

Wednesday weather map.

Rhode Island Weather for Feb. 22, 2023 – John Donnelly

by John Donnelly, meteorologist

We’ll have a partly sunny start to the day, temps warming to the low 40’s with a light westerly breeze. Things begin to go south later in the evening as a warm front approaches from the southwest, with overrunning moisture and mixed precipitation begins falling during the later evening hours, maybe a light coating of wet snow and sleet by midnight with lows down around the low 30’s. Mostly rain through the rest of the overnight hours.


John Donnelly was born in Hialeah, Florida and moved back to Rhode Island and settled in Johnston, where he grew up until graduating from Lyndon State College in 1998 with a Bachelor of Science in Meteorology. As a child John always wanted to know how air moved, and he ran towards, not away from, thunder and lighting and various other ominous weather phenomena. He returned in 2001 to the old family neighborhood of Elmhurst.