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Outdoors in RI: Legislators chase shiny objects, no bad days fishing, DEM model, 2A time – Jeff Gross
by Jeff Gross, contributing writer
Shiny Object Syndrome at the RI State House
While the above photo is someone’s comical interpretation regarding the state of the roads in Rhode Island, it also hints at a deeper mood of the citizenship. Many are fed up with the RI State House and its occupants focusing on irrelevant or superficial problems or issues. While the Progressives focus copious time on trivial issues such as a mandatory forced safe storage of firearms bill – H7373 Sub A – (an issue that will only affect maybe 25 to 50 people), they ignore a collapsing infrastructure. This degraded infrastructure affects millions of people. More on this later in this article.
RI DEM, stands out among departments
The RI Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) sets the standard on how to accomplish much with a limited budget. Rhode Island’s legislative branch continues to squander money on pet progressive projects, as mentioned, and legislators could learn a lot from the DEM. RI DEM Fish and Wildlife continues to excel at providing excellent hunting and fishing in the state – hunting and fishing that hundreds of thousands enjoy! As pictured, some large trout are caught daily, most of which are over 16″. Though hatchery reared trout, the size are rivaling the fish in the state of Maine, much to the disdain of some Mainers.

Check your boats and equipment
Due to a series of mechanical logistic problems, I am late getting my boats seaworthy. One such issue is pictured, below, a small squirting stream of water found when the Jon boat was launched into Barber’s Pond. Something sharp gouged a 1/16″ hole in the hull before the launch. What sharp item did the damage is unknown. JB weld putty was applied to the hole and seems to have done the trick. My Bass boat was another issue. Some much need improvement was done to the floor as the handmade bow platform capitulated to nature. The trailer taillights were also a problem as per usual the bulbs blew out. At this point I was fed up with bulb replacement and replaced the taillights with LED lights. The first thought is one cannot miss the intensity. The lumens must be very high. In a crunch for time a new wire stripper and unions were purchased at Tractor Supply in Coventry and were well worth every penny. The total time for both taillight replacement was 15 minutes. The wire stripper price was $28 (sorry, last one) and the wire unions were $4. Both made the replacement a snap.

2A Updates – Forced workarounds in Rhode Island? – SCOTUS moves – National gun advocacy groups rise again
As mentioned earlier, H7373 Sub A, or worse, will be shoved down Rhode Islanders’ throats. George Orwell in his novel 1984 brought to light about government intrusion in our homes. Forced safe storage puts government inside our home. The government does not belong in our home! Back in the day, the government attempted to dictate what went on behind closed doors in a couple’s bedroom, until SCOTUS said, “oh, no you don’t”. If we allow this severe intrusion into our homes that jeopardizes ourselves and our family’s safety and security, how long before the government is knocking down our bedroom doors again?
At the State House the Rhode Island rep for Women for Gun Rights stated to me that forced safe storage is no big deal. I totally disagree. Rhode Island organizations continue to knuckle under to the government, and the situation is now where the Rhode Island government has no fear of its citizens, nor does it respect the Constitution. I, for one, will not comply. If I need to go it alone, so be it. My dad always said “if you want something done right, do it yourself”. Pictured is what the progressives forced for the hands of Rhode Islanders.

Rhode Island citizens have the right to have a gun on their property or place of business. It is long overdue to display what is sacred to the Second Amendment, and more importantly, the US and RI Constitutions. If we are to comply with this Forced Safe Storage – where do the Constitutional violations stop?
How soon before what I am writing this very instant is mandated for Government approval before my articles can be published? The lust for power and control has no limits. Mark W. Smith and Jared Yannis have both stated that if unchecked we all will end up as “Servs” (servants to the tyrannical government). The ACI can hold about 5,000 inmates with the current release of violent criminals. There are 180K gun owners in the state. They can’t lock all of us up since billions are needed to replace the I-195 bridge, so the money is not there to build more prisons.
The picture, above, is what I expect for the upcoming reaction to H7373 Sub A’s enactment. The Progressives have forced the hand of gun owners. As my editor asked details of what is and what is not legal, and what was the workaround, her query about would we see gun owners being legally armed by having their gun on their person while mowing the lawn or cooking on the outdoor grill, resulted in the photo, above. Soon, we will see homeowners working on their vehicles or boats in their yard and clearly displaying their firearm. Likewise, will we be surprised to see homeowners with an AR-15 strapped to their backs while they cut their lawn?
The progressives I am sure will have meltdowns but are powerless to do anything to stop the workaround, as the Right to Self-Defense existed before the Constitution. The Right to Self-Defense was reaffirmed in the US and RI Constitutions, and again reaffirmed in the SCOTUS Heller, MacDonald, Caetano, RI’s own Caniglia, and Bruen decisions. Thank you, RI Rep. Justine Caldwell, as there is now a line in the sand.
National news…
To emphasize the line in the sand, SCOTUS has indicated that one of the five conservative Justices – Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Comey-Barret will write for the majority which means that the decision will favor the gun owner in the SCOTUS Bump Stock case which means the Federal Bump Stock ban and the RI Bump Stock ban will be struck down. Gun shops, prepare your orders now!
While RI politicians continue to force their way into people’s homes other states are challenged in the courts. While the Bianchi SCOTUS case had a minor administrative set back the case is far from decided and will likely be decided in the gun owners favor provided one of the other 16 AR-15 and Mag Ban cases do not finish first. While the left thought they knocked out the NRA, the NRA with a much-needed change of leadership, is back in the game. The NRA this week took Nevada to Federal court for its newly implemented 7-day waiting period (sound familiar, RI?).
The NRA also took Delaware to court for their mandatory permit to buy a handgun (again, sound familiar RI?). Both NRA challenges are mirror laws to those in this state. When SCOTUS strikes down both laws in DE and NV, RI laws will be instantly invalidated as well. Again, these court battles are why Rhode Islanders belong donating what they can afford to the national gun advocacy groups, and not waste their money giving to RI politicians who are just perverting the constitution.

Jeffrey “Jeff” Gross spent 21 years as an Analytical Chemist at the USCG R&D Center in Groton, Connecticut, Woods Hole Laboratories, and Helix Technologies. Changing careers is a “great learning experience for everyone”, Jeff says, and I’m an avid outdoorsman and conservationist, a student of the sciences, and the world. The US holds too many wonders not to take a chance and explore them”.
Jeff is the Model Train and Railroad entrepreneur. Proud Golden Retriever owner. Ultra strong Second Amendment Advocate and Constitutionalist. “Determined seeker of the truth”. Jeff is a RIFGPA Legislative and Legal Officer, Freshwater Chairman, NRA Liaison.
His subjects include Outdoors, Second Amendment, Model Railroading, Commentary, and Whimsical. He can be reached at: [email protected].