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Your Coronavirus Update – Today, Nov. 6, 2020
Photo: Safety kits being given out to flyers at T. F. Green Airport – courtesy TFGreen
A new set of rules are coming in just about every sport, almost all with enhanced health and safety in mind. If they work, games could return to arenas and stadiums with some fans in attendance sometime soon. Perhaps more importantly, they could also provide some common- sense solutions to virus issues in the real world.
North Dakota election officials say Republican candidate David Andahl, who died on Oct. 5 after he had been sick with COVID-19 for several days, won a seat as state representative for District
70 Americans are testing positive every minute in US.
New Orleans music scene is predicting somewhat of an end to live music as performers will be forced to find other work and may never return to the music scene.
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced a full national lockdown
In Pennsylvania, a judge struck down business closures and gathering limitations imposed by Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf on Sept. 14, but an appeals court ruled the governor could restore gathering restrictions on Oct. 1.
ESPN will make permanent the 300 layoffs done recently.
Wheaton College will go virtual as over a dozen of students and staff test positive.
Denmark will slaughter 15 million minks to prevent them from transmitting COVID19 to humans.
AstraZeneca Expects Covid-19 Vaccine Trial Results This Year
Amtrak has published new standards of travel to assure travelers of safety –
Supermarkets are accelerating the shift to e-commerce, devoting more of their floor space to fulfill digital orders in response to customers’ growing reliance on online shopping.
Pet Valu has locations in Middletown, Barrington, North Kingstown, East Greenwich, East Providence, Wakefield, Pawtucket, Cumberland, and Westerly.
Montpelier, Vermont: The state’s top health official is advising residents not to travel for the holidays if they can avoid it and says any visitors from outside the state, including returning college students, will need to quarantine amid a rise in coronavirus cases in parts of the country, including the Northeast.
If Joe Biden wins as president, a national mask mandate will be attempted, if it is still needed by late January.
Boston Sports Clubs has been evicted from its rented facility on Pitman St. in Providence for owing $200K in back rent – they did not protest the eviction.
Dr. Ashish Jha of Brown University said the primary source of spread in RI is small groups gathering. To a lesser extent, restaurants and bars could be responsible – what they both share is small, close gatherings, indoors, without mask-wearing.
10 people at the Providence Police Department are positive
T. F. Green Airport has launched a 3-phased marketing program to encourage travel again. The “SAFE” Campaign will focus on science-based health and safety protocols; the “CARES” campaign will focus on new improvements at the airport; and the “EASE” campaign will use traditional branding principles to keep the airport top of mind. They are now distributing “#PVD Cares Kits” which provide complimentary hand sanitizer, face coverings, alcohol wipes for surfaces and an information card.
Massachusetts’ budget proposal would withdraw about $1.55 billion from the state’s rainy day fund due to coronavirus expenses. That would leave the account with just under $2 billion in reserves.
A shipment of 6,100 HEPA air filters for schools is expected this month, enough for every school that needs one.
Women and Infants and Bradley Hospital have much stricter visitation policies – check their websites for details.
Pet Valu are closing locations in Middletown, Barrington, North Kingstown, East Greenwich, East Providence, Wakefield, Pawtucket, Cumberland, and Westerly.
Data by community:

3 New violating businesses:
Ayrox Barbershop and Beauty Salon – Cranston St., Prov
20/20 Hookah Lounge – Smithfield Ave, Pawt.
Lima’s Lounge – School St., Pawtucket
RI Data:
Today’s Data: Nov. 5, 2020
Deaths: 8 (2 in 60s, 1 in 70s, 2 in 80s, 3 in 90s)
Hospitalizations: 182 – 20 in ICU – 11 on ventilators
Tests yesterday: 15,785 – New cases: 566
Percent positives: 3.6%

RI Governor’s Address:
All the arrows in our data are pointing up and this is not good. Thanks people who are doing their best to curtail the virus.
Friday’s restrictions included saying there would be more restrictions, which I’m announcing today. I’ve talked with my regional peers so we can have more of a regional response.
Reviewed principles – targeted interventions, protect jobs, protect education – all while having wide community spread. Strong desire is not to have widespread closing – don’t want to be Europe.
Here’s the facts: we have to take our medicine. Change our behavior, reign in our social activity. Can’t try to outrun the virus.
Schools – not seeing big outbreaks there – identical in number to virtual teaching.
7 New Measures – effective Sunday for two weeks. We’ll monitor and see if it is working. If we change our behavior then they will have confidence it will work. Or, make tougher restrictions.

Phase 3 – Revised
1. Stay at home advisory – week nights 10pm to 5am – 10:30 to 5am weekends. Asking you to be home in your own house. Not pulling cars over or enforcing. Not at this stage. Voluntary compliance.
2. Restaurants – shut by 10pm weeknights; 10:30pm weekends – can still do curbside
3. Capacity lowered to 50% – churches, theaters, etc. with maximum of 125 people. Outdoor venues will be 60% limit with maximum of 150 people.
4. Catered events: Limit inside 25 people; 65 outdoors. Exception for previously scheduled weddings.
5. Big box stores – capacity limited to 1 person per 150 sq. ft.
6. Businesses asked to cancel any non-necessary travel. Have employees work from home whenever possible – state hiatus for travel for state employees.
7. Masks required at all times outside the home, including gyms.
Confidant that these interventions will make a difference. Everyone is tired of the rules.
Noon on Sunday Rhode Islanders will get an alert on your phone.
Restaurants and bars will be sent grants to all active facilities based on amount of business they usually do – between $1 – 2 – up to $10,000 – you will get the grant within 30 days. Full details on Monday on Dept. of Revenue at
Looking at other steps in high density communities – CF, Pawt, etc. represent disproportionate amount of RI cases.
Will look at very serious Thanksgiving restrictions next week.
Kids’ Sports – allow maximum of 2 spectators per child – includes practices and games.
Locker Rooms – gatherings, etc. – occupancy, cleaning protocols, etc. all sports facilities need to gather names and contact information.
Out of state travel for sports tournaments – Starting Monday, no longer allowed. Different rules for low, moderate and high risk sports. The prohibitions will be in place through all of 2020.
Teenage party in Bristol – now over 20 cases, 250 in quarantine, 4 cities, many lives upheaval because of this. Considering how much of a fine to levy. Says she heard from kids who say the event is cool, and they want to have a super-spreader, too.
Contact Tracers – TY, people are responding – but the state needs more. Go to: state of RI Health Dept. website and apply.
Dr. Scott
Case investigations: Too much socializing, not wearing masks, etc. Average case has 5 cases. Used to be 3 back in June. People are part of too many groups.
Older Adults: More vulnerable population – while we are advising everyone, we need to ask for limiting of activities for older adults – non-essential outings. Consider staying home. Not the time for going out for coffee, lunch, etc.
Testing and Isolation – doing what we can to get you test results quickly. If you learn you are positive, you should take action right away. Don’t wait for Health Dept. to call you. We’re going to tell you to stay home for at least 10 days from day you were tested. You are considered infectious for 10 days. Keep distance from others at home. Use separate bathroom and bedroom. Stay out of kitchen and gathering rooms. Do your best to isolate yourself. Let your close contacts know you are positive. For those you live with, they need to make changes, too. They need to isolate from you. They should stay home for 10 days, and then 14 days from last exposure. For non-household close contacts, same 14 day quarantine rule.14 days from last close contact from person who tested positive. Close contact: Closer than 6 feet for more than 15 minutes.
Q: Indoor facility that state shut down. 6 courts, rented facility, etc. High overhead.
A: They can reopen on Monday. Trying to get in touch with them to give them grants because of their lost revenue.
*: Spectators for kids sports – 2 people per child, outdoor sport – wear masks.
Q: Schools opening MUST have implications into the infectious increases.
A: We’ve seen a lot of increases, and still trying to get our hands around the big spreader events. Community wide spread with not a lot of spread in structured settings such as K-12 schools.
Q: Thanksgiving?
A: We will come back with restrictions.
Q: Two weeks – why?
A: We are going to see if this makes a difference. Less going to church, less big retailers, etc. If it’s not effective then may have to change course.
Q: People planning parties on social media? Are you monitoring this? Are you calling them to prevent? Are you asking parents to call if you know of these parties?
A: We are monitoring. If appropriate we will bring it to the attention of the school, or the Diocese. Parents can call us if they hear about events like this.
Q: What is science behind time restrictions? What makes it riskier to eat at 10pm than 8pm?
A: Hospitality Association worked with the state to make up the guidelines.
Q: Has anyone been fined?
A: No, think not. But it’s coming. Certain amount of due process. We are going to have to start doing it.
Q: When will you reinstitute RI legislature and oversight?
A: First order of business is to pass a budget. That will be in November.
Q: Would you encourage legislature coming together?
A: I would encourage virtual meetings – very hard to get together in the building. But we will have to find a way.
Governor’s Press Release:
1. Effective Sunday, a stay-at-home advisory is in effect from 10pm-5am on weeknights, and 10:30pm-5am on Fridays and Saturdays. At that time, unless you’re going to and from work or running essential errands like getting food or going to the pharmacy, you should be in your own home. Not someone else’s home – your home. We know that late-night house parties are a major factor in this second wave. And if you’re at a restaurant or bar until that time, once it closes, drive straight home. We’re not going to take a heavy hand – as always, our approach calls for voluntary compliance. But if we do see big parties at any time of day, and particularly at night, we will break them up and fine you.
2. Also effective Sunday, all restaurants, bars, gyms, recreational facilities (such as casinos, bowling alleys, and museums), and personal services must close at 10pm on weeknights, and 10:30pm on Fridays and Saturdays. Restaurants can continue to offer takeout and drive-through after that time.
3. We’re lowering the capacity limit for indoor events and venues of assembly to 50%, with a maximum of 125 people. For outdoors, the limit will be 66%, with a maximum of 150 people. This applies to things like performing arts venues, movie theaters, and houses of worship. I’d ask everyone to consider switching to virtual worship for the next few weeks.
4. We’re reducing the limit for catered events to 25 indoors and 75 outdoors. If you already have a wedding planned in the next two weeks, we’re able to consider an exception if you contact the Department of Business Regulation.
5. We’re reducing the capacity limit at malls and big box stores – retailers with more than 30,000 sq. ft. of space – back to the Phase 2 limit of 1 person per 150 sq. ft. Over the last few weeks, we’ve started to see more crowding at these businesses, and we anticipate that will continue to increase as we head into a big shopping season.
6. In addition to working from home when possible, we’re asking businesses to postpone or cancel nonessential work-related travel. We’re also leading by example in this regard and have put a hiatus on work-related travel for state employees.
7. We’re updating our masking guidance to require masks at all times with anyone you don’t live with. That includes anytime you leave your home – including at the gym – and private gatherings if there’s anyone there you don’t live with.
To watch and listen to the Governor’s press conference, click below:
Will Not Comply! Will not Obey!!