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Updated: Who wants to be a Lieutenant Governor?
Updated, Feb. 11th:
From incoming Gov. McKee: “Today, Incoming Governor Dan McKee directed his transition team to accept applications for the Lt. Governor position that were submitted after the February 2, 2021 deadline. Based on the unexpected length of the transition process, the Incoming Governor is open to receiving additional applications so as not to limit the pool of applicants unnecessarily. The transition will provide weekly updates should they receive additional applications for the position.
Additional applicant: Edward Brady
Governor Dan McKee’s transition team released the names of 60 authenticated applicants for the position of Lieutenant Governor today.
“I am heartened by the response we received from Rhode Islanders who are interested in getting involved to strengthen our state,” said Incoming Governor McKee. “I thank them for sharing their unique perspectives on how the Lieutenant Governor position can help move Rhode Island forward as we roll out vaccines and rebuild our economy.”
Incoming Governor McKee will address filling the lieutenant governor’s position after he is sworn in as Governor.
Applicants are:
Robert Albanese
Dana Amore
Ray Berberick
Elizabeth Beretta-Perik
James Black
Maria Bucci
John Bushee
John Carlevale, Sr.
Dylan Conley
Caswell Cooke
Daniel Cooke
Marco Cross
Christopher Curran
Michelle David
T.J. DelSanto
Andrew Demosthenous
Michael DeRobbio
Grace Diaz
James Diossa
Louis DiPalma
Shirley Francis-Fraser
Joanne Giannini
Jared Goodwin
Alan Gustafson
William Guthrie
Jake Hall
Robert Hamel
Jeffery Hutton
David Iwuc
Paul Kluk
Robert Lafleur
Jason Lavimodiere
Ted LeBlond
Tracy Loignon
Michael Mancuso
Mathew Mannix
Ray Mathieu
Sabina Matos
Kyle McCurdy
Rachael McIntosh
Timothy Meyers
Donna Nesselbush
Camille Nixon
Keith Oliveira
Michael Payette
Lisa Pelosi
Michael Pisaturo
Riley Rancourt
Lisa Ranglin
Aaron Regunberg
Jonathan Riccitelli
Spencer Rickert
Michael Riley
Christopher Rock
Peter Russo
Matthew Santos
Donald Sherman
Stuart Spitalnic
Christopher Stanley
Anastasia Williams
Mission: To fulfill the constitutional and statutory functions of the law for the Office of Lieutenant Governor. The Lieutenant Governor was established under the Constitution of Rhode Island as one of the five general offices subject to voter election. The Lieutenant Governor fulfills the executive responsibilities of the Governor upon his or her death, resignation, impeachment, or inability to serve. The Lieutenant Governor appoints members of the general public to serve on boards and commissions established by the General Assembly.
Additionally, the Lieutenant Governor chairs and serves on various commissions and advisory boards. The Office of the Lieutenant Governor initiates legislation and has assumed advocacy and leadership roles in such areas as emergency management, veterans’ affairs, education, economic development, the environment, long-term care, health care, and elderly affairs. The Office also serves as a liaison between citizens and state agencies.
Statutory History: Article IX, Sections 1 and 9 through 11 of the Constitution of Rhode Island specify the Lieutenant Governor’s elected power; duties in the case of death, resignation, or impeachment of the Governor; responsibilities in the case of a vacancy of position; and compensation. Article IV, Sections 1 and 3 of the Constitution of Rhode Island address the quadrennial election process by the voters of Rhode Island and the transition responsibility for the Lieutenant Governor. The Lieutenant Governor is statutorily appointed to chair the Long-Term Care Coordinating Council (R.I. General Laws § 23-17.3-2), the Emergency Management Advisory Committee (RIGL § 30-15-6), and the Small Business Advocacy Council (RIGL § 42-91-2).
Going back a few years ago they were talking about not needing a lieutenant governor. Dan be a hero don’t have a lieutenant governor and save the state 100+ thousand dollars a year.
Well that is all good but does anybody want to be Governor because we do not have one now???
Maybe someone should stand up and say we are opening our small business to max to pre covid status on the basis of lack of leadership.. ya no.. Taxation with no Representation.
I would be honored to help and dedicate all my efforts immediately to Mr. McKee’s vision.