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RI Veterans: Did you know? 15.06.23 (Vets Home Cable update, outdoors, events…) – John A. Cianci
by John A. Cianci, contributing writer on veterans issues
We salute our Flag for National Flag Day recognized this week, June 14th – and hope all our veterans who can will fly theirs proudly!
Rhode Island Veterans Celebrate Army’s 248th Birthday with Good News
General Assembly votes to remove state park fees for Rhode Island Gold Star Families
From a press release today , the RI General Assembly yesterday approved legislation introduced by Rep. Deborah A. Fellela (D-Dist. 43, Johnston) and Sen. Frank A. Ciccone III (D-Dist. 7, Providence, Johnston) to remove all state park fees for Gold Star Families.
A Gold Star Family is one that lost a family member during wars or military operations, and is therefore entitled to display the military service banner, which is bordered in red with a gold star in the middle.
The legislation (2023-H 5999, 2023-S 0748) would provide free admission to any state-owned recreational facility for Gold Star Families with exceptions for docking slips.
“Those who have made the ultimate sacrifice leave behind a legacy of honor and heroism, but also loving families who will always feel the emptiness of their loss,” said Representative Fellela. “Offering free admission to state-owned facilities is another very small way to thank Gold Star Families for that sacrifice.”
Rhode Island has long held a place of honor for Gold Star Families. The General Assembly set aside the third Sunday in October every year to observe Rhode Island Gold Star Family Day, acknowledging in state law that “this nation and state owe an enormous debt to those grieving parents who have lost children in war.”
“No one has given more to their countries than the families of the fallen,” said Senator Ciccone. “It’s often called ‘the honor that nobody wants.’ There is nothing we can do to ease that pain, but eliminating the fees for state facilities is at least a way to acknowledge their sacrifice.”
Explore RI State Parks
Goddard Memorial State Golf Course
Pulaski State Park And Recreational Area
The measure now moves to the governor’s office, and he is expected to sign the bill.
More good news for veterans:
Rhode Island Veterans Home FREE Cable and Internet
Reported last week and first by RINEWSTODAY, yesterday, Governor Dan McKee announced FREE basic cable and internet for Veterans at the Rhode Island Veterans Home ( RIVH).
Governor Dan McKee at the Rhode Island Veterans Home, above, from Gov’s Twitter feed:
We’re here in Bristol at the Rhode Island Veterans Home to roll-out free cable and internet services for all residents.
— Governor Dan McKee (@GovDanMcKee) June 14, 2023
The free basic cable and internet is a result of partnership between I3 Broadband and the State of Rhode Island and is scheduled to be in place by July 4, 2023.
Representatives of I3 Broadband were on site assisting residents and family members with questions about the new free-to-residents cable and internet services. I3 Broadband has a dedicate customer service support team available to ensure a smooth transition of services. Veterans and family members can call Kevin at 401-247-1250 and when prompted enter 02809 to sign up and answer any questions.
Those wishing to have more than basic, I3 Broadband is offering packages:
Expanded basic: $72, 76. +55 channels, including NESN, ESPN, NBC Sports, Hallmark, Disney, cable networks
Silver TV: Must have expanded, includes NFL Network, American Heroes Channel, Discovery, Cooking channel, etc…
HBO $19.25
Starz $17.11
DVR Service $10.69
Phone $32.55 per month, includes taxes and all fees
Additionally, veterans signing up should also apply with I3 Broadband for Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) . The ACP program provides an additional $30 a month off for eligible veterans who are collecting a monthly veteran pension from the VA and have an annual income of less than $28,180 household income if single, and $39,400 if married.
Combine the FREE cable and the $30 monthly credit from ACP program, veterans could be paying less than $10 for expanded cable services provided by I3 Broadband.
Veterans wishing to remain with his or her current provider, should also contact their cable and internet provider and apply for ACP program, which could reduce their monthly bill be $30 dollars.
Free cable-internet service “It’s a way to say thank you for your brave service, ” said Governor McKee to the residents of the veterans home who attended the announcement of the free-cable internet program.
“It’s the main source of our entertainment, it’s the main source to our enjoyment, it’s the main source to our information, and it’s the main source to our continuing education,” said Raymond Houle, President of Rhode Island Veterans Home Resident Council.
“We all have very limited access to the outside. TV and Internet mean more to us than you can imagine, “ he added.
“Important to know, we are doing it for heroes, “ said Representative Marvin Abney, U.S Army veteran. Abney told resident veterans of the RIVH , “You served country, and why we are here.” Abney serves on the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and Committee on Conductand is a democrat candidate for US. RI District 1-US Congress left vacated by Congressman David Cicilline.
Local advocacy at work helped bring this to fruition
“Long overdue and in the making since the veterans home opened in 2017,” said a local veteran leader. The individual cable and internet charges were highlighted while WPRO’s Tara Granahan the Italian American War Veterans of US department commander that veterans residing at the veterans home were paying between $100 and $150 a month. A monthly rate that almost left the veterans with no remaining money out of the $150 a month veterans are left with the veterans home takes almost all their monthly income to live at the RIVH. Shortly after the interview, listeners began to call in about the charges the veterans were paying.
Granahan reached out to Officer of Veterans Services Director Kasim Yarm who told her ongoing negotiations were in the works. Granahan continued to follow-up on the status of free internet and cable for the Rhode Island Veterans at the home.
Rhode Island leaders listened to the ongoing advocacy of veteran organizations and outrage of Rhode Islanders who could not believe cable-internet service was not free at the skilled veterans home in Bristol.
“Key members of the VFW state leadership have been in the forefront to offer FREE cable and internet services to residents of the veterans home, ” said Cianci. “Most of the private nursing homes offer free basic and internet, but since the opening of the veterans home in 2017 our veterans were forced to pay.”
“If not for the listeners and Tara, this issue would not have been in the spotlight to correct,” said Cianci.
KUDOS to VFW leadership, ITAM, Tara Granahan, and WPRO’s listeners whose voices made this happen sooner than later. Once again McKee administration moved the needle to benefit Rhode Island Veterans who honorably and bravely served their country.
RINewsToday story from February, 2023 about cable at the vets home:
Travel/Entertainment for Veterans
Free Golf, Goddard Park Golf Course Fee Exemption for Totally Disabled Veterans
Rhode Island resident Veterans who have a 100% permanent and total, service-connected disability rating from the VA are exempt from paying any fees to play golf at the Goddard Park Golf Course. For more information call the Clubhouse at Goddard Memorial State Park from April 1st through the 3rd Saturday in November at 401-884-9834 or year-round at Division Headquarters at 401-667-6200.
Free Rhode Island Hunting and Fishing Licenses for 100% Disabled Veterans: A Veteran who has a 100% disability rating from the VA is eligible for free Rhode Island hunting and fishing licenses.
No cost licenses are available if you are:
· over 65 AND a Rhode Island resident
· a veteran with 100% disability status from the Department of Veterans Affairs
· a person with 100% total disability status from the Social Security Administration
To apply in person at DEM, please bring a photo ID and an ORIGINAL DOCUMENT OF THE FINAL DECISION(S). Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. (directions)
To apply by mail, please complete an application and mail the application and a copy of your photo ID and the ORIGINAL DOCUMENT OF THE FINAL DECISION(S). Please allow two weeks for processing.
The address to obtain your license in person or by mail is:
DEM Licensing Office – 235 Promenade Street, Room 360 – Providence, RI 02908 – (401) 222-3576
To purchase online, you will be required to certify that you have an ORIGINAL DOCUMENT OF THE FINAL DECISION(S). You will also be required to enter the date the decision expires. The Department will audit compliance with the certification and may, at any time, request a copy of the current DOCUMENT OF THE FINAL DECISION(S). Failure to submit the documentation by the date requested may result in the suspension of your fishing and hunting license. Also, Rhode Island General Law 11-18-1 prohibits giving false documents to an agent, employee, or public official. The penalty is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 or imprisonment up to one year.
Rhode Island Hunting and Fishing Benefits for Service Members and Veterans: Rhode Island offers several hunting and fishing benefits to Service members and Veterans. A short description of each is listed below. Applicants are required to show documentation proving eligibility when they apply:
· Active-Duty Service members – Military ID
· Veterans – DD214
· Disabled Veterans – VA Disability Certification Letter ( Contact VA office, ——————-
Applicants can apply online at Rhode Island Outdoors, in person at the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, Office of Boating Registration and Licenses in Providence (Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.), at an Authorized In-Person Sales Agent, or they can mail applications to:
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
235 Promenade Street, Room 360 – Providence, RI 02908 – Phone: 401-222-3576
Free Rhode Island State Park Passes for 100% Disabled Veterans
Rhode Island offers the State Park Disability Pass for use at any state-owned recreational facility to disabled Veterans who have a 100% service-connected disability rating from the VA.
The State Park Disability Pass authorizes free admission and parking but does not exempt the following:
· Licensing fees
· Camping fees
· Picnic table fees
· Specialized facility use fees
· Use of equestrian areas
· Performing art centers
· Game fields fees
· Mule shed fees
If the disabled Veteran cannot drive, the vehicle transporting the Veteran will not be charged.
Veterans must apply in person at the Rhode Island State Parks and Recreation Headquarters and are required to show official documentation (dated within the past year) from the VA that states they have a 100% service-connected disability.
Rhode Island State Parks and Recreation Headquarters
1100 Tower Hill Road
North Kingstown, RI 02852
Phone: 401-667-6200
Email: [email protected]
RINEWSTODAY salutes Phil’s Propane in Tiverton In Honor of The Brave program:
A special offer to all military personnel and veterans. In appreciation for all you have done keeping us safe, Phil’s Propane wishes to offer you a discount on 20lb. gas grill refills for only $10 (military ID required). We thank you once again for your service! Special ends 7/3/23
June 17, 2023, Saturday, Adopt a Veteran, 10:30 to 12:00 pm, Friendly Home, Woonsocket RI and Italian American War Veterans of US (ITAM) and volunteers have partnered to host a monthly Veteran Coffee Hour for the veterans at the facility.
June 19, 2023, Monday, FREE Luncheon 11:30-1:00 for Veterans and one guest at Perella’s Ristorante. 330 Metacom Ave Warren, RI. This month’s meal will be chicken parmigiana, pasta, salad, and dessert. The event is a partnership of the Italian American War Veterans of US, inc. and the Building Bridges program.

Last month over 60 veterans attended the luncheon. The Building Bridges program provides a free breakfast or lunch at 13 sites that include Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. These sites are run by community volunteers at community sites, including halls run by fraternal organizations, veterans’ organizations, and local restaurants. A team of veterans and volunteers do all the cooking and serving.
Do you know a restaurant, post, lodge, hall, etc.. willing to host a luncheon on one of the Mondays in November, December, and January ITAM organization has RI Licensed Food Service Manager and full insurance. If you have a location one of the luncheons can be held at, contact ITAM program manager John, (401) 677-9838.
June 26, 2023, Monday 1600-2030, Team New England Trip Announcement, FREE FISHING FOR VETERANS, Who: 35 veterans/active/guard/reserve
Chartered Fishing Trip, Niantic, CT, Team New England has been given the opportunity to get 35 members out fishing on the Black Hawk II- Party Boat Fishing at its Finest. Targeted species will be decided by the Capt. and may include bottom fish (porgies & black bass), stripers or blues… all depends on what the hot bite is. All bait and tackle will be provided by the boat, you can bring your own gear if you’d like. No fishing license required as you’ll be covered under the charter. Snacks and non-alcoholic beverages can be purchased on the boat. You can bring beer if you’d like; but no glass bottles are permitted onboard. Fish cleaning can be provided by the boat at the costs of $1 per fish. Tips for the crew are appreciated but not mandatory.
July 3, 2023, Monday Federal Hill Veteran Coffee House( always meet the FIRST Monday of the month) , 9-11 am. Roma Ristorante, 310 Atwells Ave, Providence (free parking across the street). Veterans and their guests are invited. Refreshments are available, which include Italian toast, pastries, and calzones. Any questions call Italian American War Veterans of US, (401) 677-9838, email, [email protected]
Sept 8-10, 2023 Rocky Point State Park, Warwick American Veteran Traveling Tribute & Traveling Wall, remembering 209 Rhode Islanders who lost their lives in Vietnam War. Donations and sponsorship will support Operation Stand Down Rhode Island. Memorial opens 8am Friday – 5 pm Sunday. Saturday September 9 2:09-2:30 and Sunday 2:09-2:30 pm reading of 209 Rhode Island names, For more information visit OSDRI’s Event Page,
RESOURCES & ongoing groups
Below are all the groups the Providence Vet Center is currently offering. As this list changes, I will provide updates. Please send me any questions that you may have, thank you for your time!
***All Vet Center Groups require that the Veteran be enrolled with the Vet Center prior to attending. To check eligibility or for questions, please contact the Vet Center at (401) 739-0167 or reach out to our Veteran Outreach Program Specialist (VOPS) via email at [email protected]***
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Group (PTSD) – 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. (Group is only active September through May)
Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) and Vietnam Veterans PTSD Group – 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
Vietnam Veteran PTSD Group – 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 10:30 – 12:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Art Expression Group – Every Thursday from 9:00 – 12:00 p.m.
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)/Operation New Dawn (OND) Group – Every Wednesday from 11:00 – 12:00 p.m.
Stress Management – Every Thursday from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Low Impact Walking Group – Every Tuesday from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Guitar 4 Veterans – Every Wednesday from 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Monday Mindfulness Group – Every Monday from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Yoga Group – Every Friday from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Moral Injury Group – Every Friday from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Modern Warrior Support Group – 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 2:30 – 4:00 pm.
Discounts for Veterans
No Problem Plumbing and Heating LLC: 15% military discount, ask for Ron Gaynor, (401) 568-6666. Veterans must provide proof of eligibility with a VA Card, VA ID Card, or RI State license with veteran identification.
Applebee’s – Military Discount. With more than 2,000 locations, Applebee’s is a family grill restaurant. Applebee’s gives 10% off for active duty and veteran. Last verified 07/31/2022.
Denny’s – Hartford Ave, Johnston offers 10% discount for veterans and active duty. Denny’s is a table service diner-style restaurant chain. Last verified 07/31/2022.
Outback Steakhouse – 10% Discount to active and veterans. Last verified 07/28/2021
99 Restaurant & Pub – The 99 Restaurant & Pub offers a 10% military discount to members of Veterans Advantage. Available at select locations only. Bring valid military ID
Advance Auto Parts – 10% for Active Duty, Veterans, and families. Last verified 07/28/2021
Bass Pro Shops – Offers a 5% discount to active-duty military, reservists, and National Guard. Sign up and verify your status online or bring your military ID when you shop at your nearest Bass Pro store (source).
BJs Wholesale – Reduced membership fee. BJ’s offers all military personnel over 25% off their Membership. Last verified 07/28/2021
Lowes – Enroll in the Lowe’s Military Discount Program to activate your 10% discount – “Our way of saying Thank You” to our active duty, retired and military veterans and their spouses with a 10% discount on eligible items. Verification of your military status is fast and easy through our partner, is our trusted technology partner in helping to keep your personal information safe.
GameStop – is offering a 10% in-store military discount on all pre-owned products, collectibles, and select new products. Available to current and former military members who bring any valid proof of service or when they verify through
Home Depot – Offers a 10% off military discount on regularly priced merchandise for in-store purchases for active duty, retired military, and reservists at participating locations. Customers are required to show a valid government-issued military ID card to redeem this offer.
Kohls – 15% discount offers for active military, veterans, retirees, and their immediate family members a 15% discount on purchases made on Mondays, in store only. In order to receive the military discount, eligible customers must present proper identification along with any tender type.
Jiffy Lube – HONORING VETERANS ALL DAY EVERY DAY! – We didn’t want to wait for Veteran’s Day to express our appreciation and gratitude for your service. That’s why every Team Car Care owned and operated Jiffy Lube® service center is offering our BEST discount of 10% OFF as a “Thank You” to the men and women of our Armed Forces for their service to our country. *Disclaimer*- I.D. required. No coupon is required. Excludes batteries and brakes, alignment, and diagnostic services. Available only at 3 select locations listed below:
Tioque Ave, Coventry RI – Bald Hill Road, Warwick RI – Park Ave, Cranston RI
Michaels – offers a 15% off military discount on the entire in-store purchase including sale items for active duty, retired military, guard, reservists, veterans, and family members. How to get –
1. Create an Account. Log in or create a Michaels Rewards account.
2. Get Verified. Provide your military information to get verified instantly.
3. Go Shopping! To use your discount online and in store, just sign into your account or provide your Michaels Rewards phone number at checkout.
O’Reilly Auto Parts – 10% discount on in store items for Active Duty, Veterans and families. Last verified 3/4/21.
If you are a retailer and or a veteran aware of a business not listed above, please forward to:[email protected]: the business’s name, location, and military and veteran discount offered.
If you have an event, meeting, other pertinent veteran information, or email questions or help needed, contact the Italian American War Veteran Service Officer, John A Cianci, [email protected], ITAM Office 1-(401)677-9VET(9838)
To read all columns in this series go to:

John A. Cianci is a Veteran Service Officer. Retired, U.S. Army MSgt., Persian Gulf War and Iraq War combat theater.
Cianci, a combat disabled Veteran, served in Desert Shield/Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom. His awards include Bronze Star, Combat Action Badge, Good Conduct, and others.
Cianci belongs to numerous veterans organizations – Italian American War Veterans, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign War, and many more organizations. He is an active volunteer assisting veterans to navigate federal and state benefits they have earned. He is Department of Rhode Island Department Commander Italian American War Veterans and Veteran Service Officer.
He is a graduate of Roger Williams University (BS Finance), UCONN business school* (Entrepreneur Bootcamp for Veterans), Solar Energy International Residential, Commercial and Battery Based Photovoltaic Systems certificate programs, numerous certificates from the Department of Defense renewable energy programs, including graduate of the Solar Ready Vets Program.