

A construction worker is holding a tool on the side of a building.

RI Hurricane Preparedness Week, Day #5 – Strengthen your home

The National Weather Service (NWS) Boston, MA has declared July 10th through July 14th as Hurricane Preparedness Week. Each day this week we will highlight a different preparedness topic.

If you plan to ride out a hurricane in your home, make sure it is in good repair and up to local hurricane building code specifications. Have the proper plywood, steel, or aluminum panels to board up the windows and doors. Remember, the garage door is the most vulnerable part of the home, so it must be able to withstand high winds. 

There is a lot you can do around your home to help protect it from the strong winds that come with hurricanes. Well ahead of the approaching storm, trim trees on your property, shop for approved window coverings, collect loose outdoor items, secure all doors on your property and find a safe location for your vehicle. 

For more information concerning evacuation plans for hurricanes, please visit the website of your states emergency management agency or office of public safety. Other sources would be local emergency management officials and FEMA.

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