


Welcome everyone to 2020, a year of change – Buckle up!

By Patricia Glynn-Olson, The Futurist

The eclipse that occurred during the night of December 25/26th has brought us to the beginning of a crazy ride for the next full calendar year. If you have not already felt the changes beginning in your life, you certainly will by mid-January.

Look at your chart, if you have one, to see where Capricorn resides; that is the area in which most changes will occur. Sudden, unexpected changes. Whatever lesson it brings into your life, deal with it asap, as it will help clear the path for the rest of 2020. As I tell my clients, ‘take the easy lesson over the tough one’.

If you should have investments in the market, you might consider starting to wean them out by end of the year. Lots of turmoil, crashes, scandals in last month, banking issues. (I would even encourage you to get Christmas shopping done before December.) I would start drawing back in June.

The new year will bring a huge rollercoaster for political campaigns. 2020 will be a year of secrets being uncovered. Watch out if you are hiding anything. I have been sharing for a while about pending change in Rhode Island…well here

come the fireworks. Secrets will be uncovered, exposed. Buckle up! Not sure I would want to be in office in 2020/2021 if you are hiding anything.

In your personal life, sudden changes are always the Universe’s way of putting us back on track. Don’t fight change, embrace it and quickly look for the lesson involved. Any time a tough – or – good time is “put on us”, find the lesson for future change in it. Please, don’t fight it, it only becomes more complicated, as well as harder to resolve. CHANGE is nothing to fear. You ‘cement people’ need to open your ’emotional doors’ for this future.

If you decide on one or more resolutions for 2020, pick ones that are doable. Baby step into them. People who believe ‘giant change’ is their style, (“go big or go home”) those with a “running into” attitude, will fail. Don’t let that be your outcome.

Be aware of the ‘white light’ and use it to help guide you through the next year. If your lessons are not in the white light, they will feel like a boulder on your shoulders/chest. This time, a year of sudden change, actually can be a great year, if looked at with a positive attitude, and a grateful heart.

Always remember, we, as humans, are only here on this great planet to learn lessons from one another, the good ones and bad. 

If I can help you walk through your tough spots in life, please email me to set up a Life Coaching meeting and or a private reading. Either of those can help you find a resolution to your issues with a positive outcome. Help head off any negative.

Stay tuned for more help with all your ‘sudden changes’, as life in 2020 not only begins a new decade, but just possibly a NEW YOU!

Sending you all white light for guidance and blessings for your outcome.

Pat Glynn-Olson