


RI State Fire Marshal: it’s the day to check smoke and carbon monoxide alarms

The Office of the State Fire Marshal is reminding Rhode Island businesses and residents to test smoke and carbon monoxide alarms when adjusting clocks for daylight saving time this weekend. 

“Checking smoke and CO alarms when you change clocks is a simple habit that can save lives,” said Rhode Island State Fire Marshal Timothy P. McLaughlin. “Working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms provide early warnings in an emergency, giving you crucial time to make decisions and get to safety.”

The Office of the State Fire Marshal recommends the following safety tips: 

Test alarms monthly by pressing the test button. 

Replace batteries at least once a year if the alarm uses removable batteries. Consider upgrading to long-life sealed battery alarms. 

Check the manufacturing date on alarms and replace any that are more than 10 years old for smoke alarms and 5-7 years old for carbon monoxide detectors. 

Ensure alarms are installed in the right locations, including inside and outside sleeping areas and on every level of the home. 

Never ignore a sounding alarm. If an alarm goes off, get outside immediately and call 911.

Things not working just right? Replace them. TODAY. Right now.

For more information on alarm maintenance and installation, call your local fire department or visit the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) website or the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) website

Local office, here:

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