


Trees (and Plants) are Cool! RI Tree Council has a project for you

The Plant Phenology Project is a great project for the whole (isolating) family – and you don’t even have to leave your yard – or neighborhood. It’s a great “exchange” of information – but, as we’ve worked with them before, you will gain far more than the enjoyable work you will do. And, well, we have the time, now, so here’s what it’s all about:

The Plant Phenology Project (PPP) tracks plant development over the annual plant growing season. It’s the ultimate out-door activity. All you have to do is observe plants, record what you see and, then, send us the results. You don’t even have to leave the home grounds.

Simply, go to to find the PLANT PHENOLOGY PROJECT. This site provides all the materials you will need to get started. They can be downloaded and include: Monitoring Instructions (Definitions), Data Recording Sheet and Target Plant Slide Shows (Shrubbery, Small Flowering Trees and Large Trees) illustrating important plant features.

Select the trees or shrubs you want to monitor from these PowerPoint presentations. Observe as many plants as you wish, using as many data-sheets as you need to record your observations. Send the completed data-sheets to us by e-mail at [email protected].

Monitor plants in your yard, or in the neighborhood where you live. The whole process shouldn’t take long. You’ll be satisfying your curiously, experiencing nature in a new way, and benefiting plant science and the RI Tree Council.

Won’t you join them? Anyone can participate. No advanced training is required.

Volunteering for PPP will:

  • Increase your knowledge of plants
  • Improve your plant id skills
  • Increase your physical and mental well-being
  • Contribute volunteer hours toward RITree state and federal grant requirements
  • Help shape future RITree educational and program offerings
  • Provide valuable data on weather impacts on plant growth and development

Visit – and see what it’s all about!

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