resume.
RI’s doses: Gov. Raimondo is quoted by some media outlets that “the state’s allocation of the Pfizer vaccine for Week 2…was reduced from 10,725 to 6,825 doses” – “We are calling on the Trump administration to honor its commitments and provide the full allocation to Rhode Island.” – On the NBC Nightly new they noted that shipments will be spread out in several next week to reach the promised dosage quantity.Dr. Philip Chan will provide a detailed vaccine update at Friday’s 1pm press briefing.
A petition is going around to restore the ability to conduct some RI events in venues such as weddings, etc. Here:
Connecticut has a new program to vaccinate nursing home residents early
USPS in RI has had 85 people test positive – almost 40 are back at work, but deliveries are slow.
The RI Interscholastic League announced that basketball, gymnastics, ice hockey, indoor track and field, and swimming can begin on January 4th.
ACI advocates continue to protest about COVID19 policies to protect prisoners.
Lt. Governor Dan McKee sent a letter to a member of the Governor’s senior staff urging the administration to publicly share its plan to ensure all CARES Act funds allocated for small business relief are equitably distributed to the small business community before the December 30, 2020 deadline. “With less than two weeks before the CARES Act deadline, I want to ensure that all funds allocated to help the small business community are spent for their intended purpose. It would be unacceptable to allow these funds to expire or be reallocated away from struggling small businesses,” said Lt. Governor Dan McKee. Earlier in the week, the Lt. Governor shared his own plan to ensure these critical funds reach the small business community before the deadline. He proposed that the state be prepared to transfer any remaining small business relief funds (from programs such as Restore RI, RI on Pause, Back to Work RI Job Training, Take it Outside, Remote Work Implementation, Rhode Island Hotel, Arts & Tourism Grants, Business Adaptation, etc.) back into the Restore RI grant program. He outlined that remaining dollars should be automatically distributed in a proportional way to these small businesses for an additional round of funding.
1,009 At Massachusetts Schools Test Positive For COVID-19 In Last Week
Health care workers at the largest hospital system in Massachusetts were temporarily barred from signing up for the new COVID-19 vaccine after the online appointment system crashed amid a surge in demand on Wednesday night.
VIBCO is now testing its employees in 15 minutes with the BinexNOW test. Its owner, Karl Wadensten is known for his progressive leadership and commitment to LEAN principles.
Landmark Medical Center received enough of the Pfizer vaccine on Friday to vaccinate half of their employees. They will begin on Monday, as shipments of vaccine were not received until Friday, due to the weather. They should also be receiving 300 doses of the Moderna vaccine.
Senior Advisor to Joe Biden tests positive
25% of New York deaths, statewide, were in nursing homes.
Twin River will reopen on Monday, December 21. (see Gov’s announcement, below)
Quarantine Guidelines

Today’s Data: Dec. 1, 2020 (most test sites closed yesterday)
Deaths: 23
Tests: 8,995 – Positives: 395 – Percent Positive: 4.4%
Hospitalized: 459 – ICU: 56 – On ventilators: 29
Deaths in-hospital: 10 – New admissions: 45 – New discharges: 64
1st Vaccinations: 1,226 – 2nd: 0 (Need 2 for full vaccination)

Gov. Raimondo’s Press Conference:
Starting to see numbers trend down – first time in 2 months
The pause has worked. The pause will end on Monday. There are still many restrictions and limitations in place, such as bars remaining closed, but gyms can open. Review what you need to know, here on the RIDOH new website:
We need to pause with slow dial-up of economy. Gyms can reopen and some easing up – this will allow us more freedom, and not to overwhelm our hospital system. New rules can be found at Nothing new – back to where we were – no certainty about where we go from here – so again, holiday behavior is a big factor.
Name of the Game now: Protect Your Household – Stay with Your Household. – Limit your gatherings to just them – go out to dinner, just with members of your household you live with. It’s a hard message to deliver – it’s Christmas.
No midnight mass at the Cathedral in Providence this year. Extra masses during the Eve and Day so people can spread out. Virtual services, too.
Go get tested. Everybody should get tested next week – and get tested the week after that. It’s simple, free, effective, and will protect your household. Easier than ever; less lines. Different story now. Don’t have to give info you don’t want to give. Go on to – schedule your own test. Symptoms – or no symptoms. Opened a new test site at the old public safety complex in North Providence. The Dunk has increased capacity. Wickford Train Station is expanded.
Holiday Testing – Starting today – we are launching holiday testing strategy – pop-up locations all over RI – we’re going to go where you will be – at the mall, Garden City, RW Park, gyms, retail stores, senior high risers, Arcade, Chapel View, Farm Fresh RI, churches, supermarkets. Free, simple test – results in 15 minutes. Go to there will be a list. If you are a retailer and want to be a site write to: [email protected] and explain you want to be a location, and we will set it up.
School Testing – Ramping up to full, in-person teaching by Jan. 7th – everyone back by Jan. 15th. Distributing over 6,000 HEPA filters, help to implement RIDOH guidance. TY to teachers, etc. for helping to get this ready. Student and teacher testing ramp-up in January, Using BiNEX tests with results in 15 minutes in our schools. Pilots in Prov, Lincoln, CF, So. Co. around testing entire schools – big success. CF launched first – positivity of 1% – great news. We’ve reached out for full, one day testing and ongoing testing. 10 districts opted for testing event. 10 want weekly testing. 21 districts opted for both. Goal: 30,000 tests every week in schools. CF, Pawt, Prov will be first in January.
Nursing Homes – Essential caregivers can now take care of residents – family members can be made an essential caregiver and go in to help with personal care, etc. This is up to the nursing home – it is their decision. Have to be trained by the nursing home, bound by testing, screening, etc. of nursing home. This will begin on Monday.
Dr. Chan – vaccines – Successful first week. This is a historic moment in time. CNE and Lifespan did a great job launching. We have 9,750 doses have been rec’d. 2,000 at RIH – Miriam/Newport – 1,000 each. W&I, Kent – each 1,000 – other hospitals have been distributed. Hospitals are giving out the vaccines. 1,226 front line healthcare workers have rec’d 1st doses. ½ the doses came in yesterday – during a storm. Next week – 6, 820 doses of Pfizer will come in. Next week, Moderna will bring in 19,000 doses.
Priority: Dec. 28th – nursing homes will begin. CVS and Walgreens will have a partnership with federal govt. to do that. High percentage of population in nursing homes. We will need a few more days as we need ½ of full supply in the state.
Assisted living and group homes will go next.
5 Regional Clinics – for EMS, home health workers, hospice workers, other first responders will start Dec. 28th.
Federal qualified health centers – Central Falls – will be vaccinated as a priority.
Priority targets to be identified and announced next. Johnson & Johnson and Astra-Zeneca comes next. Vaccine allocations from federal govt can change.
Wait list: RIDOH received calls wanting to get on a wait list. There is no list right now. There will be announcements about vaccinations and which groups will go next. Check with RIDOH.
Here is the priority list for vaccines as recommended in Rhode Island during this first phase:

Weekly allotment of Pfizer vaccine will be less than what we thought. We are in constant contact to see what is happening with this.
Dr. McDonald – Monoclonal antibodies. We have treatments. Regeneron. Lily product. Monoclonal antibodies are like an instant immune system. Administered through an IV in your arm – takes about an hour. Limited supply. RI has been very fortunate in getting a good supply. Infusion clinics at RIH and CNE. Want to keep you out of the hospital – this works best when you get it soon. If you are over 65 and have symptoms or below 65 with chronic conditions – talk to your doctor if you qualify for this type of treatment. We’ve been educating the medical community so they know what is out there. This should be used for high risk people who test positive and have symptoms.
Christmas – The McDonald Family Christmas of 2020 – 5 brothers, parents – usually 26 of us. This year: portal conversation with them, but we are not getting together. We didn’t do it for Thanksgiving or birthdays. His parents are 85 and 90 and we are not putting them at risk. Try to Protect Your Household. If you have someone in the hospital at Christmas – get a KN95 mask – these masks are much more effective than cloth and surgical masks. Dr. McD read from The Grinch that Stole Christmas. Very optimistic about our future.
Life-Saving Stocking Stuffers
During Dr. McDonald’s presentation he held up a small packet of KN95 masks -5 to a pack – great stocking stuffers. We bought them, you can, do!

Q: Asking Governor about Friday night incident about going out: Ever changing banquet of ever-changing rules. Spirit of unnecessary contact, etc. was broken – etc. What can you say to Rhode Islanders?
A: “I’m following the same rules as everyone else.” – we were doing what the rules are.
Q: Schools: you were harsh on the schools – now more and more are on distance learning. Do you think you were too tough – does it hurt the productivity of the situation – have you reached out to the superintendents – they are now driving the bus.
A: Both are true. Schools are safe.
Q: If the pause helped us get here, won’t opening up again get us right back where we were?
A: We’re definitely not out of the woods. That’s why it’s phased. 50% in restaurants, not 100% – etc. We’ll watch it – and we have a vaccine coming online. Big difference this time: go get tested.
Q: Will there be more stimulus?
A: Additional relief for individuals is coming from the feds. RI has spent all its money.
Q: Asked to Drs – would you feel comfortable eating indoors at a restaurant
A: Dr. McDonald – yes, I would feel comfortable. Dr. Chan – I’ve been out to eat and I would feel comfortable. Risk is minimal for waitstaff. Hand sanitizer, distance, etc.
Q: Vaccine dose info:
A: Each vial has about 20% more – instead of 5 doses, there are 6-7 doses.
Q: BiNex tests – we know they aren’t as accurate, especially if you don’t have symptoms?
A: We have hundreds of thousands of these tests – while they aren’t as good on people who are asymptomatic, we will pick up cases with people who are actively shedding virus.
Q: Overdose death in RI up so high – what is state’s plan?
A: Yes, beyond heart breaking. There is money from feds for addiction. We would invest that right away in helping people with addition. More treatment, outreach, peer recovery, street workers, telemedicine, etc. Very top priority in 2021. We need to be more aggressive to have friendly employer community because it’s essential for recovery.
Q: Emphasis on increased testing. Why possible now? Who is doing? Pop-up tests on Sunday. Gyms will open Sunday or Monday?
A: Gyms can open on Monday. Pop-up tests will be all around, they will be BiNex kids – don’t need any equipment – you do it yourself. Gov. went to federal govt – Dr. Birx – and asked for them – and they were delivered. Over 100,000. National Guard will be heavily deployed to do this. RIDOH. Temporary workers will be hired.
Q: School testing?
A: Two ways. One way, testing event. Second way, random testing every 10 days. No one ever forced. We respect a “no”.
A federal stimulus plan appears to be days away, finally, in Congress, with an announcement coming around Monday.
New Twitter COVID19 guidelines: Starting Dec. 21, the policy will be extended to cover false or misleading narratives about Covid-19 vaccinations, including:
- False claims suggesting that immunizations and vaccines are used to intentionally cause harm to or control populations, including statements about vaccines that invoke a deliberate conspiracy.
- False claims that have been widely debunked about the adverse impacts or effects of receiving vaccinations.
- False claims that Covid-19 is not real or not serious and, therefore, that vaccinations are unnecessary.
Twitter said when it advances to the stage of labeling or placing warnings on tweets with unsubstantiated rumors, disputed claims, or incomplete or out-of-context information about vaccines, those labels or warnings will link to authoritative public health information.
300,000 CVS employees involved with COVID19 services will receive a year-end bonus for their extraordinary efforts on Operation Warp Speed.
Pharmacists have found a way to squeeze extra doses out of vials of Pfizer’s vaccine, potentially expanding the nation’s scarce supply by up to 40 percent. The FDA said those extra doses could be used, clearing up confusion that had caused some pharmacists to throw away leftover vaccine for fear of violating the rules the agency set last week.
French president Macron tested positive, and is having symptoms.
Chicago schools – ¼ to ½ of teachers are staying home – either out of fear or they are quarantining or sick. They will be hiring 2,000 teaching assistants.
Coca-Cola has laid off 22,000 employees – and ceased production of ½ of their brands.
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar’s wife, Jennifer, has tested positive for the coronavirus
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, third in the line of succession for the presidency, after President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, and Mitch McConnell, House Majority Leader, will be vaccinated next week.
New analysis of blood donations finds virus was present on West Coast earlier than previously believed. As early mid-December 2019.
Sweden’s president Carl XVI Gustaf told residents that Sweden has suffered “enormously” amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and it is “traumatic” that many loved ones of the nearly 8,000 people who have died from COVID-19 were unable to say goodbye to them in person. “I think we have failed. We have a large number who have died and that is terrible. It is something we all have to suffer with”.
Belgium: Non-essential shops reopened on Dec. 1, but under strict rules: only one adult per “shopping session,” which can’t last over 30 minutes.
France: The government has put in place a nightly curfew from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m., which can only be broken for work, health or essential family reasons or walking a pet. On Christmas Eve the curfew will be lifted – on New Year’s Eve it will be strictly enforced.
Germany: For Dec. 24, 25 and 26, each household will be allowed to invite four additional people “from the closest family circle.” There will be no loosening of rules for New Year’s Eve, with sales of fireworks banned.
Spain: On Dec. 24, 25, 31 and Jan. 1, a maximum of 10 people can gather at home from a maximum of two households. On Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve night, a curfew will be set by regional authorities no later than 1:30 a.m.
COVAX, the global alliance aiming to deliver coronavirus vaccines to the world’s poorest countries, has secured 2 billion doses through supply agreements with AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson. COVAX is planning to deliver the first doses of vaccine in the first quarter of 2021 if the drugs are approved.
As the coronavirus rages across the U.S., the country has so far blunted the impact of influenza and other seasonal respiratory viruses. U.S. laboratories are finding significantly fewer flu cases among tested patients so far this year, compared with previous flu seasons, thanks to efforts to stamp out Covid-19. “We are seeing very low levels of influenza so far,” said Daniel Jernigan, director of the influenza division at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Between mask wearing, social distancing, and measures such as bar closures, “all of those things are impacting influenza,” he said.
A message from … Chris Christie
CHRIS CHRISTIE: Urges All Americans To Wear A Mask After He Spent A Week In ICU
— Public News DC (@PublicNewsDC) December 18, 2020