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To Do in RI: Music Awards to benefit the RI Community Food Bank – MONDAY

Motif Magazine Music Awards to Benefit the Rhode Island Community Food Bank

On March 24th, 6pm at Fete Music Hall, 103 Dike St, in Providence, Motif Magazine’s Music Awards will be holding a significant food drive to benefit the Rhode Island Community Food Bank. Attendees are asked to bring non-perishable food items as part of the “1 of 52” Hunger Network.

This unique, grassroots network unites musicians who use their talent to take action in one week annually help end hunger. Network founder Steve Maciel, who began coordinating this organization in 1988, explains that they have directed tens of thousands of dollars, collected tons of food and raised untold awareness towards the solutions of ending hunger.

This noteworthy event will strengthen the longstanding link between music and the cause of ending hunger dating back to the 1971 George Harrison and Ravi Shankar Concert for Bangladesh. This tradition has continued through the decades with fundraisers including Live Aid 1&2, We Are the World, Band Aid, Farm Aid, WHY’s Artists Against Hunger and Poverty and more.

Music has a proven ability to generate attention and prompt collective action to create change in powerful ways. The “1 of 52” Hunger Network works to carry this tradition forward and to continually strengthen this link. Learn more about participating in the network at

The Rhode Island Community Food Bank, Rhode Island’s Feeding America affiliate, is the state’s largest food organization serving over 84,000 people per month through its network of member agencies. They address daily hunger issues as well as long-term solutions targeting the root causes of food insecurity. Learn more about supporting their work at

Additionally, the “1 of 52” Hunger Network, and their partner organization RIpulse, in conjunction with their joint #HungerDown initiative, are issuing a call to action to make Rhode Island a Food Secure State. We are calling on our music community, the State of Rhode Island, businesses, arts and religious organizations – and most importantly its citizens – to renew or redouble their actions to support existing hunger organizations. It is our position that these organizations possess the solutions to create a food secure state and can do this with a groundswell of support. Our plan is to mobilize the support needed to bring their solutions to fruition. Email [email protected] to join us and add your creativity and resources to the cause.

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