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Ron & Jen’s Great Escape, October 25, 2023 – Ron St. Pierre and Jen Brien
by Ron St. Pierre and Jen Brien, commentary
Is there something in your life that just makes your blood boil? I mean, outside of the world, sports or your significant other? Like… a sink that never stops dripping… the noise your neighbor makes with a tuba every night around 5pm… how about a dog that BARKS INCESSANTLY in the neighborhood? Ya. I get it. I got some of those… but the thing that DRIVES ME INSANE is my leaky fridge. I have called the landlord… they have done things… it’s a band-aid until the next time.
Typically, I find that as soon as I put on a nice clean pair of socks and head to the fridge for a big glass of HAWIAN PUNCH, I step in a massive puddle seeping out from under the fridge. Every time I have fresh socks on, BAM! Puddle. Well listen, here’s the deal. Remember George Bailey from “It’s a Wonderful Life”? He was all twisted up about a lot of things and became brash and sour. He had taken a lot of life on the chin, and just snapped. He ran to a bridge to jump off and end it, but then his pal “Clarence”, the angel, shows up and gives him the opportunity to see what life would have been like if he had never been born. Well, I’m sure you know how the story goes (and if you don’t, give it a whirl), and in the end George Bailey pumps the brakes on his mindset and sees how beautiful his life really is.
I say all that, to say this, when my fridge leaks I think of George Bailey. Specifically, at the end of the film when George grabs the knob at the bottom of the stairwell only to have it come off and end up in his hand? Well, that KNOB is my leaky fridge. I know I post a lot of serious things on FB and I tend to get maudlin in some of my columns, but I’m human. I’m taking you with me and my life ride as I experience it. That loose stairwell knob was a beautiful moment in the film where George realizes that all the craziness and imperfections of his life (and our lives) is where LIFE truly is lived. Things come and go. Seasons change. Rough seas capsize our boats and there are mountains to climb. However, as life keeps moving, so do we.
George Bailey had it really, really good but he forgot that. I have a leaky fridge in a tiny apartment, but one day I’ll look back on this time and say, “you know… in that tiny humbling apartment of mine with that dreadful leaky fridge, I grew up a lot and learned how important each season of our life is”. This is a special time in our lives BECAUSE WE ARE STILL HERE. You were born for a time such as this. What I’m trying to say is ENJOY THIS DAY. ENJOY THE LOUD TUBA NEXT DOOR. ENJOY THE CRAZY NEIGHBOR. Life is short. Things change in a flash, and really, if we all look around… you gotta admit we have it pretty good. It’s not perfect… nothing usually is… but it’s really, really not that bad. Hey if nothing else, we are not living in the Middle East right now, and that’s a blessing in and of itself.
I’ll have Ron hoist a frosty for a toast next time I see him.
Here’s to leaky appliances and broken down old homes.
We’re not making this up. It’s actually a scheduled event for tomorrow between 5 and 7pm at the RI State House on Smith Street. According to a press release, Trick or Treaters are invited to the “Spooky State House” event. There will be decorations and “friendly frights” from the offices of Secretary of State, The Governor and Lt Governor A-G, General Treasurer, and the RI House and Senate. Admission’s free, but attendees are encouraged to bring a canned good for the RI Community Food Bank. Don’t these “leaders” and lawmakers frighten us enough just by being in session?
Hoarding’s been on the rise since the start of the Covid pandemic and apparently it shows little sign of letting up. Between 2020, between 2% and 3% of the world’s population could be considered obsessive hoarders. Now that number’s 4%. T-P and water are the top two items.
Every now and then I feel the need to ask questions for which there are really no logical answers, just to feel better they’ve been asked. Here are a couple. What advertising genius thought I would be motivated to buy (or switch) insurance from a company who is represented by a guy and an emu? Why are the small Halloween candy bars called “fun size?” Aren’t the full sized bars more fun? They sure are for me.
The world’s oldest dog has gone to the big kennel in the sky. Bobi, who lived to be over 31 years old, died last week at an animal hospital in Portugal. Bobi was officially recognized as the oldest living dog this February. Bobi was a Rafeiro de Alentejo, a Portuguese breed of dog whose life expectancy is 10-14 years. Bobi’s owner says Bobi lived on a farm far from the maddening crowd, “ate what we ate” and was never put on a leash. We did the math in dog years and Bobi lived to age 217 in Fido years.
Hi gang! And WOOF! HAZEL THE DOG HERE with the view from my snout!!
You know, a lot of people wonder why us K-9’s go so nutty when our owners leave the house or an apartment, or whatever space you live in for a second, 10 hours, 5 mins, etc., etc. Time is irrelevant to us. You could literally go check the mailbox at the end of the driveway – and we miss you. You see, YOU, the ALPHA dog and owner, are our everything. We long for snuggles and kisses. Car rides and walks. Nights by the fire pit or couch, so long as you are there… play time outside with tennis balls and walks on the beach… simply put… we don’t like being without you. Not because we have separation anxiety, but rather, because we love you with the purest of hearts, and we know our time with you is short. We don’t know why we live short lives, but I have heard it’s because we give you all we have, and then more. Giving 200% of love every day zaps our energy and we just get tired. So, next time you get annoyed with us because we are pesty for you and want attention, it’s only because to us… you are our everything, and more. We were assigned to you, and love you more than you know… don’t get mad at us… we just want a hug.
Read all of Ron & Jen’s columns, here:

Ron St. Pierre is a veteran broadcaster whose career has spanned over four decades. Ron has programmed, performed on and managed WHJJ, WPRO, WWRX, 790 The Score in Providence, as well as WBZT and WKGR in West Palm Beach and WABC in New York City. Ron also anchored sports on WPRI Ch 12 in Providence. He is a member of both the Rhode Island Radio and Television and the City of Pawtucket Halls of Fame. He was born and raised in Pawtucket.
Jen Brien has over 20 years of radio broadcast experience having hosted shows on WPRO and WHJJ with Ron as well as her own shows on WRKO and WBZ in Boston, WXTK on Cape Cod and WHAM in Rochester, New York. Jen was born and raised in Woonsocket and served six years in the Army MP Canine Unit.
Hazel, Ron’s dog, makes regular appearances.
“Ron and Jen’s Great Escape” podcast, a more lighthearted look at the events happening around us, can be found on YouTube and wherever you get your podcasts, with new episodes premiering each Wednesday and listen to Ron and Jen’s Great Escape on NewsRadio 920 and 104-7 FM, Saturday morning, 7am!