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RI Veterans: Did you know? (CHAMPVA, events, discounts…), 26-1-23 – John A. Cianci
by John A. Cianci, contributing writer on veterans issues
Did you know the Providence Veterans Administration Medical Center (PVAMC), Chalkstone Ave, Providence RI offers FREE tax preparation for veterans starting February 5th? The services are available on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday, February 5 through April 15, 2023. This free service is for veterans enrolled in PVAMC. The service is by appointment only, 401-273-7100, Ext. 2025
Let’s start off with a question from one of our readers, who happens to be my wife:
My husband was awarded 100% VA Compensation in August 2022 and detailed in the award package was, as his qualified spouse, I was entitled to medical coverage thru the CHAMPVA at no cost.
Immediately, I followed the instructions and applied for CHAMPVA in August 2022, Moreover, I canceled the private insurance I was paying for out of pocket. Soon after applying, the CHAMPVA website posted processing time was expected to be 6 to 8 weeks.
After the 8 weeks passed, in late October 2022, I called CHAMPVA, and was told by the CHAMPVA office they had not even OPENED the mail from August, 2022. Moreover, it would take about 6 months for me to be issued my card to use CHAMPVA.
In late November, I called again, and told the time frame I mailed my application, and the CHAMPVA office still had not opened the August mail yet.
In January, per my telephone inquiry, the automated system message said: “applications received on or before August 20, 2022, were now being opened. To get additional clarification, I called to speak with a CHAMPVA customer service representative who told me they had “scanned my application in, and it would take another 30-45 days.”
While waiting for CHAMPVA to process my application since August 2022, I have no medical insurance and have to pay out of pocket. Sure, CHAMPVA advises I will be reimbursed by CHAMPVA for any medical cost while awaiting my card.
Is there any way I can expedite the processing to ensure for upcoming medical needs I don’t have to pay out of pocket? – Wendy C Exeter RI
John’s Reply:
First, let me explain what CHAMPVA is:
CHAMPVA stands for the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA). CHAMPVA is managed by the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Office of Community Care (OCC), located in Denver, Colorado. The VHA OCC processes all claims submitted for reimbursing medical services and supplies rendered by authorized providers in the community.
According to veterans and veteran service officers RINewsToday spoke with, until recently, the CHAMPVA benefit was one of the only divisions in the VA that seemed to function fairly well since they operated seemingly independent from VACO. That seems to have changed in the last couple years, self-admission by CHAMPVA delays in processing applications and claims for CHAMPVA is intertwined with short staffing.
Wendy, it’s unfortunate that we’ve come to expect that any action within any section of the VA will run late, result in lost documents, and otherwise see significant errors every step of the way.
Imagine any private business NOT opening mail for almost 5 months. Moreover, a private or government entity telling an eligible employee for medical coverage it will take almost 6 months to activate your coverage.
The bureaucracy that dishonors our veterans and their families in the timely processing of CHAMPVA benefits is already awarded to those eligible.
Your best bet for immediate action is to get in direct touch with your Congressional representative locally… whoever you like in your state and district, most will have offices near enough to you that you may be able to visit in person. Every Congressperson has a “military and veterans liaison” (or a similar title/function) and that’s who you want to get to as you call the office.
Interestingly, since Wendy followed RINewsToday advice between last week’s column and the publishing of this column to contact her congressional leader, which she did by contacting Senator Jack Reed’s office, her application was processed.
Moreover, Senator Reed’s office notified Wendy his inquiry to the CHAMPVA office in Denver, she was expected to receive CHAMPVA package in 30-45 days.
According to Wendy, “The automated CHAMPVA recording called on January 23, 2023, message to inquiries, CHAMPA is now opening mail August 29, 2022 – 5 months ago.”
“I have several thousands of dollars of medical expenses that I need to file for reimbursement for due to the bureaucracy of the VA. Moreover, for reimbursements I am told it will take 6 to 9 months before I see the check.” Wendy told
More information on CHAMPVA:
Understanding CHAMPVA and Eligibility
CHAMPVA benefits
Are you the spouse or surviving spouse of—or a child of—a Veteran with disabilities or a Veteran who has died? If you don’t qualify for TRICARE (the Department of Defense’s health care program for active-duty and retired service members and their families), you may be able to get health insurance through the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA). Through this program, they cover the cost of some of your healthcare services and supplies. This is called cost sharing. Find out if you qualify for CHAMPVA and how to apply.
VETTIP – Eligibility for CHAMPA is usually intertwined with a veteran who is awarded 100% VA disability compensation. If a veteran claim remains open, strongly recommend the veteran keeps documentation of all medical expenses for spouse and eligible dependents, as CHAMPVA will reimburse the veteran the effective date of the VA awarding 100%, which could be months and years.
Did you know Primary Family Caregivers participating in Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC) may be eligible for healthcare through this program if not otherwise entitled to care or services under another health-plan contract, including but not limited to TRICARE, Medicare, or Medicaid.
Through this program, the cost of some of your healthcare services and supplies is covered. This is called cost-sharing. CHAMPVA is managed by the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Office of Community Care (OCC), located in Denver, Colorado. The VHA OCC processes all claims submitted for reimbursing medical services and supplies rendered by authorized providers in the community.
What is CHAMPVA?
CHAMPVA is The Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) is a comprehensive healthcare program in which the VA shares the cost of covered healthcare services and supplies with eligible beneficiaries.
Am I eligible for health care through CHAMPVA?
· You may only be eligible for health care through CHAMPVA if you don’t qualify for TRICARE and at least one of these descriptions is true for you.
· At least one of these must be true:
· You’re the spouse or child of a Veteran who’s been rated permanently and totally disabled for a service-connected disability by a VA regional office, or
· You’re the surviving spouse or child of a Veteran who died from a VA-rated service-connected disability, or
· You’re the surviving spouse or child of a Veteran who was at the time of death rated permanently and totally disabled from a service-connected disability, or
· You’re the surviving spouse or child of a service member who died in the line of duty, not due to misconduct (in most of these cases, family members qualify for TRICARE, not CHAMPVA).
· A service-connected disability is a disability that we’ve concluded was caused—or made worse—by the Veteran’s active-duty service. A permanent disability is one that’s not expected to improve.
VETTIP – A Veteran who’s the qualifying CHAMPVA sponsor for their family may also qualify for the VA health care program based on their own Veteran status. If 2 spouses are both Veterans who qualify as CHAMPVA sponsors for their family, they both may now qualify for CHAMPVA benefits. Each time they need medical care, they may choose to get care through the VA health care program or using their CHAMPVA coverage.
How do I apply for CHAMPVA?
If you believe you are the spouse or child of a Veteran with disabilities, or the surviving spouse or child of a Veteran who has died, use VA Form 10-10d to apply for health insurance through CHAMPVA (the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs).
Downloadable PDF here: Download VA Form 10-10d (PDF)
After completing the VA Form 10-10, mail to: Chief Business Office Purchased Care, CHAMPVA Eligibility, PO Box 469028, Denver CO 80246-9028
To contact CHAMPVA: Customer Service Center: 1-800-733-8387 | FAX: 303-331-7809
VETTIP – Recommends you apply in writing and receive a response in writing from CHAMPVA. Keep copies of all documents sent, and follow up in 60 days if you have not heard from CHAMPVA.
CHAMPVA Benefits
In general, CHAMPVA covers most health care services and supplies that are medically and psychologically necessary. Upon confirmation of eligibility, you will receive a CHAMPVA Program Guide that specifically addresses covered and non-covered services and supplies. For a complete listing of non-covered services and supplies please consult the CHAMPVA Policy Manual.
· Pharmacy Benefits
· Meds by Mail: Meds by Mail is a voluntary service that provides a safe, easy, and cost-free way for eligible CHAMPVA and spina bifida beneficiaries to receive non-urgent maintenance medications delivered right to your door.
· OptumRx (formerly Catamaran) Retail Pharmacy Network: OptumRx electronically processes pharmacy claims nationwide, including in Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. Beneficiaries are serviced through a network of more than 82,000 retail pharmacies. When you use a OptumRx pharmacy, the pharmacy may collect a 25 percent cost share (after the annual deductible has been met) before submitting the claim – saving you time.
What benefits do I get with CHAMPVA?
With CHAMPVA, you’ll be covered for services and supplies when we determine they are medically necessary and were received from an authorized provider. When providers are performing services within the scope of their license or certification, we consider them to be authorized.
Covered services include:
- Ambulance service
- Ambulatory surgery
- Durable medical equipment (DME)
- Family planning and maternity
- Hospice
- Inpatient services
- Mental health services
- Outpatient services
- Pharmacy (prescription medicines)
- Skilled nursing care
- Transplants
When you’re signed up for CHAMPVA, you’ll get a copy of the CHAMPVA Program Guide. This guide will tell you more about covered and non-covered services and supplies.
§ Download the CHAMPVA Program Guide (PDF)
§ Download fact sheets on CHAMPVA benefits
UPDATE on RING Reunion on January 21, 2023 – On Saturday, 21 January 2023, a group of former Rhode Island National Guard members united for a day of rekindled friendships, pleasant memories, good food and great stories (most of which were true). The group numbered approximately 45 individuals, some of whom had never attended a RI Guard Reunion! It was held at the home of MAJ (Ret) Rick and Teresa Comerford in Orlando, FL.
The next Florida reunion will be held on Saturday, 20 January 2024. Please contact COL (Ret) Patty Ryan at [email protected] to be put on the email list.

2023 RING REUNION – Photo provided by Patti Ryan
February 6, 2023 – Federal Hill Coffee House, 9 am-11 am, ROMA, 311 Atwells Ave, Providence RI. The event is open to all veterans and their guests. The Italian American War Veterans of US/Department of RI and Auxiliary invite all veterans and their guests as ROMA provides Italian pastries, Italian toast, calzones, and refreshments throughout the gathering. POC is John A Cianci, email [email protected] or phone, (401)-677-9838.
February 5, 2023 – CHAPEL OF FOUR CHAPLAINS MEMORIAL SERVICE. On 5 February 2023 when we will conduct a Four Chaplains Memorial Service. This service will be dedicated to these courageous, unselfish men. Service will start at 1100. The location is at 1081 Main Street , Cornerstone of Faith Methodist Church. (Parking is available behind the Church, across the street, and also behind the former Police station building). As you may know, Four Army Chaplains gave up their life preservers to soldiers as their troopship the Dorchester, which had been torpedoed by a German submarine, was sinking. A candle will be lit, a short biography read, and a wreath placed for each Chaplain as part of this ceremony.
This true story of bravery in the Second World War has led to the Creation of the Four Chaplains Memorial Foundation which keeps the memory and sacrifice of these four remarkable men of God alive. There will be a special offering; proceeds going to the Chapel of Four Chaplains Foundation to aid in continuing their work to educate the public of this great, heroic, historical event. This is an ecumenical service, all are welcome. We hope you will be able to join us. Light refreshments will follow in the Church Fellowship Hall. Please RSVP by Thursday 2 February 2023 to ensure ample food will be available. Jane Deptula, Dept. of RI Marine Corps League Chaplain (825-6685) or (email [email protected])
February 11, 2023 – Veteran Empowerment Day . The event is being held by the VFW. The Veterans of Foreign Wars appreciates your interest in attending the Empowerment Day at the Wyndham Hotel, 240 Aquidneck Ave. Middletown RI. 02842 on 02/11/23. To get the most out of this day, we would like for anyone who is interested in attending, to please fill out some basic information about anyone attending the event. We would like this event to empower you and your family to be educated in benefits and resources you and your family may qualify for. The Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary will have youth activities for children ages 5 and older.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of Rhode Island, have created a safe space for learning and networking. The day will be as follows:
· 0715-0830
· Free Breakfast
· Registration
· Veteran Organizations and Service Providers, exhibitors and resources.
· The ballroom will be available for a meet and greet with Organizations, Service Providers, exhibitors and resource tables.
· 0830-0835
· Four Chaplains Ceremony
· Ceremony to remember Four Chaplains Day, usually celebrated on Feb 3rd, every year, in recognition of four Army Chaplains who acted in the spirit of heroic sacrifice and humanitarianism, on board a sinking ship in WWII.
· 0835-0845
· Introduction to the Commander-in-Chief, Tim Borland, being present to speak to our attendees and kick off the empowerment day.
· 0845-0900
· Introduction to classroom staff and sponsors
· Attendees will be able to meet all classroom staff of the day.
· 0900-0915
· Transition of classes and visit Service Providers.
· 0915-1000
· Session 1: A – D
· 1000-1015
· Transition of classes and visit Service Providers.
· 1015-1100
· Sessions 2: The next set of top 4 classes that were chosen by the attendees registere. E-H
· 1100-1115
· Transition of classes and visit Service Providers.
· 1115-1200
· Sessions 3: A – D
· 1200-1230
· Transition of classes and visit Service Providers.
· 1230-1430
· Student scholarship luncheon*
· Patriot’s Pen / Voice of Democracy
All attendees for the days’ events are invited to our following events where we will be honoring the State of Rhode Island winners of the two scholarship programs that the Veterans of Foreign Wars provide to grades 6th – 8th and 9th – 12th. The winner of Voice of Democracy scholarship will have a paid trip to the national rewards banquette located in Washington D.C. where they will be able to bring one parent paid for by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The winners at the national level will be awarded $35,000 by the Voice of Democracy Scholarship (grades 6th-12th) and $8,000 by the Patriot’s Pen (grades 6th-8th).
Letters from Home has announced Providence as the official Rhode Island stop of 50-states tour
Tuesday, February 21, 2023 – 7pm. Letters From Home, The McVinney Auditorium in Providence is going to be the host for the official Rhode Island stop of the tour, which will take place on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at 7pm. Letters From Home was founded in 2010, featuring music from the soundtracks of WWII, Vietnam, and beyond. This vaudevillian-style singing & tap dancing duo has honored our veterans, active military heroes and their families, by uniting the nation through music. The show’s idea came from Pat Dearth, a veteran of the United States Coast Guard. Since its inception, Letters From Home has performed over 900 shows across the country. A documentary on the group produced by “Our State” Television (David Hardy) won an Emmy award in 2015. In 2019, Erinn and Dan traveled to Normandy, France to perform during the 75th Anniversary of D-Day festivals where they sang the National Anthem on June 6th at sunset on Omaha Beach. Letters From Home returned to Europe in May 2022 to perform for WWII Veterans touring in The Netherlands and Belgium. The task of a nationwide tour has always been a dream of Letters From Home’s founder, Erinn Dearth, and during the pandemic it became more of a calling than ever. “The show is high-energy and should make everyone smile,” said Dearth, “but it’s also a message of hope in a country that is a bit divided at the moment.” Dearth hopes that those who come to see the show will walk away with a song in their hearts and a new perspective on patriotism.
Dan Beckmann, the other half of the pair, is also an accomplished professional photographer. He will be documenting the tour in a photo blog in addition to directing a documentary of the 50-States tour. One of the tours sponsors is Footsteps Researchers, a global team of military researchers that help their clients retrace the footsteps of those who served in WWII. The founder of Footsteps Researchers, Myra
Miller will serve as Tour Manager and is very excited, “to meet veterans across the country and thank them for their service. We want to pack the venues with young and old alike to share the energetic and fun performances of Letters From Home!”
All 50 venues across the United States have been secured for the tour and tickets are now available. To view the tour route or to purchase tickets in the state nearest you, visit
RESOURCES & ongoing groups
Below are all the groups the Providence Vet Center is currently offering. As this list changes, I will provide updates. Please send me any questions that you may have, thank you for your time!
***All Vet Center Groups require that the Veteran be enrolled with the Vet Center prior to attending. To check eligibility or for questions, please contact the Vet Center at (401) 739-0167 or reach out to our Veteran Outreach Program Specialist (VOPS) via email at [email protected]***
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Group (PTSD) – 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. (Group is only active September through May)
Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) and Vietnam Veterans PTSD Group – 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
Vietnam Veteran PTSD Group – 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 10:30 – 12:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Art Expression Group – Every Thursday from 9:00 – 12:00 p.m.
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)/Operation New Dawn (OND) Group – Every Wednesday from 11:00 – 12:00 p.m.
Stress Management – Every Thursday from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Low Impact Walking Group – Every Tuesday from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Guitar 4 Veterans – Every Wednesday from 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Monday Mindfulness Group – Every Monday from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Yoga Group – Every Friday from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Moral Injury Group – Every Friday from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Modern Warrior Support Group – 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 2:30 – 4:00 pm.
Discounts for Veterans
No Problem Plumbing and Heating LLC 15% military discount , ask for Ron Gaynor, (401) 568-6666. Veterans must provide proof of eligibility with a VA Card, VA ID Card, or RI State license with veteran identification.
Applebee’s – Military Discount. With more than 2,000 locations, Applebee’s is a family grill restaurant. Applebee’s gives 10% off for active duty and veteran. Last verified 07/31/2022.
Denny’s – Hartford Ave, Johnston offers 10% discount for veterans and active duty. Denny’s is a table service diner-style restaurant chain. Last verified 07/31/2022.
Outback Steakhouse – 10% Discount to active and veterans. Last verified 07/28/2021
99 Restaurant & Pub – The 99 Restaurant & Pub offers a 10% military discount to members of Veterans Advantage. Available at select locations only. Bring valid military ID
Advance Auto Parts – 10% for Active Duty, Veterans, and families. Last verified 07/28/2021
Bass Pro Shops – Offers a 5% discount to active-duty military, reservists, and National Guard. Sign up and verify your status online or bring your military ID when you shop at your nearest Bass Pro store (source).
BJs Wholesale – Reduced membership fee. BJ’s offers all military personnel over 25% off their Membership. Last verified 07/28/2021
Lowes – Enroll in the Lowe’s Military Discount Program to activate your 10% discount – “Our way of saying Thank You” to our active duty, retired and military veterans and their spouses with a 10% discount on eligible items. Verification of your military status is fast and easy through our partner, is our trusted technology partner in helping to keep your personal information safe.
GameStop – is offering a 10% in-store military discount on all pre-owned products, collectibles, and select new products. Available to current and former military members who bring any valid proof of service or when they verify through
Home Depot – Offers a 10% off military discount on regularly priced merchandise for in-store purchases for active duty, retired military, and reservists at participating locations. Customers are required to show a valid government-issued military ID card to redeem this offer.
Kohls – 15% discount offers for active military, veterans, retirees, and their immediate family members a 15% discount on purchases made on Mondays, in store only. In order to receive the military discount, eligible customers must present proper identification along with any tender type.
Jiffy Lube – HONORING VETERANS ALL DAY EVERY DAY! – We didn’t want to wait for Veteran’s Day to express our appreciation and gratitude for your service. That’s why every Team Car Care owned and operated Jiffy Lube® service center is offering our BEST discount of 15% OFF as a “Thank You” to the men and women of our Armed Forces for their service to our country. *Disclaimer*- I.D. required. No coupon is required. Excludes batteries and brakes, alignment, and diagnostic services. Available only at 3 select locations listed below:
Tioque Ave, Coventry RI – Bald Hill Road, Warwick RI – Park Ave, Cranston RI
Michaels – offers a 15% off military discount on the entire in-store purchase including sale items for active duty, retired military, guard, reservists, veterans, and family members. How to get –
1. Create an Account. Log in or create a Michaels Rewards account.
2. Get Verified. Provide your military information to get verified instantly.
3. Go Shopping! To use your discount online and in store, just sign into your account or provide your Michaels Rewards phone number at checkout.
O’Reilly Auto Parts – 10% discount on in store items for Active Duty, Veterans and families. Last verified 3/4/21.
If you are a retailer and or a veteran aware of a business not listed above, please forward to:[email protected]: the business’s name, location, and military and veteran discount offered.
If you have an event, meeting, other pertinent veteran information, or email questions or help needed, contact the Italian American War Veteran Service Officer, John A Cianci, [email protected], ITAM Office 1-(401)677-9VET(9838)
To read all columns in this series go to:

John A. Cianci is a Veteran Service Officer. Retired, U.S. Army MSgt., Persian Gulf War and Iraq War combat theater.
Cianci, a combat disabled Veteran, served in Desert Shield/Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom. His awards include Bronze Star, Combat Action Badge, Good Conduct, and others.
Cianci belongs to numerous veterans organizations – Italian American War Veterans, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign War, United Veterans Council of Rhode Island, and many more organizations. He is an active volunteer assisting veterans to navigate federal and state benefits they have earned. He is Department of Rhode Island Department Commander Italian American War Veterans and Veteran Service Officer.
He is a graduate of Roger Williams University (BS Finance), UCONN business school* (Entrepreneur Bootcamp for Veterans), Solar Energy International Residential, Commercial and Battery Based Photovoltaic Systems certificate programs, numerous certificates from the Department of Defense renewable energy programs, including graduate of the Solar Ready Vets Program.
Thanks for the positive feedback. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions on veterans federal or state benefits, [email protected]