

A group of people sitting at a table with plates and sandwiches.

RI Veterans: Did you know? 5.12.24 (Thanksgiving to remember, events, resources ) – John A. Cianci

by John A. Cianci, contributing writer, veterans” issues

Post Thanksgiving

A group of people in uniform standing next to each other.

On Thanksgiving at Perella’s Ristorante, in Warren, RI, 175 Thanksgiving meals were served to veterans and active-duty members of the U.S. military. Attending and or volunteering were veterans who served in every single war since World War II: Korean, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Afghanstein, and Iraq wars.

“The event had four World War II, (youngest 99, and oldest 102) veterans attend with their families to enjoy Thanksgiving at Perella’s,” said retired lieutenant colonel Anthony Desmarais, one of the organizers of the event. Desmarais military career started in the Navy, later switching to the Army.

The Thanksgiving meal was served to attendees from almost every state in the United States, to include over 70 active-duty soldiers based at the Newport Navy base in Newport RI.

“I saw a message from the base looking for families to host Navy officer candidates on Thanksgiving days before the event,” said John A Cianci, Department Commander, Italian American War Veterans of US (ITAM) .” I responded, if needed, we can host ALL, which could have been close to 300, Officer Candidates on Thanksgiving.” Six days prior to Thanksgiving, Cianci began planning for the potential of hosting a few hundred additional active-duty soldiers on Thanksgiving. He alerted membership and organizations that partner with ITAM to host an event like this.

“If we had to host the entire 300 candidates, we were prepared to get additional venues near the base,” said Cianci. “And we offered to pay for transportation if needed to and from the base.”

On several occasions, Cianci himself has been deployed and unable to be with his family on Thanksgiving.

Although only a portion of the OCS class choose to attend, those who did attend, were treated to a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, followed by dessert at a special 2:30 sitting for active-duty members. Other candidates were hosted by local families. A large portion of the candidates chose to stay on the base and just “chill”.

20 turkeys, 200 lbs. of potatoes, 10 lbs. of corn and green beans, 10 lbs. of sweet potatoes, 20 specialty pies, 300 rolls and more were purchased for the event. Preparing and cooking of the food started on Tuesday.

“Murphy-law always is a factor,” said Wendy Cianci, who coordinated the volunteers for the event.” One of the ovens broke on Tuesday, which required needed turkeys to be cooked throughout the night on Tuesday, and right up to the first sitting at 11:30 a.m.”

12-year old Liliana sang the Star Spangle Banner for the Navy Officer Candidates and attendees at the 2:30 sitting. Liliana’s grandmother, Tami Iavarone is a U.S. Navy Veteran. Both were volunteering to serve veterans on Thanksgiving.

Listen by clicking on the link, below the image:

A group of people standing around a table.

“It was a special Thanksgiving for my granddaughter and myself,” said Iavarone. Iavarone commented how cool it was witnessing the candidates Facebook-live their family and friends throughout the event.

While the veterans/active-duty members enjoyed the Thanksgiving meal, more enjoyable was the camaraderie and family atmosphere offered at the private function at Perella’s Ristorante.

A group of people standing around a table.

After the meal, the candidates were overwhelmed with the volume of desserts.

The annual event is FREE to all veterans and active-duty members and their guest.

“We are able to do the event thanks to our donors who sponsor the event every year,” said Cianci. Donations are always welcomed, made out to ITAM, mail to Italian American War veterans of US, 18 Winchester Ave, North Smithfield, RI 02896. PLEASE NOTE ON Check – for Thanksgiving 2025

More information on Italian American War veterans of US, see our website,

In conclusion…Thanking all the volunteers and Newport Naval Base for coordinating with ITAM to serve our active duty members stationed at the base.

A group of people sitting at a table with plates and sandwiches.
U.S. Navy active duty “eyeing” the desserts on Thanksgiving at Perella’s Ristorante

Citizens, volunteers and more volunteers were key to the event being successful. A local attorney and his son, veterans, and volunteers who just wanted to serve participated in serving, and over 2 dozen meals were delivered, to include veterans living in Ashaway, RI.

In addition, the annual event also provides “Thanksgiving Helping Hand Boxes” to veterans and active duty. The boxes are tailored for each family. Not only do they include turkey, but also other normal household items such as toilet paper, paper towels, pasta, sauce, aluminum foil, soup, fruit-cocktail, and gift cards to local markets.

“The boxes are intended to offset a week of shopping for the recipient,” said Cianci. It’s a helping hand, and half the recipients are working and need a little help to get thru the holidays.”

More information on United States Navy’s Officer Candidate School (OCS):

The group that attended are part of two of the three classes currently onboard at OCS at Newport Navy Base. The senior class here will be graduating on December 13th, and they arrived near the beginning of September 16th of the candidates that attended the dinner are apart of that class. The other 54 are a part of a class that will graduate in February.

The United States Navy’s Officer Candidate School (OCS) is a 13-week program that prepares future naval officers: 

  • Location: Naval Station Newport, Rhode Island “¨”¨”¨
  • Purpose: Develops the skills and knowledge needed to lead at sea and ashore, and to assume the responsibilities of a naval officer “¨”¨”¨
  • Curriculum: Includes academic training, military and physical fitness training, and memorization “¨”¨”¨
  • Training: Candidates are tested mentally, morally, and physically, and are evaluated through rigorous examinations “¨”¨”¨
  • Outcomes: Upon successful completion, candidates are commissioned as Navy Officers “¨”¨”¨

OCS is one of three main sources of newly commissioned naval officers, along with the United States Naval Academy (USNA) and Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC). 

Officer Candidate School is a 13-week course located at Naval Station Newport, Rhode Island. Navy OCS prepares you to assume the responsibilities of a naval officer and helps you develop to your fullest potential.


Reinstatement for some

President-elect Trump announces that all military who were discharged for refusing the COVID vaccine mandate will be reinstated and receive full back pay – along with a formal apology from the government. This is a preliminary announcement.

A picture of president trump and military personnel.


Veteran Organizations Need Help

Donations to buy boom boxes on veterans wish list living at nursing homes.

A $30 donation buys 1 of the 50 boom boxes needed by Veteran Secret Santa for our veterans living at long term care facilities.

Also, CDs with 70s and 80 s music wanted, mailed to ITAM, 18 Winchester Ave., North Smithfield RI 02896


LeaveNoVeteranAlone Veteran Santa Program

Now through December 2024 the LeaveNoVeteranAlone Veteran Santa Program for veterans over 500 veterans living at the Rhode Island Veterans Home and Long Term / Assisted Living Facilities in Rhode Island and Massachusetts.

The Italian American War Veterans of the US/Department of Rhode Island is requesting assistance in filling veteran’s wish list for Christmas. This year’s program, Liliana has taken on the project to led in assisting the success of the program. Simple, every day items, like batteries, motion battery operated lights for closets, clappers to turn on lamp and TV–-items the veterans can not afford , most veterans are left with $75 a month after paying for his or her care at the long term care facility.

Liliana has established an Amazon gift list,

The list is updated weekly, as veterans submit his or her Veteran Christmas Wish list. Items purchased on gift list will be wrapped by Liliana’s school and delivered in December 2024 to the veteran by volunteers.



January 25, 2025 – Rhode Island national Guard Reunion, 2:00 to 4:00 PM  13110 S Lake Mary Jane Lane, Orlando, Florida. 32832. $25 BYOB. Please respond no later than January 10, 2025. Payments can be made by check or pay by Venmo at @Patricia-Ryan-37.


Help our Veterans at the Operation Stand Down Food Bank!

Supplies are low- please stop by with items – or make a monetary contribution.



Italian American War Veterans of US (ITAM) Volunteer Opportunities:

Leave No Veteran Alone Program – Monday and Saturday, ITAM seeks volunteers to meet up at designated nursing homes to meet and socialize with veterans living at the facility. We schedule the facilities 30 to 60 days in advance. Volunteers socialize with veterans and TRY TO SPOIL them with refreshments we provide.  Point of contact, Wendy Cianci, assistant (401) 677-9838.


Free Help for Homeless Veterans or those at housing risk

Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness–and their family members, friends, and supporters–can make the call to or chat online with the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans, where trained counselors are ready to talk confidentially 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Who Can Call

  • Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
  • Family members, friends and supporters calling on behalf of Veterans
  • VA Medical Centers and other VA facilities and staff
  • Federal, state and local partners
  • Community agencies and providers who serve Veterans who are homeless

Why Make the Call to 1-877-4AID VET (877-424-3838)

  • It’s free and confidential
  • You’ll get access to trained VA counselors
  • It’s available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • You’ll get information about VA homeless programs, health care and other services in your area

What Happens When Veterans Make the Call

  • A trained VA staff member asks a few questions to find out what you need
  • Then, you’re connected to the nearest VA staff person who can help
  • What Happens When Others Make the Call
  • Family members and non-VA providers receive information about available homeless programs and services
  • They can keep their information confidential or leave contact information so staff can follow up
  • VA’s Resources for Homeless and At-Risk Veterans
  • VA offers a wide array of services to help homeless and at-risk Veterans. 


Free Rhode Island Hunting and Fishing Licenses for 100% Disabled Veterans: 

A Veteran who has a 100% disability rating from the VA is eligible for free Rhode Island hunting and fishing licenses. No cost licenses are available if you are: over 65 AND a Rhode Island resident – a veteran with 100% disability status from the Department of Veterans Affairs – a person with 100% total disability status from the Social Security Administration.

To apply in person at DEM, please bring a photo ID and an ORIGINAL DOCUMENT OF THE FINAL DECISION(S). Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. (directions)

To apply by mail, please complete an application and mail the application and a copy of your photo ID and the ORIGINAL DOCUMENT OF THE FINAL DECISION(S). Please allow two weeks for processing. The address to obtain your license in person or by mail is: DEM Licensing Office – 235 Promenade Street, Room 360 – Providence, RI 02908 – or call (401) 222-3576.

To purchase online, you will be required to certify that you have an ORIGINAL DOCUMENT OF THE FINAL DECISION(S). You will also be required to enter the date the decision expires. The Department will audit compliance with the certification and may, at any time, request a copy of the current DOCUMENT OF THE FINAL DECISION(S). Failure to submit the documentation by the date requested may result in the suspension of your fishing and hunting license. Also, Rhode Island General Law 11-18-1 prohibits giving false documents to an agent, employee, or public official. The penalty is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 or imprisonment up to one year.

Rhode Island Hunting and Fishing Benefits for Service Members and Veterans: Rhode Island offers several hunting and fishing benefits to Service members and Veterans. A short description of each is listed below. Applicants are required to show documentation proving eligibility when they apply: Active-Duty Service members – Military ID – Veterans – DD214 – Disabled Veterans – VA Disability Certification Letter (Contact VA office).

Applicants can apply online at Rhode Island Outdoors, in person at the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, Office of Boating Registration and Licenses in Providence (Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.), at an Authorized In-Person Sales Agent, or they can mail applications to:

Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management – 235 Promenade Street, Room 360 – Providence, RI 02908 – Phone: 401-222-3576

Learn more about FREE Rhode Island Hunting , Fishing, State Parks, and Golf  Benefits for Service Members and Veterans,that%20issued%20the%20disability%20decision.

Free Rhode Island State Park Passes for 100% Disabled Veterans:  Rhode Island offers the State Park Disability Pass for use at any state-owned recreational facility to disabled Veterans who have a 100% service-connected disability rating from the VA.

The State Park Disability Pass authorizes free admission and parking but does not exempt the following: Licensing fees – Camping fees – Picnic table fees – Specialized facility use fees – Use of equestrian areas – Performing art centers – Game fields fees – Mule shed fees

If the disabled Veteran cannot drive, the vehicle transporting the Veteran will not be charged.

Veterans must apply in person at the Rhode Island State Parks and Recreation Headquarters and are required to show official documentation (dated within the past year) from the VA that states they have a 100% service-connected disability.

Rhode Island State Parks and Recreation Headquarters – 1100 Tower Hill Road – North Kingstown, RI 02852 – Phone: 401-667-6200 – Email: [email protected]



RESOURCES”¯ & ongoing groups 

Below are all the groups the Providence Vet Center is currently offering.”¯ As this list changes, I will provide updates. Please send me any questions that you may have, thank you for your time! 

***All Vet Center Groups require that the Veteran be enrolled with the Vet Center prior to attending. To check eligibility or for questions, please contact the Vet Center at (401) 739-0167 or reach out to our Veteran Outreach Program Specialist (VOPS) 

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Group (PTSD)”¯– 2nd”¯and 4th”¯Tuesday of the month from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. (Group is only active September through May) 

Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) and Vietnam Veterans PTSD Group”¯– 2nd”¯and 4th”¯”¯Wednesday of the month from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. 

Vietnam Veteran PTSD Group”¯– 1st”¯and 3rd”¯Monday of the month from 10:30 – 12:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 

Art Expression Group“¯– Every Thursday from 9:00 – 12:00 p.m. 

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)/Operation New Dawn (OND) Group”¯– Every Wednesday from 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. 

Stress Management”¯– Every Thursday from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. 

Low Impact Walking”¯ Group”¯– Every Tuesday from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. 

Guitar 4 Veterans“¯– Every Wednesday from 7:00-8:30 p.m. 

Monday Mindfulness Group“¯– Every Monday from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. 

Yoga Group”¯– Every Friday from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. 

Moral Injury Group“¯– Every Friday from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. 

Modern Warrior Support Group“¯– 1st”¯and 3rd”¯Monday of the month from 2:30 – 4:00 pm. 


Discounts for Veterans 


No Problem Plumbing and Heating LLC“¯15% military discount, ask for Ron Gaynor, (401) 568-6666. Veterans must provide proof of eligibility with a VA Card, VA ID Card, or RI State license with veteran identification. 


Applebee’s“¯– Military Discount. With more than 2,000 locations, Applebee’s is a family grill restaurant. Applebee’s gives 10% off for active duty and veteran. Last verified 07/31/2022. 

Badger’s Pub – 530 Broadway, Pawtucket is now offering a free meal to veterans every first Friday of the month at the bar. Veterans can partake in a variety of activities during the week, including bingo on Mondays, darts on Tuesdays, high-lo jack on Wednesdays, indoor cornhole on Thursdays, and Karaoke on Fridays and Saturdays, Badger said. The bar also hosts poker on Saturdays and Sundays.

Denny’s“¯– Hartford Ave, Johnston offers 10% discount for veterans and active duty. Denny’s is a table service diner-style restaurant chain.”¯Last verified 07/31/2022. 

Outback Steakhouse”¯– 10% Discount to active and veterans. Last verified 07/28/2021 

99 Restaurant & Pub”¯–”¯The 99 Restaurant & Pub offers a 10% military discount to members of Veterans Advantage. Available at select locations only. Bring valid military ID 


Advance Auto Parts“¯– 10% for Active Duty, Veterans, and families. Last verified 07/28/2021 

Bass Pro Shops“¯– Offers a 5% discount to active-duty military, reservists, and National Guard. Sign up and verify your status online or bring your military ID when you shop at your nearest Bass Pro store (source). 

BJs Wholesale”¯– Reduced membership fee. BJ’s offers all military personnel over 25% off their Membership. Last verified 07/28/2021 

Lowes“¯– Enroll in the Lowe’s Military Discount Program to activate your 10% discount – “Our way of saying Thank You” to our active duty, retired and military veterans and their spouses with a 10% discount on eligible items. Verification of your military status is fast and easy through our partner

GameStop”¯– is offering a 10% in-store military discount on all pre-owned products, collectibles, and select new products. Available to current and former military members who bring any valid proof of service or when they verify through “¯ 

Home Depot”¯– Offers a 10% off military discount on regularly priced merchandise for in-store purchases for active duty, retired military, and reservists at participating locations. Customers are required to show a valid government-issued military ID card to redeem this offer. 

Kohls”¯– 15% discount offers for active military, veterans, retirees, and their immediate family members a 15% discount on purchases made on Mondays, in store only. In order to receive the military discount, eligible customers must present proper identification along with any tender type. 

Jiffy Lube”¯– HONORING VETERANS ALL DAY EVERY DAY! – We didn’t want to wait for Veteran’s Day to express our appreciation and gratitude for your service. That’s why every Team Car Care owned and operated Jiffy Lube® service center is offering our BEST discount of 10% OFF as a “Thank You” to the men and women of our Armed Forces for their service to our country. *Disclaimer*- I.D. required. No coupon is required. Excludes batteries and brakes, alignment, and diagnostic services. Available only at 3 select locations: Tioque Ave, Coventry RI – Bald Hill Road, Warwick RI – Park Ave, Cranston RI 

Michaels”¯– offers a 15% off military discount on the entire in-store purchase including sale items for active duty, retired military, guard, reservists, veterans, and family members. How to get: 1. Create an account. Log in to Michaels Rewards. 2. Get verified. Provide your military information to get verified, instantly. 3. Go shopping! To use your discount online and in store, just sign into your account or provide your Michaels Rewards phone number at checkout. 

O’Reilly Auto Parts”¯– 10% discount on in store items for Active Duty, Veterans and families. Last verified 3/4/21. 


If you are a retailer and or a veteran aware of a business not listed above, please forward”¯to: [email protected]:”¯ the business’s name, location, and military and veteran discount offered.

If you have an event, meeting, other pertinent veteran information, or email questions or help needed, contact the Italian American War Veteran Service Officer, John A Cianci,”¯[email protected], ITAM Office 1-(401)677-9VET(9838)  

To read all columns in this series go to:  


John A. Cianci is a Veteran Service Officer. Retired, U.S. Army MSgt., Persian Gulf War and Iraq War combat theater.

Cianci, a combat disabled Veteran, served in Desert Shield/Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom. His awards include Bronze Star, Combat Action Badge, Good Conduct, and others.

Cianci belongs to numerous veterans organizations – Italian American War Veterans, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign War, and many more organizations. He is an active volunteer assisting veterans to navigate federal and state benefits they have earned. He is Department of Rhode Island Department Commander Italian American War Veterans and Veteran Service Officer.

He is a graduate of Roger Williams University (BS Finance), UCONN business school* (Entrepreneur Bootcamp for Veterans), Solar Energy International Residential, Commercial and Battery Based Photovoltaic Systems certificate programs, numerous certificates from the Department of Defense renewable energy programs, including graduate of the Solar Ready Vets Program.