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Your Coronavirus Update – Today, July 11, 2020
Photo: Italian hospital celebrating its first day of 0 COVID19 patients
The Ryder Cup golf event, set for Sept. has been re-scheduled for Sept. 2021
NASCAR will move its August road course race from Watkins Glen in upstate New York because of state health restrictions, and the event will shift instead to the road course at Daytona International Speedway.
Stanford has cut 11 sports from their offerings, due to financial stresses from the coronavirus
New Jersey will make mask-wearing mandatory outdoors, as it has been indoors.
The COVID-19 Prevention Trials Network is part of the effort to find volunteers to test possible COVID-19 vaccines. The network is a combination of four existing federal clinical trial networks at over 100 hospitals and clinics nationwide. It will help researchers find the at least 30,000 volunteers, especially people in populations who are most affected by COVID-19, including racial and ethnic minorities, elderly people and pregnant women. The first group of volunteers is expected to test the vaccine candidate developed by Moderna, this summer. You can volunteer at
Many federal workers have been authorized to return to their offices on a full- or part-time basis
Fourteen flight attendants tested positive for COVID-19 after attending training at Hawaiian Airlines’ Honolulu headquarters and are in quarantine.
Students and staff at the University of Illinois can be tested for the coronavirus with a saliva sample instead of an uncomfortable nasal swab.
Mississippi’s Lt. Gov and eight legislators have tested positive for COVID-19, while another 11 are suspected of having the virus.
Missouri’s Kanakuk overnight camp has seen scores of campers, counselors and staff infected, regardless of steps taken to protect children.
The New York Times says the US has lost 50,000 residents of nursing homes to COVID19
Almost 40 boat ramps, rifle and archery ranges, and other outdoor venues at the state’s Wildlife Management Areas will be off-limits in New Jersey, through July 27
Most New York City students will return to their physical schools two or three days a week and learn online the rest of the time, because schools can’t accommodate all their students at any one time and maintain safe social distancing.
Wrigley Field, Chicago fans who get rooftop seats at 25% capacity may be the only ones to watch a game in person this year – tickets are $350
Development of treatments for coronavirus will still be necessary and critical after vaccine development because vaccines might not work for everyone, and doses may initially be limited.
TSA reports over 1,000 agents have tested positive
Many Florida hospitals to pause elective surgeries again.
The World Health Organization is acknowledging the possibility that COVID-19 might be spread in the air under certain conditions — after more than 200 scientists urged the agency to do so.
Four treatment types are being currently used: Antivirals that slow or block the virus’s expansion in the body: Convalescent plasma and antibodies that provide immune weapons to attack the virus once it’s established; Immune system modulators that tamp down an overreacting immune system; and anti-coagulants to combat blood clots.
200 Bed Bath and Beyond stores to close in US within 2 years
30 percent of the civilian labor force in Puerto Rico have filed unemployment claims linked to the pandemic
Big Ten has canceled nonconference competition in all fall sports and will face only conference opponents — if the 2020 seasons are played at all
Know your risk chart – put out by the Texas Medical Association… emphasis is no so much on where you go but adjusting your behavior when you are there.

The Archdiocese of New York has closed over 20 schools with no warning or plan involving families.
Starbucks to require customers to wear face masks starting July 15
There are two approved therapies shown to make a difference in COVID-19, and 150 treatments and more than 50 antivirals are being tested in people.
New York City has canceled large-scale events, including street fairs and events in parks, through Sept. 30, Mayor Bill de Blasio
An Air China flight from Moscow to Beijing is suspended for one week after more than five passengers tested positive for #COVID19 on a July 4 flight.
Outdoor theatre, gyms and pools in England to reopen
Connecticut had no new COVID-19-associated deaths in the state since Monday
Massachusetts is opening 8 testing sites for a little over a month. Anyone can get tested for free, even if they don’t have any symptoms.
Encore Boston in Everett, MA has rehired most of their employees and will reopen on Sunday
Fenway is using recording fan/stadium noise for the team activities.
“RI Lt. Gov. McKee accuses Gov. Raimondo of “political malpractice” for her ignoring the petition drive from Rhode Island small businesses requesting $125 million in available #Covid_19 funding for small business grants.”
Cumberland Farms on Killingly St in Johnston has temporarily closed after employee tests positive.
Two Little Fish in Misquamicut goes to takeout only due to anger of customers regarding rules that have to be followed.
Gov. Raimondo amended the budget to extend most insurance coverage for telemedicine through June 30, 2021
Kathryn Power, head of RI Dept. of Behavioral Health (BHDDH) is quarantining after being exposed to someone she had been meeting with.
Ballard’s Inn on Block Island donated a combined $8,000 to two Rhode Island charities that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Alex and Ani has permanently closed its Newport store
A Block Island restaurant, Finn’s has temporarily closed to undergo a thorough cleaning and its staff can be tested for the coronavirus after a seasonal worker tested positive, with plans to reopen later this month.
Town of Narragansett is upholding decision about allowing renters to no more than 3 per house/apartment due to coronavirus concerns.
Members of the newly formed Rhode Island Small Business Coalition were joined today by Lt. Governor Dan McKee to deliver a petition with over 3,400 signatures urging Governor Gina Raimondo to allocate a minimum of 10 percent of Rhode Island’s $1.25 billion federal CARES Act funds to issue grants to small businesses that have been most severely impacted by COVID-19.
RI Data

Deaths: 2 – 1 in 50s, 1 in 70s.
Governor’s address:
Moving to once a week next week – Wednesdays at 1pm. Special addresses as needed.
Data: Good news is RI is in a good place. We’re doing what we are supposed to be doing. If the data ticks up, we will have to put more restrictions into place. More congregating, less mask wearing are two essential things.
Beaches: Misquamicut was high tide – people crowded up – too many per car – less mask wearing – ask to do better, come back later if too crowded.
Housing: Public health crisis has led to economic crisis. Avoiding eviction: working with United Way and RI District Court to launch an eviction diversion effort called the Safe Harbor Housing Program. Alternative to eviction – landlord/tenants can work outside of court system – $7M towards this effort – 1,500-2,000 families can be helped. Renters behind on rent, income qualified, on Monday, contact United Way and apply for this. Call 211. Both parties have to agree to participate and produce a payment agreement. Tenants can also access free legal services. You can participate before you get served with eviction notice. This is a temporary fix – permanent solution will take legislation and more detailed work.
Small Business Plan: will release a plan next week
Crush Covid app: New app version is available. 60,000 have applied. A notes section has now been added. A resource area will be added. FAQ area updated. Map locator for testing sites. App is now in Portuguese as well as English and Spanish. Commitment to privacy is strong. Information is never attached to your name.
Visitations: Most are scheduling outdoors visits. Small number are taking another week or so to begin. Feedback is that generally things are going well. Keep masks on for entire visit.
Testing & Data: States are reporting data in different ways. Some are reporting number of people tested; some are reporting number of tests run. In RI, earlier we updated numbers and report both ways now. Total # of tests were expressed as a percentage of population. Goal is not to test every person once – goal is to be strategic in testing. 3 Facets. Test people with symptoms. Test rapidly during outbreaks. Test higher risk populations such as high contact professions. RI approach is to test and retest – cyclical testing in nursing homes and nursing home workers. We lead the country in how we do this. More than one round of testing.
Nursing Homes: Minimum staffing being recommended in legislation forcing nursing homes to say they may close. Governor supports bill to increase minimum staffing and to invest more in homecare models as RI has more nursing homes beds as compared to other states (given our older population). “There are other ways to age in good health – there are risks in communal living. We will put more resources into home care. Minimal staffing is just about safety. It will be a challenge for some nursing homes.”
Businesses experiencing anger from patrons: The Gov. feels that they are rare.
Bill Nye has a science message for us all…