

A group of people standing in front of a table.

RITA’s Truck Transportation taught to 30 Eagle Scouts at 2025 Merit Badge College

Thirty aspiring Eagle Scouts attended the “Truck Transportation” course taught by RITA’s Chris Maxwell at Saturday’s Merit Badge College.

Held at Rhode Island College by Scouts BSA, the full day event offers Scouts an opportunity to meet with highly qualified professionals to learn and foster the development of lifelong interests and potential career paths.

Maxwell taught two 3-hour “Truck Transportation” courses Saturday, which covered subject matter such as the history of trucking, types of equipment and technology, safety, regulatory enforcement and infrastructure funding. In addition to Truck Transportation, scouts could participate in courses such as “Archeology”, “Digital Technology”, “Law” and “Oceanography” among the 30 course offerings at the Merit Badge College.

Scouting Merit Badges are accumulated as Scouts fulfill requirements in order to gain the rank of Eagle Scout. The Merit Badge College enables Scouts to accelerate accumulation of badges while exposing them to areas that might not be available through normal troop meetings.

“As an industry that seeks to attract young men and women into its ranks, this valuable event allows us to inform and inspire some toward forging a career in trucking,” said Maxwell. “At minimum, it teaches our youth, first hand, about the truths, realities and essentiality of the trucking industry,” he added.

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  2. Jack Lancellotta on January 14, 2025 at 8:11 pm

    CONGRATS on a neat program – exposure to the real world, personal responsibilities and doing a service that’s fun – NICE!

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