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Call for Gov. Raimondo to transition to McKee administration now…
Photo: Gov. Raimondo Twitter profile
Rhode Island had not had a coronavirus update in person by Governor Raimondo in over 26 days. It was the most visible indicator that something was happening with the selection of Gov. Raimondo for a federal position. After numerous denials it was announced that she was chosen to be Secretary of Commerce, a Cabinet level position in the Biden administration.
Raimondo held her first press event to update Rhode Islanders on coronavirus in the state. The in-coming Governor, Lt. Gov. McKee sat in the front row of the auditorium, not on the stage with the Governor. After a short address, including a review of some things the Governor felt proud about in her time as Governor, Lt. Gov. McKee addressed the group. Gov. Raimondo took no questions inside the auditorium. Reporters who followed her outside, were also met with silence as she hopped into her black SUV and it drove away, leaving reporters shouting questions.
Lt. Gov. McKee also made no comment inside the auditorium, answered a few outside, and scheduled his own press conference for the following day.
Gov. Raimondo said she was handing the reins on updating Rhode Islanders on the coronavirus to the Health Dept. director, Alexander-Scott, who would set up her own briefings (none scheduled to date).
Later it was learned that Boston Mayor Walsh, also picked for a Washington gig, would not answer questions either. Neither Raimondo nor Walsh have spoken since being selected, as they wait their confirmation hearings.
Confirmation has been set for January 26th, but a final leave from office could be weeks away from that. Yesterday, Gov. Raimondo set early February to give her state of the state address..
With concern growing about such small numbers of vaccinations happening, why there was a pushback in the age being 65 or 75, whether the extra 2nd doses were not being used, and not being able to get responses from the Health Department, the House Minority Caucus issued a letter yesterday calling for specifics to ease the transference of power in such sensitive times in the health status and economic future of Rhode Island. The letter is as follows:

Dear Governor Raimondo,
Congratulations on your pending ascension to serve as the United States Secretary of Commerce. Although we may leave Rhode Island, our hearts remain, and we know you will always keep an eye on our home state. For this we are most thankful. This shared love of home compels us to respectfully request that you establish a near-term date certain to step down as our Governor.
Given the magnitude of the health, economic and social crises Rhode Island grapples with, we must have a defined leadership timetable, so that we may all plan accordingly. Our head of state must not be contingent upon action from a seldom-functional United States Senate, or else the Ocean State will be rudderless between administrations.
The Lieutenant Governor will ultimately be responsible for these crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic, our estimated $500 Million deficit in the next fiscal year, and deep tears in our social fabric. Accordingly, the ascension of the Lieutenant Governor to the Office of Governor should commence as soon as reasonably possible so that the individuals and policies that will ultimately see us through these crises may be implemented forthwith.
Lastly, no human should, or could be expected to, manage these state-level crises, while at the same time preparing to guide our national and international economic policy. Immense are the weights of these individual offices, and combined, they are unmanageable. Our nation and world need you focused on the great undertakings that await you as Secretary of Commerce, not pulled away by your responsibilities as Governor.
Respectfully, the very purpose of an office of Lieutenant Governor is to provide for the seamless transition of power in circumstances such as this. We implore you to allow our system to work as designed by joining other Governors that have stepped down as nominees for federally appointed positions prior to confirmation, including: Terry Branstad (IO); John Hoeven (ND); Jon Huntsman, Jr. (UT); Dirk Kempthorne (ID); and Paul Cellucci (MA).
Thank you for your service to our state, and we wish you much health and happiness in your future endeavors,
House Minority Leader Blake A. Filippi
House Minority Whip Michael W. Chippendale
Rep. Brian C. Newberry
Rep. David Place
Rep. George Nardone
Rep. Robert Quattrocchi
Rep. Justin Price
Rep. Sherry Roberts
If this recent behavior by her does not finally convince everyone she is just a self-serving, look down at us, I do not care typical lib politician which for some reason is a pattern for them all over the country.
But they keep getting elected. This country has changed so much, from mess with us(we the people) and we will hit you in the face (not literally) to Mess with the government we will knock you out.
Sad day’s in America and it seems to be getting worse.
No info from anyone re: COVID? Charts, charts, and more charts don’t answer questions. I want/should be tested. The Convention Ctr. is inconvenient when there’s a medical center, where I was tested in June, around the corner from my house. The phone is always busy and they haven’t answered my e-mail. I also noticed that they want my doctor’s referral – really? I contacted my dr. a week ago – he and his staff haven’t received their shots. Why?
The letter is too kind, too polite and too thankful. Should call it the way it is. The State is a disaster.
Is the new appointed governor receiving 2 salaries as l lieutenant governor and governor at this time?
Nancy – All the more reason that the Governor and Lt. Governor should run on the same ticket. These two have never been on the same page. The Lt. Governor is flying blind into this mess.
As to the Dept. of Health – what happened to transparency and communication? Dr. Alexander-Scott is doing the work of 3 people. She’s updating/teaching McKee, keeping track of the numbers, and, replacing Gina’s e-mails and one Zoom (via FB) to the citizens. If you didn’t have FB on, you would have missed it. We don’t need a mommy or daddy – we need someone who won’t pull any punches. Dr. Scott can do that.