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Outdoors in RI: Hike part 2, fishing, URI Rifle Team, photography, Library of Things, 2A – Jeff Gross
by Jeff Gross, contributing writer, outdoors and 2A
In Part 2 of my Durfee Hill Management area hike, I found there is a large pond in the northern section of the property. A very appealing body of water that may be stocked with trout as there is a trout sign in the parking lot. Guy who is in the header photo told me that he carried his kayak all the way (about 0.5 mile) to Burlingame Reservoir (the official pond name) so he can fish the pond. He obviously is a hard-core fisherman as that is quite the trek with kayak and gear. It was worth his time as he added that he caught a couple of small largemouth bass. He had the entire pond to himself save for Abby going for a swim.
I want to thank Demi Pita for his masterful photography work. I am learning from Demi’s work and the bright spots in the header photo are real, not photoshopped. Demi’s work has sharpened my eye for different perspectives and lighting.

The hike in the Northern section produced a number of interesting sights such as different rock formations and oddly shaped downed trees. However, it is the abundance of wild mushrooms that caught my eye. It must be mushroom harvest season as there are many varieties blossoming with some wild colors. While this writer prefers store bought Shitake and other mushrooms as to not get poisoned, there are a number of experts in RI and MA that can direct you if you are looking to harvest your own. If fact, there is a New England Mushroom group that conducts a number of organized events. Right now, it is picking time for Chickens of the Woods. Again, consult a knowledgeable person before you pick. If you harvest acorns bring a shovel as acorns are covering the trails like crushed stone.

Part 3 of the hike will occur soon as it appears one can hike around the perimeter of the reservoir. It was too late in the evening to attempt a 2 -3 miles hike. The attempt on the east side of the perimeter encountered nothing but 1 foot of deep mud. While Abby enjoyed the mud the deer she spooked had a rough time running through it. The west perimeter actually has an abandoned dirt road that will be easier to hike. Stay tuned.

The night after the hike Abby was laying on my bed and I noticed a fishing snap swivel on the bed next to her. When I picked up the swivel and attempted to walk away, the swivel stopped dead and didn’t budge. After exclaiming “what the hell” I noticed that Abby had a number 4 fishing hook embedded in her abdomen. I ran downstairs and grabbed my wire cutters, needle nose pliers and a scalpel. Back in the day I had to remove a fishing hook from the face of my ex’s right cheek by cutting the shank of the hook and forcing the point out the other side. I was planning on doing the same with Abby as walking into the ER animal hospital was not an option when it costs $350 just to walk in the door.
When I took a good grip on the hook shank and started to turn it, I got lucky as the hook popped out on its own. I dodged a bullet. Abby, too! The hook had rusted pretty bad and as a result the barb was actually a bulb of rust, so the hook was not attached on the inner flesh.
Fishing equipment on loan – The Library of Things
For those in need of fishing gear one can “borrow” fishing equipment from many public libraries in Rhode Island. This benefit is just the same as signing out a book. Who knew? Fishing poles, rods and reels, etc. I was told that folks can even borrow tools, and other household items that are often used rarely, but mean we have to usually buy them. Items such as picture hanging kits, and levelers, stud finders, just to name a few. This is one of the well-hidden mysteries here in Rhode Island. Check out the link to see which location is closest to you. The Glocester Library is within a 3-minute walk for me.
Check out Cranston Public Library’s offerings – HERE
Surfcasting with Veterans
Since we are on the fishing topic:
Thursday, Sept. 12, 4:30 to 7 p.m. – Annual Surfcasting event with the Narragansett Surfcasters, at Scarborough Beach, Narragansett. Narragansett Surf Casters (NSC) and DEM will partner with the Vet Center to teach surfcasting skills to 20 veterans. NSC volunteers will partner with participating vets and provide personal instruction. They will also provide all necessary equipment. This event is limited to 20 participants, so sign up early by calling the Vet Center at (401) 739-0167 or by emailing edward at [email protected].
Support the URI Rifle Team
Mentioned in an article some time ago was the fact that URI now has a shooting team. There is a fundraiser going on and here are the details:
September 22, 2024 from 1-4pm – URI Rifle Fundraiser.
Register ONLINE at
$25 per person (space is limited).
All proceeds go to URI Rifle to offset costs of clothing, gear, and travel.
Also, make sure to follow the URI Rifle team on Facebook and on Instagram:

2A Update
While Amicus Briefs are starting to pour in for the multitude of 2A cases at SCOTUS I want to bring to light a new case that will cause the anti-gun advocates many a sleepless night going forward. In the Federal District court for Central Illinois a gun owner has brought about a lawsuit against some IL police officers who allegedly made false statements causing the gun owner, Ronald Kilman, to be Red Flagged and lose his Second Amendment rights by having his CCW taken away, as well as other permits.
Police officer Nicolas Heinz and others sought to have the case dismissed but the federal Judge denied the motion. It is unknown what the monetary amount being sought by Kilman is, but I would guess to the tune of $500,000. That is a large sum of money to come out of the officer’s personal pockets as a result of making false statements.
This is a very interesting case to watch as it throws qualified immunity right out the window. So, if police officers who violate a person’s second amendment rights lose their qualified immunity and can get sued, personally, who is next, elected officials? Sleep well RI legislators, I told you this was coming!
Til next week – Jeff

Jeffrey “Jeff” Gross spent 21 years as an Analytical Chemist at the USCG R&D Center in Groton, Connecticut, Woods Hole Laboratories, and Helix Technologies. Changing careers is a “great learning experience for everyone”, Jeff says, and I’m an avid outdoorsman and conservationist, a student of the sciences, and the world. The US holds too many wonders not to take a chance and explore them”.
Jeff is the Model Train and Railroad entrepreneur. Proud Golden Retriever owner. Ultra strong Second Amendment Advocate and Constitutionalist. “Determined seeker of the truth”. Jeff is a RIFGPA Legislative and Legal Officer, Freshwater Chairman, NRA Liaison.
His subjects include Outdoors, Second Amendment, Model Railroading, Commentary, and Whimsical. He can be reached at: [email protected].
Great reading as usual Jeff! I am back home again.